2018. április 30., hétfő

Yall r gay

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(NSFW)Selling Nudes of Thick think. 18M (NSFW)

$5 dick pic. With screen shot$10 dick pic doing what every you want. With screen shot.$20 doing what every you want. With screen shot.SC rhys2302

I'm gay or at least bi, and I don't want to be.

I just don't want to be gay. I don't want to be any of those things that are associated with being gay. I don't want to find guys attractive, and I don't want to live like this.

Gay Dilemma

Hello, I just need to express myself. I live in Chicago. Here, as a homosexual I am married, I am happy and I have the possibility to be respected in general as a person, something that my country (in Latin America) can not offer me. If I go back to stay at my country with my guy (who is american), not only we would not be married, but we would not be respected either. We would be called names, etc. Yes, in my country the situation is still like that.I need to go visit my family at my country, 'cause they don't have visas to come.Right now, I am in the process to get my residence in the US and it is taking A LOT more time than we expected. If I leave this country (which I can do any day) I would not be able to get back here, my process would be cancelled, my past VISA is cancelled. We would have to start everything from cero if I wanna come back and it would mean to do it: me from my country and my guy from here (separated again for months and maybe close to a year or more).What is the problem? my mother... I feel, she misses me so much (and also because my homosexuality is so controversial still for them) I think she is dying, I feel her depressed, this is desperating and I feel guilty with every step I take, with every smile and momento of happiness I have, I feel like I am killing my mother. I try to ask them to be patient (and I am trying to be patient too), but it is really hard... lawyers don't make this fast and I am desperate. I want to wait, but I am scare, scare that at some point they will tell me my mother kill herself and I will feel it's my fault. I am just trying to make my life, to survive, to be in the place where it is better for me to be. I don't know what to do. If I leave I will stay months away from my husband (and he is fine with that, he says that if I leave he will go visit, but it is not the same for me, I don't wanna stay there living) and if I stay, my mother will get saddest. I don't know, maybe I am the most selfish person ever or I should stay, the only truth is that I am impatient, that I need my papers and I need now, I pray, I ask, I... I need those papers fast. My life is out my control right now, what do you think of all this?I ask my mother to be patient and she says she is working on it, but I am losing hope and getting lost.

Does anyone else find it upsetting that Disobedience is only being shown in just a few theaters in NYC?

My queer friends and I want to see the film and it feels like showings are being stifled...

Is heterophobia a good analogy for reverse racism?

It exists, and it isn't right either way, but heterophobia/racism towards white people will never be the same as homophobia/racism towards black people, at least in America. Thoughts?I know people who hate white and/or straight people, and it's wrong. And trust me, people of color can be extremely racist. But at the same time, it feels uncomparable. Straight people will never have to worry about having their marriage rights taken away, and white people don't need a stuffed animal in the passenger seat to prevent from being pulled over.So when someone says "the Irish were slaves too" or that "saying Ready Player 1 was too hetero is offensive", I don't know what to say.Just want a civil discussion tbh

Gay Landmarks Quiz. How Many Can You Get?


Ian McKellen Ftw


Hostelworld's favourite LGBT cities


The Best Day After


Is my friend gay? HELP

This is going to be a somewhat long post but I really would love some opinions and insight.I have had a very, very strong crush on my straight friend for over a year. A while ago, I had a very, very faint feeling he could be gay. One day he told me that he had a deep dark secret. He was raped by his male cousin as a child multiple times. He tells me that its messed up his sexuality etc. I play cool, and the next day I say that I had something similar happen to me. When I was very young, like first grade, my neighbor (same age) came up with sexual games and played them with me. I had no idea what sex or sexuality was. Now i'm gay. I told him about that.AS SOON AS I TOLD HIM about how my neighbor played sexual games with me when i was little, (In my opinion i think this casued me to be gay but im not here to argue that) he starts hitting on me. I call him a stupid nick name and he says oo i like when you call me names. He eventually calls me his "video game boyfriend" (we play a lot of video games together). He says im handsome, he even on multiple occasions tells me "im going to send you dick pics". He tells me one day "wine makes me want to kiss my friends, and my friends are boys". Theres a lot more. I even saw him out at a bar one night and he kissed me on the cheek twice saying he was so excited to see me.My friend has had girlfriends and fucked girls. He actively pursues girls. I understand that he likes girls. But i think he also may like boys. Its killing me to think that there is this possibility that he may be bi. He said hes had a hard time getting up sometimes because of anxiety or something.He denies being gay and says that he was just fooling around ever since I told him I was gay. He cut the sexual comments, and flirting and jokes. But for him to suddnely to start it all after i relate my sexual abuse to his doesnt seem like coincidence.Its been a while, but last night he was asking me about how im doing in regards to dating. I told him its hard and he tells me he fucked a girl this weekend. I say I still think your a little gay and he says hes like a girl. He appreciates a man's handsomeness and even has a crush on a male actor but hes not gay.WTFDo i give up or do i keep shooting me shot?Also, I know his exgirlfriend has bi sexual tendancies as well. The first time she masterbated was to a girl and she deff has a thing for girls.

Why I always ask for more than 1 pic on Dating Apps


Spread love, not hate. No Shade 2k18.


Little story about growing up with dad, the racist, sexist, homophobe

My father was born in the '50's, on a farm, in a very rural area and had the type of attitude that came with such an upbringing. Growing up, it was not uncommon to hear him saying hateful things that probably would have messed me up a lot more if it weren't for my mother. I remember staying with him at some point in my late teens and hearing him respond to a news piece on the local gay pride event with, "We should just take all those niggers and fags and give them a free cruise, and then nuke the mother fucker in the middle of the ocean". I'll admit, that hurt, but i hadn't come out yet so i just sat there emotionless. At that point i was in a long distance relationship with my highschool sweetheart who is litterally a culmination of everything people like that fear. Black, happy, gay, and scariest of all, an immigrant. I hadn't come out by this point so i sat there, emotionless, as long as i could before i excused myself and drove straight to a drug dealers house. After that day, i only slept there during the week out of convenience because we worked together but as soon as i got paid i set aside just enough cash for essentials and would disappear until Sunday night. Eventually, he decided to move states away so I made the logical decision and moved in with the afore mentioned drug dealer.... That was 6 years ago. In the first year i had nearly died a few times. In less than six months, i had gone from 225 pounds of muscle to a size 2 in jeans and i had always been a big guy ( on the plus side my aunt became a vegetarian because i lied about how i lost weight). I became toxic to everyone around me, and with every person i met, addiction spread like wild fire. Because every person i met was potential net profit to feed an endless addiction. I came out to him two years ago on my birthday after a bottle of whiskey. He told me he loved me, no matter what and he really meant it. I look back on everything i went through before that moment came and i have to laugh at myself a little because according to him, being a man of experience includes every experience. Turns out, his rough exterior was all a front and I've never had a better friend in my life. Also, he's become a totally different person since then. It's amazing.

13 celebrities who have come out later in life


How to make the first step

I'm a shy person in general and have big issues with my selfesteem, taking the first step is really hard and makes me get an anxiety attack.But I'd love to give the guy I love a BJ or go even further. I'm the first boy that he's getting intimate with and we both are shy in person but talk about everything over texting, I know what he likes, same contrary.I'm a virgin and worry about not being good in bed and all those standart thoughts. I really want to overcome my insecurity, but I start shaking as soon as it goes further than kissing. I've read everything about sex and bj's but what if I'm really bad at it?Do you have similar worries and if so how do you get over them and go for it?thx beforehand for all your suggestions.

Straight guys are insecure af


2018. április 29., vasárnap

Eh kind of feeling unwanted

I understand that it’s kind of silly to be discouraged that I don’t seem to fit many people’s “type” but I am. I’m six ft. with brown hair and blue eyes. I’m on the skinnier side of the spectrum (130). My skin is pretty pale and I wear circular glasses. I’m shy. People often say I’m “soft spoken”. I’d love to be cuddled. In fact I like touch in general but I’m usually too nervous to initiate it. Anyway, if you made it through that eye rolling description, what I’m wondering is: would you go for me? Do I fit any of you guys’ “types”?

How do I find help? (25 M) /triggerwarning/

Hello. I am an army vet and have been seeing an army psychologist and psychiatrist for the last year and a half. My treatment has mainly focused on personal acceptance of my sexuality and sexual abuse I endured as a child. My psychologist recommended PFLAG some while ago but my anxiety and depression has kept me from reaching out. Sadly I'm no longer able to see the same providers as Im now medically retired.Is there a 3rd party source that guides to providers who specialize in LGBT mental health?My sexuality and accepting my past is clearly the driving force for my anxiety, depression and suicidal/self harm behaviors.

Hawaii becomes 12th state to ban gay conversion therapy for minors


I can’t.


My Mama made me the BEST birthday cake this year!


Top Reasons to Travel Solo as a Gay Guy


Odd situation, Advice needed

So, this may take a few seconds to comprehend, anyways. Me and my boyfriend (we’re gay), go to the same school and have the majority of our classes together. The problem is we’re both in the closet and no one knows about our relationship, and LGBTQ rights aren’t a thing here at all.So all that out of the way, we go to an all boys school, and one of my classmates keeps touching my boyfriend every chance he gets, and I know I may sound like a jealous boyfriend but the amount of times and ways he touches my boyfriend are really unnecessary.This has been going on for over 3 months now and today, after my boyfriend told him that he touches him a lot, he said that he at least doesn’t touch him that much and goes in to hug my boyfriend, he clenched in to my boyfriends waist and hugs as hard as he can and pushes his head into my boyfriend. My boyfriend tries pushing him away but he doesn’t stop until my boyfriend hurts him to make him stop.Me and my boyfriend talked about it and we both agree that it’s kinda weird and getting out of hand. We don’t know what to do and we can’t just come out to him to make him stop.What should we do?

Joy Reid Admits To Writing Homophobic Articles: “I Have To Own This”


Straight here, and not a homophobe. Having a hard time finding the original Joy Reid posts. For my own information, what about them came across as homophobic? I'd welcome some insightful comments on what they meant to the gay community.

