2018. április 25., szerda

Favourite Representations of Gay/Lesbian People in TV and Movies? Sense8

Hey,Was just wondering: what are the best representations of gay and lesbian relationships and people are that you've seen in TV and movies? What are the worst? Why?My favourite so far has been Sense8. I think because it's not ALL about them being gay, it's more of an incidental attribute and the situations feel real, not over-played: the main subject is life not that they're gay. I identify with it because I feel being gay isn't the only thing, not even the main thing, that defines me. There's a spectrum of prejudice, indifference and positive encouragement from the other characters. It's empowering, it's not just about homophobia and victimisation that destroys/separates/kills them (which of course are important stories to tell), they conquer those hardships with bravery and sound reasoning, eg. the lecture theatre scene with Hernando. It doesn't hound us with gaudy stereotypes, it seems to show the realisatic origin of those facets of gay culture without hamming it up, eg gay pride, gay bar scene. It has such a positive message! Even the scene where Lito mentions he and (straight) Gorski were sexual during the group mind meld thing - I think most writers/directors would have taken that opportunity to have the straight character pander to a macho persona and be all "who me? I'm not gay, I'm slightly offended... because it's offensive to have my straightness questioned, right audience?"... instead he acts like most straight guys who were comfortable with their sexuality would: kind of a bit uncomfortable, as if a very unattractive girl was hitting on him, then move on.So that's my perspective, I'll probably watch it again though, I was working on my Warhammer figures for some episodes so split my attention at times. :) Shame it was cancelled.

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