2018. április 26., csütörtök

I'm not interested in flamboyant guys but I've wanted a boyfriend since middle school.

I've been at a community college this semester but I'm going to a real university next year and I'm dying to meet a guy. I'm not really interested in one night stands and fuck buddy shit. I'm nineteen and I've never been kissed or had a real relationship.So I've asked this question everywhere and all the advice I can get online is "Surround yourself with LGBT people" or literally go around telling everyone you can how gay you are. I have no problem with people knowing I'm gay, but I don't want that image. I'm not sassy and girly, and there's nothing wrong with that but it's not who I am and it's DEFINITELY not a turn-on for me. I want to know if there's any good way to find a real boyfriend in college. Not the guy who wears tight clothing and has a bunch of girlfriends and walks like a prom queen wearing a rainbow shirt. I want a boyfriend who acts like a dude but everyone like that seems to be straight.If anyone here has ever dated a "straight-acting" guy in college, how did it happen? How did you find him? I'm cursed because I like guys who are manly and play sports and shit. The straighter a guy seems to be the more attractive that is. Am I alone on this?Do guys like this ever date other men? I can't go through college single. I'm lonely as fuck.

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