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Should I invite my ex for vacation trip

My ex and I broke up almost a year ago, but on a good term. Both of us are still single( I think he still is). Usually in the mid year, we will travel together to visit places. Recently we hung out. I’m solo traveling soon, and he got to know it. He said he plans to travel, but no one travels with him and It’s impossible for him to travel alone. I don’t know if he hints me to invite him to join me. But deep inside I feel sad. When we travel in the mid year, we travel on his birthday (few years back). There are few concerns if I would like to bring him for my trip: 1. I started working out recently, so I changed my lifestyle. I monitor what I eat and wanting to have a healthy lifestyle. I minimize unhealthy food intake. Him on the other hand, he eats foods like normal people do especially unhealthy foodsI don’t know how to react when we travel together. We can’t treat each other like last time (lovey dovey). If I react differently, would it make him sad when we think back of the pastI would probably flirting with other people when I travel. That will be awkward when he’s around. I’m sure he will be sadCome people here give me some opinions? Should I invite him or not? Thanks peeps

Slow fade? Confused about dating a guy

Hey everyone, I need to pour out my heart out somewhere and figured this would be a suitable place for it.As for the backstory, I met this wonderful guy in Grindr almost 3 months ago. We instantly clicked and found out we had so much to talk about, unlike most of the guys I had talked to before (in other places as well, not only Grindr). He seemed to be genuinely interested in keeping up the conversation with me and so far, we have been texting every single day for the past 3 months. We exchanged our numbers a while ago and continued texting via WhatsApp.I finally had the courage to ask him out after texting for 1,5 months. He said that he had also been thinking of asking me out, so I was glad about it. We met, talked for hours and in the end of the date, he said he was interested on meeting me again.We went on a second one date where we had a lot of fun together, after this the texts got a lot more flirtatious. He said he would've been up for kissing after our second date and I wholeheartedly agreed. We planned on meeting for the third time in a short timespan.This is the point where things get confusing. We had our third date, we were both really looking forward to sharing our first kiss together. However, I didn't really have guts to do it in public, so I asked if I could come over to his place which was nearby. One thing led to another and I ended up spending the night at his place. We cuddled and kissed for hours in the night and repeated the same thing in the morning. We also had some foot play and he spooned me at one point in the night when we were trying to sleep, indicating that maybe he has some feelings towards me?That said, after spending the night together, he has seemed to become more distant and reluctant to receive any flirting or compliments from me.. I've tried to keep my messages more mundane and avoid any excess flirting or pressuring. However, I did want to invite him over to my place in the weekend but he told me he is busy, which I know is not an excuse. But I still feel bad if I'm pushing him too hard and being too eager, I just hope I didn't mess up entirely by trying to invite him over.So far, I have mostly been the one taking the initiative when planning on doing something together. Albeit, he has always said that he's glad to meet up with me. He did have some tentative plans on what we could possibly do in the future, but nothing concrete. After we spent the night together, he's kind of become more distant and withdrawn or maybe I'm just overthinking and need to give him some time? Because at the current state he's texting to me in a way, that you would text to a friend. Like there's nothing between us. Despite the daily texting, it just doesn't feel the same for some reason.It's just that I genuinely care about him, he's a person that is easy to talk to and someone I definitely don't want to pressure. He has said to me before that he's not interested in casual hookups, so I don't know if the night together meant anything at all.. I don't know if he just came to a realization that maybe it's not worth trying anything serious with me, that we don't really click enough.. :(I've been feeling a bit down in the recent days. I'm unsure if I should let him do the initiative on whether he wants to meet up or not. It really hurts when you're emotionally invested in someone and your feelings seem to be unrequited.

Carly Rae Jepsen is our Queen

Cut To The Feeling by Carly Rae Jepsen is the best song of the century. Such a great gay anthem!

There has been a report to say 1% of the world population is gay, this seems so low to me. I always thought it was 10%

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Pride! What songs would you include on this playlist?


Personal story

So the other day I took some acid and went and watched love Simon in IMAX. It was pretty dope. I mean, it wasn’t the best movie, but it’s still had a really profound impact on my confidence. Acid is dope tho. Idk if drugs are allowed in these posts. But yea. If any of you saw it let me know your thoughts?

Question for gay guys here: why do you think that heterosexual men that pride themselves on their heterosexuality wind up doing stuff like this as some sort of rite of passage for manliness? (High school hazing)

Seems to be prevalent that a lot of males who pride themselves on their straightness and hatred of gays, do a lot of stuff involving the male body. Is it fear? Do you think there's some correlation between those who hate homosexuals, and those are deeply in the closet?https://ift.tt/2r95LPo

Okay so I don't know if this is the right place but I'm so confused.

Okay so I feel super...weird. Okay, so I like girls I know that for a fact. I've never been attracted to guys. But the other day I was on Reddit and saw something.It was a pic of a guy cosplaying or something and he looked exactly like a girl. Like exactly. People were commenting on how yes, he was a guy. Now, I have been attracted to transgender girls before, so whatever that makes me whatever.But then like, when I imagined, wearing clothes, girl clothes, nice ones, I got this really nice feeling. I joked about it "waking something up inside me." But now I keep thinking about how nice I felt. Imagining myself like that. But only if I could look the part. Nice hair and everything .My family would not accept this. I doubt they'd hurt me but I know they wouldn't look at me the same ever again.But then I look at people like Lauren Mayberry or Cara Delevinge and think "God, I wish....I could look like that.Even as I type this I feel so stupid. I know nothings wrong with it. But why do I feel so bad?I'm sorry if I'm in the wrong place. I feel bad. Just, I'm sorry if I offended anyone I'm confused.Help?

What are some good gay songs you bros listen to

Bottom text

Can a 31 y/o bottom date in Seattle?

So I'm a 31 y/o man just outside of Seattle. I've got a pretty good job, I'm definitely considered cute and I'm in shape without having a six pack. The thing is as a student I'm not incredibly well off, I've got roommates (that I adore), and I'm fairly busy. I'm wondering, in everyone's opinion, do I even have a chance dating guys here? Seattle has a lot of gays that make good money in the tech field, and although I'm working hard both at work and school, I wonder if that's enough for the guys my age that already have their careers together. I'm honestly becoming a nurse to help people as well as have a better life. Thanks for your input

Got a tattoo to remember pulse


2018. április 28., szombat

Barbara Bush told the top ten authors in the world this about LGBT during a private lunch in her apartment at the presidential library.


Something nice happened to me

So I was out at some bars last night and it’s iowa so pretty sure it’s just conservative as fuck and I should lay low. I am outside smoking and I start talking to this couple and their friend who is third wheeling. I run into them again and this guy (third wheel) keeps talking to me and I’m trying to play straight or whatever, but he’s really cute and he asks if he can give me a hug and we hugged. Then, as they left and the girl who was with them says something like “I hope you find who you’re looking for.” I think they knew I was gay, and I felt really accepted by their response. I had been questioning myself about whether or not I was really gay but the whole night I didn’t really care for any of the women I saw. Then I met them and I was comfortable with who I was for a second. It felt so great to have someone A. Want to hug me and B. Tell me that they are basically ok with who I am. I am gonna cherish that for a long time.

Did you know that Tchaikovsky was probably gay? Like ... damn ...


Something really nice happened to me

So I was out at some bars last night and it’s iowa so pretty sure it’s just conservative as fuck and I should lay low. I am outside smoking and I start talking to this couple and their friend who is third wheeling. I run into them again and this guy (third wheel) keeps talking to me and I’m trying to play straight or whatever, but he’s really cute and he asks if he can give me a hug and we hugged. Then, as they left and the girl who was with them says something like “I hope you find who you’re looking for.” I think they knew I was gay, and I felt really accepted by their response. I had been questioning myself about whether or not I was really gay but the whole night I didn’t really care for any of the women I saw. Then I met them and I was ok with who I was for a second. It felt so great to have someone A. Want to hug me and B. Tell me that they are basically ok with who I am. I am gonna cherish that for a long time.

When his parents ship you two, they are happy with his choice of penis.

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My partner and I just came out to our respective parents, so I decided to get a tattoo to celebrate. The Chinese characters says "Love Means Love".


No relation at all /s


A gay son! Mom finds out

So again ill keep this short and to the point. A couple days ago I texted my mother and finally told my mother about my love for sucking big fat cock.I got a text back from her saying "is that really true" I told her yes it is you have a gay son and i hope that everything will be ok. She then sends me this text to which it said " iv always know you like cock ever since i saw you sucking Your buddies cock when you were 16 on your room on your knees. guess you didn't feel like closeing your door fully cause I saw you suck his cock and I saw you take that boys thick load of cum on your face" I was shocked I asked her why she didn't say anyrhing to me and she told me she wanted to wait for me to be ready to tell her

How do you know if a guy is gay

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Unsure if this is love and what to do.

Don't worry, this isn't a post about a toxic or difficult relationship. But you should probably not read this if you have a low tolerance for cringe.Situation: Me and this guy (we're both furries, not sure it matters) have been talking for a year now. I've never really seen him as more than a friend, but he asked me to date a couple days ago to which I positively replied. We've been online role playing (cringe alert) since the beginning, as many furries do. Just simply gentle stuff, cuddling, sometimes sex.The problem: He's in the US, I'm in Europe. This is also the main reason I never wanted to think of him more. He is also a couple years younger than me, 18, while I am 21 (not that that's a problem though). Unfortunately however, as caring as he is, he is also very dependant on me, and it would hurt him greatly if I dropped him; he's expressed many times that he has struggles in his life and no quite real friends besides me.Now, as many guys do, I've been craving physical affection for years, which is only partially satisfied by the above mentioned literary role plays. This, of course, can't be fixed in a long distance relationship such as this, and we are far from able to meet each other for many years to come.Now my concern: I'm not sure if I really love him. We've spent so much time together "cuddling", but nearly no time of that was spent talking about interests or things we may have in common. I feel like I hardly know him, but since he's the only person I can talk to about my problems, I keep being around him. He gives me affection, hugs, cuddles (albeit all virtual) and it feels enjoyable, but I fear there's nothing more beyond that.The reasons: I certainly think my chronic depression is a big factor in why I keep coming back to him and why my brain thinks he'd be so good as a partner; he's just very supportive. He makes me feel wanted, when nobody else does, he's literally the only person I consider a friend. So, of course I would use him as a shoulder to lean on, and the same way I listen to him. I just don't know if I really love him.My goals: As mentioned earlier, what I am really aiming for is real, physical affection. An actual relationship in real life, not a long-distance, online thing. I want to find a boy for myself, hug and cuddle and kiss him. I want to feel what real love is, the tingling sensation in my stomach and be with someone that I can see and speak to daily.I am a little socially anxious however, so if anything, I would start getting to know people in my area over an app (another scary thing, because I know a lot of people are creepy and many won't resonate with me). I've never had an actual relationship, I've never had anybody like or love me and pretty much nobody talks to me. I'm by no means unattractive, but as it seems I'm not desirable either. I am openly gay, but definitely don't look like it and don't shove it in people's faces either.My question is now, what do you think I should do? As I said, I'm 21, looking for guys within 2-3 years of my own and people that will be able to fulfill some or even most of my needs. Of course, I want to give back as well, caring is a fulfilling act. (As a side-question: I do believe I'm asexual, but homo-romantic, butt-stuff isn't that great to me, but I would perhaps endure it. Are there guys who can deal with this or is it a no-go?)I'm just scared I will hurt my currently best friend (or pseudo-boyfriend) so much he'll fall into a deep, dark hole if I told him (I wouldn't tell him until I actually have someone IRL anyways).- Ero

Joy Reid Offers A Heart-Felt Apology To LGBT Community.


TFW your roommate tries to catfish you on Grindr as Shrek...


