2018. április 26., csütörtök

Is this guy closeted?

Hey all,I met an amazing guy at a Subway yesterday at night, when there wasn't much movement. I had a chat with the manager of that store, and when I said I needed help with writing a résumée, he told me he could help me with it. So I stayed there after the shift, waiting for him to be done with everything.Then we left and we went to my place, and after he helped me with writing it, we just chilled in bed, talking about ourselves and some nonsense. He said many things that made me suspicious that he wasn't straight. He was very comfortable with me just lying on his stomach while he was resting on my pillow, and when I held his hand, he sort of freaked out and asked me if I liked guys.I said yes, and he was ok with that and with what we were doing (I was extremely embarassed though). He said he had one or two experiences with men and he liked it, but he told me he'd not date guys, and he basically confessed that he's bi-curious.I felt disappointed hearing that, but we were good. When he left my place, I talked to a friend and she told me that he's probably closeted. But I don't know, I do believe that someone can be limited to enjoying the sexual part with a gender and only love another. I believe in what he said, but a part of me wishes he actually wants to love guys, but he may be afraid of that, which is a shame because he looks exactly what I find hot, plus I loved his personality.What do you guys think he is?

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