(Openly Gay) Hiphop Artist From New York/Boston. Follow me on IG: @MedinoGreen 💚


Dating advice

Hello! I'm 33 and fairly new to the gay dating scene unfortunately (or any dating scene for that matter). I've tried Tinder and OkCupid without any luck. I'm no good at bars since I end up getting nervous and drinking more then I should, so I just end up drunk and nervous which is not a good combo.In a drunken state last night, I set up Grindr and added a photo before passing out. I got several messages but I'm not sure the best way to proceed. I know this sounds so pathetic and stupid, but I just don't know what I'm doing. kind of want to explore the hook up side of this scene but I'm scared. I live by myself but I feel weird inviting random people over. Any advice? Things to look out for?Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Am I gay?

I don’t really know what am I: gay, bisexual or straight.So basically I thought I was romantically straight, sexually gay. Every time I get horny, I start watching gay porn and it really turns me on, but after I finish I feel disgusted at it. That doesn’t happen when I watch straight porn, but I don’t enjoy it as much.Also, I had sex with another man for the first time yesterday. And I didn’t enjoy it. I came quickly and after that all I could think was “I want this to end. I am not gay”.

Repressed Sexuality

Repressed gay man most of my life (33). Now, that I am out, all I can think about is ravaging or being ravaged by a man, 24/7. Would you be scared of someone like me, or find it appealing?

Troye Sivan: I cried when I realised I fancied Zac Efron


Whether I be dominant with a woman or submissive with a man these are my favourite positions, what are yours?


I’m so confused with this

Snapchat; benitorees

I feel ostracized

I'm a 25 year old gay cis man that recently moved to nyc (almost a year) from the midwest. Historically 99% of my friends are straight. In the midwest there were gay clicks that I tried to join but whenever I would join them they'd walk away from me and not invite me out again. In NYC people are cooler but I still haven't really been invited out by gay guys or made new gay friends. I moved in with two strangers who are gay and they're nice but don't seem keen on hanging with me outside of the apartment or going to gay bars together. I'm tall, blond, blue eyes, thin, and good fashion sense (aka people generally think I'm pretty dang attractive). I have a college degree and I'm working on my MA at one of the best schools in the world. I'm a good problem solver and I've come at this from a lot of directions but I honestly don't know what else I can do. Just a world I've wanted to be a part of so badly but one which I feel like always turns away from me.I appreciate any advice. I don't need sympathy, "sorry that's happening to you" or cliche answers. I'm hoping for practical advice from other guys who have been where I am or other insights. I'd be glad to elaborate if answering questions would help.Thanks y'all.

Russia website wants users to hunt gays in Saw-inspired horror 'game'


2018. április 27., péntek

Ada Vox On “American Idol” Stardom: “I Am Standing For Something That Is So Much Bigger Than Myself”


Anyone know who is this guy? Been dying to know his name or in case you got his IG, feel free to share.


One last time hopefully

hello reddit. i've shared my story with my boyfriend and and it's months later and it's still going. hopefully this is my last entry. we tried to make it work after realizing how wrapped up in each other we were. more stuff happened. I was beat once. I was cheated on every day but I endured it because I had strayed once too and I thought i deserved it. We were running from hotel to hotel together trying to make us last as long as possible. his family took me in for a little until he kicked me out of the blue when he was starting a new job. I was so sad and suicidal and admitted myself to a hospital. I got out and moved back into my now supportive parents. I tried so hard to make it work. I told him i was determined to love him and care for him as much as I could if he promised to do the same. he would agree but turn against me not too long after that. i had to beg him out of his anxiety ridden mind in where he thought i was planning to hurt him. we were driving each other insane. i had a panic attack because i didn't know what he wanted from me i was willing to forgive him and love him which is what he swore he wanted but he pushed me away so much. he pushed me so much. and still i didn't abandon him. i held him when he cried. I now realize he's not my burden anymore but it hurts so much. I don't blame him for anything. I don't resent him for anything. my confidence and self esteem are non existant but I don't blame him. we destroyed each other so much. i think it was too late a couple of months ago. I'm so stupid. I'm so so stupid. he's a lost soul looking for company and for someone to hold his hand but he didn't let me. i'm so broken. i threw myself at him and he accepted and then didn't and then did. he's born from all this sadness and pain and now I'm a part of that. I don't hate him. I love him so much. I want him to help he needs but I don't even think that's possible in his current household with a mom who gave him oxys all throughout high schools and a loud, mean brother. i didn't want this for him. i didn't want to. why is this so hard? why did he have to hurt me so much so constantly. I wanted to give him all of me but he wouldn't take my hand. no matter how much he wanted to he wouldn't take my hand. i can't help but feel such heavy guilt. it's really over now. i don't know what's going to happen to him but i'm going to worry every single day. I'm going to cry every single day because i won't know how he is or how he is doing and pray to anything out there that he is fine and okay. i'm so broken. i'm so so so so so broken. why does it hurt so much. why did i let myself become so involved. i was so naive. i was looking to be loved and to love. what do i do. please help me

Janelle Monae Comes Out as Pansexual in ‘Rolling Stone’ Interview.


Is it normal to be gay

i think i might be gay

Why do people shame bottoms so much?

I am a 26 year old gay guy. I was hanging out with some new gay friends the other day and one of them is a friend with benefits. So they all started guessing who the top and bottom was and they called me out for being the bottom. I didn’t want them to know either way but my friend told them I was a bottom. And then he was like he’s a good little bitch too. They all started laughing and just kept going. They just kept making jokes about me being a bottom. One of the guys was like does it bother you that we all view you as a woman now. I defended myself and they were like men don’t get down on their knees and take cocks up their ass. They seriously would not stop and I got pretty upset. Then they mocked me for getting upset and started saying things like of course now the bitch is gonna cry. They even started to physical mess with me and joke that I would probably take all their dicks if they gave me the chance. I have a lot of other problems in my life (including a major drug problem right now) and I need support in my life, no ridicule. I started to find new friends recently because I felt like all my old friends were judging me (especially for my drug problem) and they were becoming distant. Why are people so mean and why do bottoms get messed with so much? We are all gay and some guys have to be the bottoms. You figure tops like that would appreciate bottoms more. I wanted/want to get back at them somehow but I’m not the most clever person and I couldn’t think of anything to say to them. And the things I did say to them they just responded by saying you take it up the ass. No one here respects you. What kind of friends are these people? Not one of them has apologized and they’ve even kept it going on a group text and 1 on 1 towards me when I’ve interacted with some of them alone. I told my fwb how messed up it was the other day and all he had to say was you know you liked all those people knowing I fuck you. Ughhhh what’s wrong with the gay community?

Is being gay supposed to be this lonely?

Tl;dr: It's probably just me. Don't mind my 4:30am ramblings lol.I'm sitting here thinking of what to write. I'm wondering if what I write will get me bashed on here or have someone tell me to "just get out there and try." I have tried going to local gay groups in the past, but I don't ever feel comfortable, and 9 times out of 10, I'm the the odd one out (youngest, my appearance is different, etc.). I have never found a place to fit into, much less the gay community in my area.Is it bad that I sometimes wonder how my life would be if I were straight? It's entirely possible it could've been worse, but I run to the idea that maybe, just maybe, I'd have a lot of close friends, have parents who support me more, not be so afraid to say what I want to say or do what I want to do. I wonder if I were gay and white, I'd be more likable, more tolerable, or maybe more attractive to the same gender. That might be controversial or even offensive to some, but those are my thoughts.But then I think, being gay has nothing to do with my personality. I could be straight and be sitting here writing on r/lonelystraightmen or something wondering if I were gay, I'd be more popular. I see that all the time in the media and in movies and I consume it because it is something I wish to be but am not and probably will never be. Gay movies feel somewhat similar and tell us that if you're gay your friend or classmates will take a sudden interest in you, you'll automatically look and dress better, and you will win the love interest at the end of the day.I had a good friend recently that was gay and I had a good time with, but feelings and drama got in the way and it was too toxic of a relationship. I wonder if I didn't have the feelings, if I could've just seen him as a friend maybe just maybe I would be a little less lonely. But it's me, its always me.I'm sorry for anybody who had to read this incredibly stupid, childish rantings of someone almost in his 30s. I just wonder if anybody else feels this sense of "Why did the universe put me down this path that I couldn't decide?" and feel a deep loneliness that may or may not be attributed to being gay or trans or anything other than straight and cis. I just wish I had someone I could trust to be a crutch right now and enjoy talking to without it being awkward like it normally is for me and without feelings getting in the way.

Losing virginity

Usually I like girls. Always been interested in guys but never tried. I'm a very muscular good looking guy and I get a lot of attention, but never wanted to lose virginity because of religious beliefs. Now kind of exploring and looking into guys.In the past week I've sucked my first 4 cocks and enjoyed it. I'm just into cocks though, I'm a straight guy who isn't interested in kissing other guys or anything. I used Grindr for three of the cocks and had good experiences.I've never fucked a guy or girl before because of past religious beliefs, and thinking of fucking this guy on Grindr. I only like cock so I'm not really interested in making it all romantic, it'd probably turn me off. How should I go about this? With sucking usually I meet them somewhere and straight up blow them. I can read people well, and usually tell what kind of a person they are by talking to them online. I'm pretty picky too.Is this a terrible idea? Any advice? Obv I'll use a condom but is there anything else I should do?

Does bottoming change your facial features?

I’m from India and here most bottoms look quite different from straight men! Like one can easily make out that they must be homo. I have never tried anal but would love to bottom someday! I’m also scared of its side effects. Can people share their experiences plz?



Tried my own cum last night now I want another guy to cum in my mouth and give me a blow job after. PM me if you’re in the Sacramento area

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This was among a bunch of awesome shit out back at the coolest bar I have been to recently


Why am i so Stupid?!

i realize i like a guy, and it´s okay, but this guy is not gay, what i am going to do. what should i do? i am fuked upon this.

Gay love is such a wonderful thing...


2018. április 26., csütörtök

Is it gay to have sex with another man if you say no homo?

Cus this guy I'm sleeping with thinks I'm gay but I keep saying no homo and it's not working. Serious answers only please I can't figure out what makes people think I'm gay

Greg Sarris — Novelist, Screenwriter, Professor, and Indian Chief and he is out and proud.


The UK's most prominent gay politician is having a baby


I'm not interested in flamboyant guys but I've wanted a boyfriend since middle school.

I've been at a community college this semester but I'm going to a real university next year and I'm dying to meet a guy. I'm not really interested in one night stands and fuck buddy shit. I'm nineteen and I've never been kissed or had a real relationship.So I've asked this question everywhere and all the advice I can get online is "Surround yourself with LGBT people" or literally go around telling everyone you can how gay you are. I have no problem with people knowing I'm gay, but I don't want that image. I'm not sassy and girly, and there's nothing wrong with that but it's not who I am and it's DEFINITELY not a turn-on for me. I want to know if there's any good way to find a real boyfriend in college. Not the guy who wears tight clothing and has a bunch of girlfriends and walks like a prom queen wearing a rainbow shirt. I want a boyfriend who acts like a dude but everyone like that seems to be straight.If anyone here has ever dated a "straight-acting" guy in college, how did it happen? How did you find him? I'm cursed because I like guys who are manly and play sports and shit. The straighter a guy seems to be the more attractive that is. Am I alone on this?Do guys like this ever date other men? I can't go through college single. I'm lonely as fuck.

Not sure if he's playing

So I've been seeing this guy for a short time. I just wanna know of he's even worth it before I start liking him.He texted me on grindr a few weeks ago and we hit it off, we moved to instagram. We went for our first date and I slept over (😏). Few days later I texted him if he wants to hang so he invited me to sleep over again which I did, he asked me to swap numbers that time. Then things started to get wierd. From day #1 he was really shady with social media, even on grindr, his activity would be like once in a few days. I invited him to get drinks w me the other day, he said he's on-board, then later texted something shady about not making it on time, and he made it very vague so I didn't know if he meant a little bit later or a whole other day. I was dumbfounded. He texted late at night saying how hes sorry but didnt say anything about meeting again. I talked to a friend that said he knows him and that hes a major fuckboy, but again, dont know if its jealousy or truth. Today I texted him about getting a drink again, he said yes, but when I wanted to arrange the place and time, he's offline for a few hours now. Im just super confused and anxious about the whole situation and I would like some advice, whether should I just stop trying and move on or keep going with him.

My Mum keeps asking "Are you sure you're gay"?

Hi all. I told my parents about 1.5 years ago that I was gay, and a few times she's asked me "Are you sure you're gay?" She's not religious or homophobic or anything, she was fairly cool when my sister decided she was gay.I'm 31, and I feel I'm gay. I've been intimate with 7 guys (not that she knows that!), dated 3 guys, watched a lot of gay p*** in the past, and basically feel gay. I don't understand women, I'm kindof scared of their parts, and I've only liked 1 or 2 before my puberty hit. Whereas when puberty hit, I basically thought about guys non-stop, even if I didn't really act on it.But when my mum asks me, it makes me doubt myself. I'm gay, but I've very subdued, quiet, I'm not a loud-and-proud out-gay man. I haven't even told my siblings yet. I have a long history of difficulty making decisions, flip-flopping, a regular Hamlet, never really being 100% sure on anything.I like guys, but I get a bit apprehensive about guy-parts. I get kindof embarrassed about sex, I've never felt totally comfortable talking about it or having it. I like the romance of a relationship, I just am having trouble adjusting to the sexual part. Maybe she's sensing that and that's why she's making me doubt myself?

What are some things that you, as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, think about when considering a company to begin or grow a career in?

I am talking industry, benefits, culture, amenities and activities. What are some things that worked in the past? What didn't?


So I met this guy a few weeks ago and had sex with him. I messeged him some time after but he didn't reply( I sent like 6 messeges). I messeged him again today and he said I was annoying and I said ok I won't messege you again and he said it's already too late you will take the consequences of your actions, watch out. And I said what do you want I didn't do anything and he didn't reply. What do I make of this threats? Do you think he was being serious. I am very frightened he knows where I live. Do you think he just said it so I wouldn't bother him again?

Summer is just along the corner🔥💕


Is this guy closeted?

Hey all,I met an amazing guy at a Subway yesterday at night, when there wasn't much movement. I had a chat with the manager of that store, and when I said I needed help with writing a résumée, he told me he could help me with it. So I stayed there after the shift, waiting for him to be done with everything.Then we left and we went to my place, and after he helped me with writing it, we just chilled in bed, talking about ourselves and some nonsense. He said many things that made me suspicious that he wasn't straight. He was very comfortable with me just lying on his stomach while he was resting on my pillow, and when I held his hand, he sort of freaked out and asked me if I liked guys.I said yes, and he was ok with that and with what we were doing (I was extremely embarassed though). He said he had one or two experiences with men and he liked it, but he told me he'd not date guys, and he basically confessed that he's bi-curious.I felt disappointed hearing that, but we were good. When he left my place, I talked to a friend and she told me that he's probably closeted. But I don't know, I do believe that someone can be limited to enjoying the sexual part with a gender and only love another. I believe in what he said, but a part of me wishes he actually wants to love guys, but he may be afraid of that, which is a shame because he looks exactly what I find hot, plus I loved his personality.What do you guys think he is?

M4M looking for a top near Dumfries VA

Looking to bottom and suck some dick sometime this week. I'm a vers, vers to the front 5.7 220 ddf. Dm for more replies. Have awesome pictures to send, cannot really host. Can travel.

Verbatim recent advice from top LDS church leadership to Mormon parents regarding what to tell their gay children in relationships: Don’t expect us to take you out and introduce you to our friends, or to deal with you in a public situation that would imply our approval of your “partnership.”


[looking for advice] emotionally confused and don't know what to feel

I'm 24M from a country where being gay is still illegal. I currently live in the US, so that's kind of a non issue for me (at least for now). I've lived with a family that never showed affection, it like it's inappropriate to be affectionate towards someone no matter what the relationship is (significant other, family members, friends). I'm not sure if this is affecting how I feel.I've been with my boyfriend for about 5 months now, he said I love you to me about 2 months into the relationship. I said it back even though at the time, I wasn't ready to say it. A while after I definitely started feeling that I love him. Sometimes I love him so much, I just can't wait to see him and be in his arms and have him in mine. Other times I don't know how I feel, I just have mixed emotions. He keeps saying things like I see a forever with you, and it just scares me so much because I don't know how I feel. I care about him, and I don't want to keep leading him on if I don't share the same feelingsAny advice..??

2018. április 25., szerda

Lesbian CEO Of DNC Quits Suddenly


Do you kno the gae?


It’s really embarrassing but I have a problem. My penis head is naturally red when erect but it’s not red when soft, how do I stop my penis head being red when erect

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Disney is now an abomination of Satan because of some gay characters sigh


An analysis of 1.5 seasons of Will and Grace

So now that Season 1 of Will and Grace is 20 years old, and a new season is just here after a hiatus I have decided to watch it from the beginning. When I was younger I watched some odd episodes before I knew about my sexuality and I vaguely remember it, but now I'm watching it seriously.I have just watched 1 and a half seasons of the show, and TL;DR it's worth the watch. But here are some detailed analysis i have made on the show.Will & Jack: The main cast has not 1 but 2 openly gay characters, Will Truman, a lawyer and a title character, and Jack, Will's second-best friend. (His best friend is straight-woman designer Grace)One of the worrysome aspects of the show is Jack being the butt of most jokes, mostly because he is the stereotypical flamboyant femme gay, and the show is constantly putting Jack down for it. Mostly from the lips of Will. This is really upsetting when a lot of the main cast of friends call Jack and sometimes Will, Women, as an insult, which is a chauvinistic perspective on gender roels. However this is really interesting in S1E19 "Will Works Out" in which Jack starts to frequent the same Gym as Jack, and Will is very upset about Jack's personality, Will even calls jack a Fag, which for me was a really frustrating point. But it is also in this episode that we learn that Will is ashamed of Jack because of some internalized homophobia, which rings very true to life, and Will was scared that some of his social circle would know he is gay, they eventually overcome this when Will starts to introduce Jack as his best friend and apologizes to Jack. The femme-shaming over the course of the show however does not stop.Coming out plots A very recurring theme in the show; we have Will's gym episode above, but also Jack coming out to his mother which is a very heartwarming episode, and when Will realizes his father lies about his sexuality to other people, all which are rectified in favor of "Pride" which was also a positive point of the series.intimacy For a show which was a pioneer in the representation of Gay Men it is really offputting how their relationships are always ommited. In 1x01 it is established that Will is coming out of a long term relationship, the same as Grace, and Jack has a series of casual flings under his belt, often a joke. However Grace has multiple relationships on screen over the course of the series, and Will has none, he was shown on the odd "good/bad" date but they are never the kind of long term relationships you seek to have on Sitcoms like this. I will not weigh this too heavily against the show as none of the characters had a relationship last for more than 2 episodes at best, But the hetero relationships are often shown the moments of intimacy and the romantic kiss, the gay characters however never get to display their affection, in fact the 2 gay characters kiss women all the time, which is weird. Will & Grace have the habit of greeting each other with a peck on the lips and Will had a plot line which involved troublesome sex nightmares with Grace (steamy scenes) and Jack has a running joke with being an excelent Kisser with Karen and Rosario.However I was really proud of the Show in the very Meta episode 2X14 when the characters are excited for the first gay kiss on a major soap opera, which ends up being a cop out when the camera pans out. Jack takes it personally and starts to protest against NBC (who also produces Will and Grace as well as the fictional Soap Opera) this is washed out as not important by the rest of the cast including Will, but Jack convinces him otherwise. Will's big gesture is kissing jack in front of an NBC newscast making the first gay kiss on usa television (meta because that happened on the NBC show) idk about tv history to check the truth of the fact (i'm not american) but I will just give props to the show for blazing this trail! So there, it was a real nice culmination of what the show did wrong all walking to something positive.Overall We have to keep in mind that this was all broadcast in 1998/99 even with some backwards mentality it was very ahead of its time and incredibly funny in spite of some insensitivity. I highly recommend it. I believe the contributions this show had on queer representativity in mainstream TV was very positive and I recommend this show. I can't wait to watch more and to see Season 9 which was aired in 2017!PS: Karen is a queen and she steals the show! Go see it!

Who Here Is Pro-Masculinity?

It seems like in recent years a lot of the discourse among friends of mine and in the media I consume is that masculinity is inherently bad and feminism/femininity is inherently good. Sometimes it's only implicitly expressed this way, sometimes it's explicit. But I've always loved masculinity - lusted after it, idolized it, etc. In the current political climate, though, I feel like I shouldn't admit to that.

Sex and intimacy

Hey there /r/gay, I've got a series of questions. (Throwaway for outing reasons)Info: M 24, consider myself bi. I've been with both men and women. Never really considered myself a particularly sexual individual - don't think about it/don't masturbate anymore. More recently I've been thinking about pursing a long term relationship with a man. All my previous long term relationships have been with women. The men I've been with haven't been the best partners - party/drug fueled, manipulative or only there for sex. Never "dated" a man for more than 2 months, granted most relationships in college seem to be like that.Questions: Are there any sites for long term relationships in the gay community? I haven't tried Grindr but I haven't heard good things in regards to lasting relationships.Healthy sexual practices?I'm a bottom as far as I can tell. But the last time I tried anal it was too painful to continue. How do you easy into that?Lastly, the thought of me putting my dick in someone's ass doesn't do it for me. I'm fairly certain I couldn't even get erect if it were required of me. I've began reading into bot/top trade offs and it seems that it's fairly accepted that everyone likes variety and thusly tops and bottoms will switch it up sometimes. I've been in a relationship with a sexually selfish person before and I don't want to become that by saying that I could never top. And I guess I'll never know until I try but mentally putting myself there makes my dick shrivel. Are there people who only want to top? I mean, I'm sure there are but how common is it?If this isn't the sub for this or if there is a sub where I would find more answers, please point me in that direction.Thank you for you time!

Learn more about the ANCHORS Study!

Research Study for FL Residents! The goal of ANCHORS is to learn more about the alcohol/other substance use and sexual activity of men who have sex with men to inform a new computer-and phone-based intervention that will help to reduce heavy drinking and risky sex.Possible compensation if you are selected to complete a web survey. Visit us on the web at www.anchorsresearch.org, call or text us at 352-214-4047 to learn more!

Which gay apps are you using?

Which gay apps are you currently an active user on for dating and/or hooking-up?


What do you guys think about this term? I'm not sure how to feel about it as a gay man who doesn't really care much about gay pop culture. People have described me as this, but it seems almost like a pretentious term. As if people who are "non-scene" think they're better than those who are "scene" which is not at all how I personally feel at all.Are terms like these harmless descriptors, or things that drive a further wedge into the community?

When you dream of guys...

...and they give you the cold shoulder because even in your dreams they're straight

Threatening Letters from Parents Force Gay Teacher to Move.


NSFW What are some good things to do in terms of foreplay

Still sort of new to this, what are some things people find enjoyable

Hey people! I'm starting a subreddit devoted to hippie culture, acceptance, and love, etc. I thought some of you might be interested :)


Feeling emotionally exhausted and done, looking for some advice.

Over the last few months, I've been going through a lot of personal sh*t recently screened for ASD (Aspergers) so I've been thinking a lot about it and sorting things out to help me move on in life.I'll start with when came out when I was 24 I've not dated any guys IRL but had a few guys get uncomfortably clingy with me on apps and I stopped chatting to them pretty quickly. I'm having a hard time putting myself across and a hard time processing a lot of my own emotions, feelings and understanding them at times I'm not sure if it's me or if it's them.An example of this was about 5 months back I was talking to this guy online I became very attracted to him and thought we were connecting pretty well, we'd been flirting or at least it was how I was reading it for about 2 months, eventually, I plucked up the courage at that time to tell him that I had a crush on him I didn't expect anything at all so to my surprise he said he felt the same way it felt too good to be true.The conversation got intimate pretty fast from the get-go and I was enjoying it, usually, I'd cut it out or slow it right down but it seemed too fast for me after about a week in of officially confirming that we liked each other, I nearly backed off, something felt a bit off and I was getting a bit overwhelmed by it all. When I told him he was pretty understanding, respectful and didn't seem bothered at all about me backing off and the intimacy of the conversation wasn't an issue to him.I decided to continue to chat with him over the month we initiated cam chat and started to get to know each other well enough to bring up about the possibility of meeting each other. The convo was going on as usual but I panicked I started to feel I was getting too clingy somewhat asking for reassurance all the time and I needed to take a step back and I thought he was somewhat flaking on me by now.I couldn't really make much of it tbh I had a hard time reading between the lines and had to ask for a friends opinion. I went out for a few drinks with family night before I got home to sleep on it and felt emotionally crap he'd been on my mind all that day I felt I needed to be clear and honest about what I was looking for and some personal things I wasn't ready to disclose beforehand I felt it was time. The following morning I wrote this big OTT essay. I feel needed to get straight to the point and past all the flirting with and be honest I also wanted to know what he wanted too. I find it is the best way for me put myself across and for others to be the same way with me.After all that essay I managed to hit the send button and expected it was going to be the end of what we had going on usually I wouldn't be so moved by a reply but all I got was "All the above is fine, don't worry yourself." I took it for what it was and settled with it and felt relief we could continue. We briefly spoke after this but the flaking continued, after that, he disappeared for a week went offline and ghosted me.Messaged twice no response, eventually replied he wasn't feeling well needed some time away, didn't want to speak to me or anyone. I was concerned but kept my distance I thought I had upset him after a few weeks dropped him a message with some assurance I was there for him and if he needed to talk and decided to hit him up with a friend req on facebook assuming it wasn't an issue. I got blocked, pretty much was the red flag that was shaded for some time became a reality and I took it pretty hard on myself and started the process of trying to move on from it all I was really gutted. Eventually a few days later he told me he led me on and wasn't ready for any commitment anytime soon it was him and not me and wished he hadn't said anything at the start he wasn't clear on the exact reason. I didn't know what to believe at the time but I apologised to him because I felt was partly to blame, Just a speculation but maybe I didn't respect his space...The point of this that I have been dropping off the radar recently I've not felt ready to talk to other guys simply because I don't do well in these situations and what happened around 5 months ago and as silly as it sounds I cannot find myself getting deeply and emotionally into a guy like that again. I let a crush become a crush and became too overwhelmed with it all at the end. I wish it had gone differently between us I still have a brief thought about him and get a bit down in the dumps.What would you suggest, best ways to approach some guys, is flirting from the get-go a bad sign? I sometimes fail to understand certain contexts and misinterpret things, I tend to want to take things snale pace slow is this good or a bad thing? and ways to tell common red flags?Thanks for taking the time to read and replies are much appreciated.

Anyone wanna call me out on my BS?

First of all if you’re in a good place and not wanting to read something that is at all negative please feel free to ignore. Oh, before you go ! Check out The Alienist on Netflix, it’s awesome. Ok now feel free to go.But if not I was wondering if anyone was interested in calling me out on some bullshit. I’ve been going through a rough spot. My therapist has helped me see the script that runs with my anxiety, from trauma, the urgency of it, and she also suggested it’s the mindset of the isolated head space of the kid I was at the cluster fuck of school.James Baldwin said that when he was younger one of the reasons he had to get out of the US and go to Paris for a while, was because the abuse he got as a black man caused him to start abusing himself, he realised he had started treated himself that way and he needed to do something.I know I need to find love inside me and compassion, and a place for my pain, but I know I need to be aware of the stories that run through my mind in anxious times. And they may involve truths or half truths to be persuasive. Such as:People hate me, or find me annoying or weird.I’m unattractive, unloveable and no one will want me (I know beauty is relative but feel free to look at my past posts to see me, but I know the attractiveness is hugely about courage, humour, kindness, curiosity, openness, confidence)I’ll never be able to act or find work that I really love.The guys I like are nearly all straight so I’m doomed to like people who won’t like me back.Straight guys are simply more attractive, and gay guys look different and less attractive ( this is a voice in my head, my rational mind doesn’t think it) 6 there are not enough gay guys for me to find one I’ll click with.I want to fill my life with stuff I care about, people, movies, creativity, ideas, I don’t want to obsess over this stuff all the time.So please call me out on my bullshit. Just writing it down helps me see the holes in it. And that I can work on what I can offer OTHER people, not just what they can give me. And be compassionate to others. And maybe to move forward I can say, fuck it maybe some of its true but go forth and do what ya can to be fulfilled.Thanks in advance I guess.Sean

Young white twinks are the most fetishised in the gay community

Change my mind

Favourite Representations of Gay/Lesbian People in TV and Movies? Sense8

Hey,Was just wondering: what are the best representations of gay and lesbian relationships and people are that you've seen in TV and movies? What are the worst? Why?My favourite so far has been Sense8. I think because it's not ALL about them being gay, it's more of an incidental attribute and the situations feel real, not over-played: the main subject is life not that they're gay. I identify with it because I feel being gay isn't the only thing, not even the main thing, that defines me. There's a spectrum of prejudice, indifference and positive encouragement from the other characters. It's empowering, it's not just about homophobia and victimisation that destroys/separates/kills them (which of course are important stories to tell), they conquer those hardships with bravery and sound reasoning, eg. the lecture theatre scene with Hernando. It doesn't hound us with gaudy stereotypes, it seems to show the realisatic origin of those facets of gay culture without hamming it up, eg gay pride, gay bar scene. It has such a positive message! Even the scene where Lito mentions he and (straight) Gorski were sexual during the group mind meld thing - I think most writers/directors would have taken that opportunity to have the straight character pander to a macho persona and be all "who me? I'm not gay, I'm slightly offended... because it's offensive to have my straightness questioned, right audience?"... instead he acts like most straight guys who were comfortable with their sexuality would: kind of a bit uncomfortable, as if a very unattractive girl was hitting on him, then move on.So that's my perspective, I'll probably watch it again though, I was working on my Warhammer figures for some episodes so split my attention at times. :) Shame it was cancelled.

It’s hard to have gay friends without them trying to do something the minute we get alone together...

It’s happened a few times now, even with friends who I’ve known before they were gay. Not a huge problem, I just hate having the same talk over and over about how I’m straight and I’m just a friend lol

yes daddy


love transcends laws


2018. április 24., kedd

I need somebody to Love ! I'm Gay !

Well , am a guy from Algeria , I'm 20 years old , I really feel the need of somebody in my life because i've being lonely for couple years and had to pass through alot of things alone ! I'm the type of people whom nobody knows that am gay , cuz i'm just unlike those who acts girly (sorry for this word - with my big respect to all) ... I like more straight stuff than gay ones ... for example I don't know a lot of things about the Kardashians ... and i don't really care about sex like that type of gays do ... I've been in combat sports .. and i'm a very active person .. and i hate laziness ! ........ more talk abt myself i like trying new things , traveling , partying , having unexpected adventures , I play Guitar , I somehow sing , I draw ..etc I would really like to find a lover , somebody who's young too (18-25) , somebody who've been hurt too , and knows how to feel to love and to care .... and understand his lover , and stay real and keep his promises ! I want somebody who can be man like i'll .. somebody who's willing to share his life with me ... ! even i'm just 20 ! but i've learned many things about love and loving someone ... i've been blind , I did crazy stuff just to show that guy how much love i had for him but sadly he made every good part of me die ..and every little piece of hope ''that love really exist'' in my heart disappear 3 years ago ... but here i'm right now .. posting this message that i dunno if anybody will see or read it ! just because i still have hope toward finding the true love !! I hope i can see interessted real gentleman !! i'll give him my heart if i can !

Why am I receiving Out magazine in a white cover?

I've never signed up to receive the magazine, so how the hell are they sending it to me? I have not been billed ever, but it's been going on for while, maybe every other month or so. Usually I just toss them, but it's gotten annoying lately.Sometimes I get an email from them saying my subscription is about to expire with the following text in the body of the email. But there is no way to stop the subscription that I can see. I have never clicked the "Renew" button to see where it leads. (Dunno if the unsubscribe option is there or not).Your current subscription to 'The OUT/Advocate Print Edition' has only a few more issues left to go. Now is the right time to renew and make sure you continue getting issues without any interruption in service.We're sure you've enjoyed The Advocate's authoritative coverage of LGBT news and politics along with OUT's rich mix of thoughtful writing, stunning visuals, and unsurpassed coverage of fashion and design. So please don't put it off. And please take a look at the great savings you get on our longer two and three-year terms.It's easy to renew. Just click on the "Renew Now" link below. It will take you directly to your personal, secure Renewal Request page. You can even ask us to bill you later.Thank you.Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you get the magazines to stop?

ABC Developing Single-Cam Comedy Around Gay Mexican-American Family in the Heart of Texas.



Im 19 and I’ve been dating my boyfriend (20) for about 3 months, it’s got to that point where he wants to have sex but I’m a virgin and I’m afraid of getting fucked in the ass because of the pain and getting shit on his dick lately I think he’s been getting fed up with me saying I’m afraid and I don’t know what to do I’ve researched anal sex a lot and I’m just afraid of embarrassing myself or him thinking I’m disgusting just don’t know what to do constant feeling of anxiety whenever it’s brought up in conversation

Tom Daley: We are too obsessed by gender



Az összesítés nem áll rendelkezésre. A bejegyzés megtekintéséhez kattints ide.

Anyone had experiences with fuckboys?

Who has had a pervious experience with a fuckboy and did you fall for them?

Hella gay


Hanky Panky


young & lost, could use some advice. How do you deal with being insecure over lack of experience?

Hi, so I am 21 I'm bothered by feeling like I'm wasting my life and youthI have only have 2 friends, my only close friend I have ever had is my ex and he has so so so much more life experience than me even though he is only a year older. we only dated for only 6 months and we did intimate stuff but not anal, even though I wanted to I was too anxious to talk about it and I think it was a lot of just miscommunication. Also my first and only relationshipIt's not like I want to go out and do stuff just for the sake of doing stuff, it's just. I feel frustrated because I want to do better but I don't know how.I feel really abnormal. I had anxiety in middle school and high school so I never did anything or dated anyone or had friends. I feel stupid and broken and I don't feel like a real person. It frustrates me that I already wasted so much life and there's nothing I can do about it. Now I am just stuck being weird forever because I didn't learn social skills and how to be in a relationshipemo time over but yeah I guess it is part of becoming an adult and realizing nobody's going to hold my hand and help me and I have to solve my own problems. Partially also I guess it is a "grass is always greener" thing, imagining having had life experience would somehow improve how I feelI don't know, this really bothers me a lot. Especially things about sex because I have so little experience even hearing someone talk about it gives me anxiety and sends me into negative thinking about how I am a failure at life and blah blah blah. Any advice?

How do I get a sugar daddy?

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I had an encounter with a straight guy and need advice.

So I went to a prom on Friday and we went to the beach afterwards and stayed at a motel for the weekend. There was a guy who was one of the girl's prom dates and stayed there with us who I was immediately attracted to, but he is straight. So fast forward to later in the night and we're both drunk and I keep asking him to kiss me. Eventually, he got tired of hearing it so he did (full on makeout with tongue for 30 seconds, where I was only expecting a peck), and all was well. However, its been three days and I feel bad now because I know that I pressured him and probably made him uncomfortable, but he was too nice (and drunk) to tell me. I still want to be friends with him because he's really nice, so I apologized and he said it was fine and that it didn't bother him, but his prom date said that he told her he felt weird, and I just wish he would say that to me because I want to have a conversation about it. I feel like I ruined any prospects of a friendship and I want another chance to show him I'm not always like that. On the other hand, I told my other friend about it and she knows him and is convinced that he is secretly gay. As you can see I'm really confused and I don't know what to do. I need some advice ASAP.

Anyone having a crush for your gay best friend?

What do you do when you are having feeling for your best friend? I told him about my feeling so he knew and we agreed to stay friends, but I always have feeling for him when we hang out.

Will i be alone forever?

Hi fellow redditors, for the starters i'm a 23 yr old gay guy & i'm not from U.S . My childhood & adolescent was all f**ked up, thanks to my infidel and abusive father, and no he was never inebriated while he used to beat my mother and even tried to kill my elder sister because he wanted a male as his first child. I hate calling him my father and it's a very long list of his tyrannies that he bestowed upon us, but, thanks to my super brave mother that she fought back and never ever had even a speck of fear of him. Anyways, it's not about him, but, yes he definitely has a major roleplay in shaping my personality.So, while growing up i have had always been the centre of attraction for everybody and my entire class used to tease me & call out names. To be honest i never had any friends because nobody tried to understand me. Whenever i use to get close to someone my mind quickly triggers this overwhelming undercurrents throughout my whole body and i get goosebumps, it kinda signals me that that person could betray me later on, so, i quickly part my ways.I live in my own fantasy world and as a kid i used to find my muse in movies and dance as it made me felt so good & i used to forget all the worries and tensions that i had & it still is very powerful. If you meet me in person then you'll find me very sweet and intelligent as i can talk about plethora of different topics. Also, i'm a hopeless romantic kinda guy and quite a few people have told me that i'm too good for this world( a sweet summer child).I generally don't approach people first & in social gatherings i feel like an an anomaly and i can feel my vibe to be different from that of others around me. I'm a person who loves unusual & unpredictable things, like take the example of social gathering, once, i went to a wedding of one of my father's friend and i was 14 at that time. I got quite bored and felt like barfing so i went outside & while strolling in the dark i reached to a splendid park and as soon as i entered i saw few stray dogs playing around and having their gala time, i literally felt so overjoyed and since childhood i had this thing with animals specially dogs. Those dogs saw me and quickly came to me wagging their tails incessantly and then i started playing with them, careless about the dark and any kind of threats. I had this boom box with me so i turned it on and played my favourite movie dance song and danced to every beat of it & those dogs too kinda started enjoying the music and did dance around me.All in all i'm a super sensitive soul and to add a cherry on top i'm a scorpio who never tolerates bulls**t from anyone. I have these two sides where one is fierce and rebellious while the other one is full of love, care & chastity.I know y'all might think that i'm mentally ill but it's far from the truth. It's just that i don't want to be alone anymore, i haven't been into any relationship let alone sex. I really don't know what to do? I have high aspirations and i am a very ambitious person, but now i want to follow my dreams alongwith someone who understands me, respects me for who i am & most of all is a good human being. I want someone who can see relationship past sex & the one who can make my heart say hallelujah. So, should i look for relationship or should i do my business and let it happen on it's own, organically?

8 years late, but hey now he isn't blacklisted from my hypothetical future wedding.


Stable boy is angry


Cheap date ideas for a teen?

I was wondering if anyone out there had any cheap date ideas for teens under 16?

Looking for TV Shows that have Gays that aren't depicted stereotypically?

It's not a secret the ways gays are treated in media is a bit... off.In the shows where gays were becoming more accepted in society depiction has always been one that is very stereotypical.New-ish TV shows tend to be much better in their depiction of LGBT+ people than in the past but characters are often shown as hyper-sexualised.Even more recent TV seems to have actually done much better with gay characters now being portrayal as "normal" and not as tokens, stereotypes or hyper-sexualised characters.However, there aren't a massive amount of shows like this, although some are quite good in this regard.So... what other TV shows do you all know that depict gay characters in a better way?

I don't know what to do

Hello, I just didn't know where to put this, or who to tell this to. I don't know what to do, I feel sad and confused, I don't know who to trust. First, I want to put a little of context: I am currently livin in San Salvador city, in El Salvador, I was born in this country in another city and I came to live here by myself almos one year ago, I am 26 years old and currently working by myself at a local company. I am openly gay, everyone knows except my family.The only person in my family who I told about my sexuallity is my little brother, who showed me his support, and I love him with all my heart.My mother was an economic support for me for a long time, she gave me everythign she was able to when I was in trouble. But we never talked about the sexuallity topic. I have to say, my mother is a very old school woman, very uneducated in LGBT and these topics, she has maaaaany taboos in her head and has a very low selfsteem. She suffered psicological abuse when young and also made us suffer some of that abuse through her interaction with us. She tried to control us all the time. Now I have gone against her will coming here to live by myself. Now I feel much better that I am far from her. But I feel sad for her. It is a very sad feeling.And now, she even attempted to learn to use social networks to reach me ( she didn't even know how to use a computer). I have now became a pro LGBTi rights activist in my country and she has seen my posts on social networksI loved my mother but she caused me a lot of harm. All my family was very violent towards me, there are things I never forget about the way they treated me and made me suffer amotionally for a lot of time all my youth, they said to me very horrible things. I haven't been able to leave these feeling behind.My mother helped me and gave everything she had to me, I don't want to stop seeing her but the next time I see her I'm afraid she will question me about the "gay topic", she will say I cause her harm or something, she is going to say very bad things, and then my sister and then my father...I am crying right now.How can I deal with this? I know I am not the only one. Please, help.

I need help.

I’m 17yo boy.I don’t know where to begin.I’ve always liked girls. Even today. But I’ve always also been attracted to boys. I remember in baseball I’d have this crush on a guy that I thought was cute. I’d reject my feelings, though. I didn’t want to be gay. I feel mixed and confused. The only gender I could see myself having a relationship with is a girl. But I can’t stop fantasizing about boys. I don’t think I’m bi, that’s too much for me to handle. I don’t want to be gay. It makes me depressed and suicidal thinking about being gay. But I can’t stop feeling this way. Even the though of my parents seeing me as gay sickens me. I know for a fact they’d love me no matter what. But I will never, ever in my lifetime come out as gay to anyone. I don’t want this.Any feedback helps.

I’m so gay that [please fill this in somebody]

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soulmate material 🤣🤣🤣


Hello gaybros...something happened and I need your advice

Long story short, I'm a male and I had my first ever sexual encounter with a male 2 weekends ago and I went down on him for a long time. I got really into it and tried deepthroating a lot. All of this was done without a condom.The next day I noticed that I have an enlarged circumvallate papillae on the back of my tongue. Also, my tongue seems to have a yellowish brownish film on it.I have had this for about 2 weeks now and assumed that perhaps I irritated the circumvallate papillae with all of the oral sex I performed. I am now starting to worry that I got an STD or some kind of infection.Is this sort of thing normal and has anyone here had it before? Do you think I should see a doctor or is this common for someone who first performs oral sex on another male?Thank you for all of your valuable input!P.S. On another note, I think I'm gay.

2018. április 23., hétfő


Anyone horny who's male I'm horny af messege how horny and big

How would I go if I wanted to be dominated by a guy with a big dick any ideas

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Help! Blood After Anal Dildo - Stomach Feels Off A Week Later - Doctor?

A week ago, I used a household object as an anal dildo on myself after reading about the virtues of a prostate orgasm. Big regrets... I experienced blood and stopped immediately. There was a small amount on my body, on the object and some underneath me. I used the bathroom and there was some mixed with lube/stool in the toilet. All and all I'd say 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of blood (I think, as it was mixed with lube). I freaked out temporarily, cleaned up and went to bed. There was a little pain involved during the session and it was vigorous, but none after, and no sharp or bad pain.Almost a week later (6.5 days) I'm experiencing a swollen feeling, uncomfortable, lower left abdomen, with very minor pain. It doesn't hurt all the time, but it's uncomfortable feeling 80% of the time. If it does it's a 1-2 on the pain scale. There has been *no* blood at all present since that night. What is different that has been there is a fair amount of yellow mucus accompanying stools.Based off of what I've read it's unlikely I did anything too bad like perforate my colon (or I'd be dead), and probably just cut myself internally.I'm a straight male with a close girlfriend, and I'm on a parents healthcare plan, so it'll be hard to go without anyone finding out. Obviously, this is something that's embarrassing and I plan on never doing again. This whole situation is giving me terrible anxiety and I can't wait for it to be over.So, my question -- based off of my symptoms, should I be going to the doctor, or is this something that will heal on it's own? If I have to go I will, but if not -- definitely a skip.

Does anyone here like Baths? (he's a gay electronic music artist.)


my coworker found my grindr app

I think he's now scared to get dressed with me in the male dressing/locker room. I don't peek at all and respect others but I'm not out in the place I work in. My co-worker is someone I mentored when he was assigned to my area.We have this one room (6 x 6 feet very small) where we can get changed for work.He saw my app in my phone. I was preoccupied then and someone was calling my 2nd phone, I asked my coworker to open it (stupidly told him my pattern) and I forgot my 2nd phone had the grindr app on the home screen...After that he'd cover up if I was in the room getting dressed.Well, I do have a little crush on him but I maintain distance cause he's married.It's just that I feel like he's avoiding me or doesn't have the same respect for me compared to the time I was mentoring him...Sorry. Just venting.

Letter to my anitgay family and thier church!


Homosexuality Is Still Illegal In These 9 Caribbean Countries


I think I've become gay...

I never thought that I'd ever post here but I think that I've turned a bit gay. I'm not attracted to men (yet) but I've been watching a lot of tranny porn lately. I've tried sticking things in my ass before (years ago) to see how it felt but I never got beyond 1-2 cm. Today, however, that all changed. I took one of these and shoved it all the way in. I used a condom this time and I think that's why I was able to shove it so far in. It honestly doesn't feel too bad. It's been maybe 10 minutes and it already feels "neutral".I can see how this can become enjoyable and I think that soon (the fact that it seems a lot sooner than I originally thought is really freaking me out) I'll be craving cocks to drill me deep.I've always hated the bullshit with women and I've always wanted to become gay to not have to deal with female bullshit ever again but I never thought it would actually happen. I thought being gay was "genetic" but here I am thinking that I'm at the turning point of my life.I was originally craving for that prostate orgasm today but I think I've just accidentally changed my entire life.I really do not wish to be rude here but how do I make sure I stay "safe" if I interact with other men. I know that it is 10,000x easier to get laid with men and I just really don't want to catch anything. I want to fuck some traps really badly but I'm assuming that that would be more difficult to find than one might think.Overall, I'm really confused and I don't know what to do about this.I'm 23 btw so this is probably a lot later something like this happens than anyone else here in the sub.Lastly, again, I apologize if I am talking in a way I shouldn't be talking (I've hated "fags" all my life) and I don't mean to offend but this is just the cold hard truth of what happened.

There were nights when the win was so cold...

That my body froze in bed if I just listened to it right outside the window.

Who would you hate fuck

I would say Mike Pence and/or Michael Scott

New LGBT discord server

Hey! join this brand new LGBT discord server: https://ift.tt/2HrbFmd

I have a pretty big decision to make within in next couple of days. I need advice.

If you're interested in hearing my dilemma and offering your honest advice please message me.

Quick heads up

Kind of a lurker here but on a few posts I saw a person making homophobic remarks, this persons username is u/DiscriminateGays (very fitting huh?), anyways he’s probably just another troll, just report him, that’s all I have to say...

The 2018 World Cup in St Petersburg, Russia will get an unofficial LGBT Pride House during the tournament to offer safe spaces for LGBT athletes and fans.


Gays have ruined the world

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Straight but gay for sex?

Me again. Got a 17 year old who've ive been friends with for a while and had a crush on him. Recently reconnected with him and told him i was bi and he finally admitted he likes both (b/g) but he only wants sex with guys,not love? Is this a horny teenager thing or is it just how some things are. I told him if he just wants sex, then bye.

Half Of All Boxing Photos Look Like Gay Weddings


Gay Rapper did a song called Good Dick, why isn’t this playing at the clubs?


Heavy ass post, sorry in advance, don't know what my sexuality is at 21 and I seriously need help?

Is it normal to feel incredibly depressed and upset following masturbating to gay pornography and incredibly elated when masturbating to straight porn? I don't know if I'm gay/bi and I'm 21, never been in any real relationship. I used to think I was straight as I don't think I find guys attractive, but for the last 6 years or so I think sex might be appealing (but then again I don't know if it's just the thrill of watching a porn that feels forbidden). I want to go to some kind of club to see how I feel there but the thought makes me feel depressed and sick. I don't know what to do anymore, it's really getting me down and I hope people here might be able to give me some advice. I look at women and I think I'm attracted to them but what if I'm just envious of them? I don't fucking know anymore. Fucking embarrassing post but I don't have anyone else to turn to anymore. I've never had sex, because I've been dealing with anxiety about this for the past 6 years. Maybe I'll just live a loveless life, get castrated, live a sexless life and never have to deal with these complex emotions 😂

Gay Rapper did a song called Good Dick, why isn’t this playing at the clubs?


Making a move

How do you guys manage to not make a move on a hot straight guy? I want to but they'd probably get mad at me.



Are u single gays? Ok click in

Are u always feel lonely? Or lack of love and are"t understood.so there is a chance to find your love,you can dating and chat with them on www.bimate.org/. And you can find someone that live in the same city with you.there are too many people waiting for u.

lana del rey

"I once had dreams to become a beautiful poet, But upon an unfortunate series of events Saw those dreams dashed and divided like a million stars on the night sky That I wished on, over and over again Sparkling and broken." Thoughts?

Bottoming after hemorrhoidectomy

Hey, hope ppl can share their experiencr and help me with my issue.Im 24 y/o gay bottomIm suffering fron external hemorrhoids which do nit respond to conservative treatment (diet, creama etc.) Im considering undergoing hemorrhoidectomy, but my surgeon said some people can go anal again after such surgery....Did anyone undergo this procedure? Any experience would be appreciated!!; Thanks

I'm gay


New to LGBT community -- what tribe do I belong in? :)


First real time tonight.

I finally got "go away all the way " in a way that was so amazing and not uncomfortable and with someone that took their time and really made love with me . I have "gone all the way" twice before and both times left me quite unhappy with how it went. Slightly painful and with no love. Tonight was amazing and I really have no one to tell. I hope I can talk about this here . I am a guy also . If that matters .

Broke up with boyfriend last night, feel strange.

As the title reads.A bit of backstory, could be pretty long.We have been good friends for quite a while now, but recently started seeing each other more and more intimately. After a while though, I started having some trust issues with him, and him being very withdrawn into the whole "I can't understand peoples' feelings and I don't want to you understand me" mentality, this did not help me ease up at all. We talked about my trust issues multiple times, but every time we "solved" the issue, he would then just start acting and saying things that would make me suspicious he is not sincere with his words, as well as not wanting to be with me (be it because I am 15 years younger, be it because he preferred more bigger frame guys (I am slim but he is looking more into the average kind of body), be it because of reasons unknown).After a few heated days and nights chatting, I messaged him my true feelings, saying that I just really miss him and really want him happy. He lives not very far from me, but his job is making it hard to see each other often, but also making it hard for him to be gay, so it's kind of a "forbidden love" thing (maybe you can understand what his job is now).So after a while he messages me that all feelings have been gone from almost the start. That is were I started feeling sad. I would always ask "is there something wrong?" whenever I saw him sad and closed to himself, but I got a "no sweetheart, nothing is, I'm just really tired, that's all" as an answer.We talked for about an hour last night, trying to mend things back. He is very stubborn, like me, but doesn't want to fight for other people because fighting is not worth it. He started the whole "you gave me so much, for so little", which I assured him he gave me the best thing he could; to be here, with me. But he wouldn't listen. After that, I got a bit heated and starting trying to put back sense into him, that him being here and showing his affection was all I wanted. Then things got out of hand a bit more, me trying to show him that he isn't going to hurt me being here, but instead hurt me by not being there because of his stupid mentality. That's when he hung the phone on my face, and me receiving the last message "don't ever bother me again".Maybe it was my fault. But I believe it was both of us. I sent him one last message, saying that I will always think of him, and that I'll be waiting for him to relax and ease up. One last good night, kisses and hugs. He blocked me on every social media.The strange thing now. For some reason, I expected to be so heartbroken, that I could never heal up again, like I felt with two previous relationships which I can now honestly say that were not worth it (this is not my first relationship, but this has been my deepest and more affectionate). But instead, I feel kind of OK. I feel the sadness, that he is not here anymore, but also feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest. A bit after we broke up, a friend that knew about it called and said "let's go out", so we went out and just chatted around. Maybe this helped a bit. But I can surely feel some jealousy towards my now-ex. As if I'm sad because I, myself, cannot have him, and that someone else is going to be with him in my place. It also saddens me that I will bump into him occasionally due to me hanging around his work area, because I really, really love him and still have faith that we could work things out. I really love all my ex's, and wish them the best, whatever they did to me or me done to them. After I returned home, I just slept as if nothing had happened.I woke up a while ago, but feel a bit of weight in my heart now. I am not really afraid I will be left alone in life and such, I personally believe being alone is a personal choice. I just feel a weight, that I believe will gradually be lifted.So yeah, I really had to vent out a bit more. See what other people think of this situation. Maybe find some sound advice. English isn't my first language, but trying to make as much sense as possible. Thank you for reading :-)

What's a good prostate massager?

One that I can order online and has discreet packaging would be nice.This would also be my first toy other than the dildo with balls and suction cup I have. Sadly, that thing kind of hurts to use :/

2018. április 22., vasárnap

Where can I read the Gilbert Bradley and Gordon Bowsher WWII love letters? All I can find is articles about them

Bit of background, these two men wrote over 300 love letters to each other during WWII, apparently they're incredibly beautiful and touching and I can't find them anywhere. Sorry if this isn't the right thing to post here but I would greatly appreciate any help.

I just came out to my family. This is the first picture I've looked happy in in so long. :)


starting at a new high school...

usually, this wouldn't be a problem. we move a lot so I'm used to being the new kid but this school is really small and I'm not sure how I should approach this. most of the time we move from city to city and my schools always have a gay-straight alliance so I was never worried about coming out or anything. I know I shouldn't assume they are going to be homophobic but I can't help but have the small town church going thing get out of my head. should I just say fuck it and come out or wait for a bit.

Fluid getting out after fingering?

Bros, please don't be too hard on me. I've discovered the great pleasure of fingering whilst masturbating and it's been cool and all. Only, about 10mn after finishing, I start farting a bit, which isn't a problem alone, but a little fluid comes out sometimes. It doesn't smell anything more than my arse. Does that happen to you? Is it "normal"?I never had a penis or anything bigger than one finger in here so I wouldn't know if that also happens when having sex.

schroedinger's coming out

You probably know about Schroedinger's cat: the cat in the box may be alive or dead, but we don't know until we open the box, so it is both alive and dead.My parents are both loving and horrified. Feeling both relief and grief. Looking up LGBT+ resources to educate themselves, and calling up their priest for advice on how to handle this crisis. They always knew, and they're shocked. They want to listen to my story, and they don't.Sometimes people don't understand why it can take a while to come out, but when all that's in the box, you can see why I'm wary of opening it.

i found the most beautiful human being in earth

and he hasn’t replied to my message

What is your favorite body type?

Personally, I love chubby guys! Like bears and shit!

Anyone with whom I can have a call?

English is not my main language and you see I have my certification in a month or so and I need to improve my speaking skills. Why do I post it here? Yup, I'm a fag lol. Anyone who wanna join send me a pm. Looking for teens preferably. Me 17 yo, male, latino.

Worst parts of the LGBT community?

Quick Note: No yelling matches please. Being constructive and not destructive is the point of this post.Growing up in the south, I was never raised in a community that came across as anti-LGBT. Overall when I go to different places in my state, anyone below the age of 40 doesn't seem to give a shit about sexuality. The people who do are usually social outcasts, or the type that keep their opinions heavily guarded for their eyes only.All in all it's a nice time to be alive. Well, almost. Recent events have been stiring tentions on a wound that I believe is best left to heal.I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting sick and tired of these violent extremists and morally self-rightoues people that have been co-opting the movement more abundantly in recent years.The lgbt community is nothing but a joke to my peers in high school, even to the ones who identify as lgbt, thanks none other than to these assholes with superiority complexes. And it's not that people at my school actually dislike gays for who they are.They can differentiate between individuals and organizations. However, it's as if the idea of individuals that are minority sexualities coming together to form a centralized authority to improve the lives of those who face injustices in said community has become purely a meme.And honestly, who can blame them. They're teenages. Teenagers dislike authority, being talked down to, and being told what to think. There is no real threatening, imposing opposition to the LGBT community where I live. We are "the man" to them, and seeing these people on the internet that turn to violence and silence the voices of those who oppose them (triggly puff being one of the greatest examples) does not help our case.There are people in our community all over the world that still need help. These people need to be addressed, but when no one will take us seriously when we do, how can they? When lgbt youth are no longer impassioned to fight for these people, who will?tl;dr: Some people need to change the way they approach changing people's minds if we want to stop being turned into a meme and actually help the people in our community. I'm thinking about maybe starting/joining a new organization for lgbt youth with libertarian leanings. Maybe this opposition to the mainstream lgbt movement will help gain back some legitimacy to the movement among generation Z.Anyone else have thoughts/opposing opinions? This post is meant to open discussion on ways we can improve the community, so please if you have some ideas, get them out! Don't have to be related to anything I brought up in my post either.Enjoy the sliver of time we have left of the weekend everyone!

Threatening Letters Forced A Gay Kansas Teacher To Leave Town


Gay son accepted to college

So my son was accepted to college. He will live in the dorms. I remember when living in dorms many years ago. Anyway, any advice to share would be great.

Poll: reddit gays, what are opinions of tan lines on men?

Like, fit men. I find myself pretty aroused by a nice tan line, even though most people go through lengths to avoid having them.

tips on anal stretching

I dont really want to pay money for anal stretching kits but when me and my boyfriend do anal its a bit sore so does anyone have any tips for anal stretching?

Gay hookups

Looking for a young sexy hung guy to meet up with ima vers in Polaris looking for fun hmu on snapchat @bmandgay

Any older men want to talk?

I'm a 25 year old white guy, geeky, submissive.Would really like to chat if you'd want to?Anyway message if you'd like.

I came out as gay. It went horribly. Now I'm making myself better

So about a year and a half ago, I came out as gay to my parents and it went HORRIBLY. In the last year, I've dealt with everything from verbal abuse from my parents to almost getting physical with them as well. I'm currently completely removed from my family on my path to bettering myself. One way that I'm trying to make my coming out mean something is writing about it. I started a blog (https://ift.tt/2HiwpjQ). I just wanted the ability to share to my friends why I have been so isolated and share why things have been hard for me for the past year. Feel free to check it out (I've only written one post, but I'm really looking to expand on it whether or not people want to read more). Let me know what you think and most importantly if you want to collaborate with me on it, let me know! I'd love to hear from you.

Looking for some mates

I've seen that these kinds of posts are generally pretty successful on here so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm just looking for a few pals to chat with, I'm not too embedded in the LGBT community so I don't know too many people. It would be nice to expand my circle. I'm a 23 y/o gay dude. Drop me a pm if anyone wants to chat.

I like men only and this one girl

So recently I've started to get feelings for this one female friend of mine. I've never been interested in women before her and I'm still not, but something is different with her. We have been spending a lot of time together recently, like more than usual. Me and her got into a car accident, that we both came out fine from, and she had to take me to the hospital later because I was too stubborn to go that day. That was about a week ago and that's when I started having feelings for her. I still find men attractive and all other women I still don't. Have any of you guys been through this and/or have advice for me? I don't know how to feel about this.

Is there a place online to sell gay vhs porn tapes?

I don't think ebay or amazon are the right place.

Meanwhile, just outside Coachella


Need some help from my gay bros

Hi everyone, this is a throwaway account for obvious reasons, as you'll see.So here's my problem:I've been in a relationship with this guy for almost to years now, for reference he's 27 and i'm 22, everything was great for the first year, but then we started fighting more and more, at first I thought we were fighting because the honeymoon fase was over and also cause we moved way tooooo fast! he moved in to my house less than a week after we started dating and we bassicaly morphed it married couple life soon after. But im getting side tracked here, at the moment I'm certain i don't love him anymore and we've been close to breaking up many times by now, but for some reason we never do, i don´'t know why he doesn't do it but i know i don't do it cause i feel confortable with him and because if we borke up he would have anywhere to go since he lives in my house and his income is not enough for him to rent a house in the city we live and even tough I don´´´'t love him anymore I care a lot about him and wouldn't want him to have to quit his job and move back to his hometown cause he couldn´'t afford to live here.My main point is: i was willing to be comfortable with him for the time being, maybe beucause i was afraid of being alone, but this past week i met someone randomnly and we just clicked, nothing happened! but i had to stop my self very hard! even if nothing happenswith this person, it just helped me realise I need to brake up with my current Bf, but I just can´'t bring my self to do it, I know how much it would devastate him and to make things worse he's been in a depression lately.I know i have to brake up with him, it wouldn´'t be fair for either of us to stay together! I guess what I'm trying to ask is what is the best way to brake up with him? i feel like i'll never have the courage to do it but at the same time it's getting harder and harder to even kiss him. Do I tell him he can keep living with me as a friend? Injust don't know what to do, any advice would be greatthanks in advance :)sorry for the long post and for any errors you might find, english is not my first language.

Me when he says "thanks but I'm straight"


when you can make friends with someone on grindr.



This is not exactly gay-related, but I feel like my experience could really only be understood by other gay people.So I guess I always knew I was gay, and I came out pretty early on, though it still felt like I had waited forever. I had only told some of my friends at first — no family. I had an easy-enough time at school. Nobody ever really gave me any shit and coming out was a breeze. That is, until my mom found out by reading it in my journal. Without going into much detail, we became one of those church families. I started going to therapy which wasn’t EXACTLY conversion therapy but they were basically trying to “talk me out of it.” When it wasn’t working (obviously) my dad tried to make me sleep with this kind-of prostitute he knew.At the time, yes it was pretty traumatic, but I handled it. This was when I started messing around with drugs. But I really wasn’t using to cope. I would just justify it that way when I got caught. Nothing crazy, just weed and whatever leftovers I could find in my friends’ medicine cabinets and stuff. I wasn’t allowed to have friends of any gender because they were all supposedly corrupting me and I was never allowed to leave the house. I wasn’t allowed to have a phone or a computer because these were all tools for me to contact “the exterior” (my mom would really say these things) and I wasn’t even allowed to have a doorknob. So my pharmaceutical experiments became my only escape and I think maybe around this time was when I started to equate drugs with freedom. I wasn’t using all the time or anything, but I lived for these experiences and honestly not much else. When my mom found out about this I had to switch school and start all over again, which, again, wasn’t too hard but it did affect me.I was kind of a weird kid. I really had no idea who I was and I would just act in whatever made more people like me. I lied a lot and I would believe my own lies. Pretty much everything I ever said to everyone around me was now a lie. I got so used to it I would do it without thinking. Well this and a slew of other issues has followed me into adulthood and I feel like my life is already ruined.Now, my mom has since gotten over it (she found out 10 years ago, finally got over it at about 19) and my dad very recently let me know that he’s over it too but this is all many years and many more fights later. All the damage is done.On top of all this, my self-esteem in the dating world is absolute trash. I’m a decent-looking guy but nothing remarkable and nothing worth breaking neck for. I look at these guys and I’m both interested and horribly deeply ashamed. I want to look like them but also be with them. They are the competition AND the “prize,” but none of them are looking at me anyway. And anyway I’m hiding another terrible secret. I have genital warts and it has made everything so hard.I finally met a guy I fell in love with who became my boyfriend and who now lives with me, but I still crave attention from other guys and so does he (we’re honest with each other about this, and have occasionally indulged in our own) and even though I want it too it makes me jealous and miserable.The other big thing is the drugs. The only thing I do every day is smoke weed, so I guess I’m addicted to that, but otherwise I’m just addicted to being on some kind of buzz. Even if it’s a mild caffeine rush or hitting my vape, but I’ve gone as far as heroin (surprisingly with no mishaps) though I have never used it again. I just love drugs. Not only from an enthusiast’s perspective but from a scientific perspective. I can talk about chemistry and toxicity and tolerance and effects for hours. I find it all fascinating, but my boyfriend doesn’t think exactly the way I do and my use worries him. I lie to him about drugs a lot and he’s caught me a few times with coke, ecstasy, acid. We’ve gotten into a couple of fights over the coke (which I don’t even like but I occasionally get it for free as a tip at the bar). Again, none of this happens with any like significant frequency, but I’m lying about it anyway because i don’t want to hurt/disappoint him or give him the idea that I’m some crackhead.I don’t even know where I’m going with this or if I’m even really looking for advice. I just feel so sad and misunderstood all the time, but talking about my feelings is hard because I’m sensitive and defensive as hell about all this. I want to get help but I’m kinda broke and I honestly have no idea how to bring it up.I just hate feeling so alone especially when there are people all around me and a boyfriend who loves me by my side.