2018. április 29., vasárnap

Odd situation, Advice needed

So, this may take a few seconds to comprehend, anyways. Me and my boyfriend (we’re gay), go to the same school and have the majority of our classes together. The problem is we’re both in the closet and no one knows about our relationship, and LGBTQ rights aren’t a thing here at all.So all that out of the way, we go to an all boys school, and one of my classmates keeps touching my boyfriend every chance he gets, and I know I may sound like a jealous boyfriend but the amount of times and ways he touches my boyfriend are really unnecessary.This has been going on for over 3 months now and today, after my boyfriend told him that he touches him a lot, he said that he at least doesn’t touch him that much and goes in to hug my boyfriend, he clenched in to my boyfriends waist and hugs as hard as he can and pushes his head into my boyfriend. My boyfriend tries pushing him away but he doesn’t stop until my boyfriend hurts him to make him stop.Me and my boyfriend talked about it and we both agree that it’s kinda weird and getting out of hand. We don’t know what to do and we can’t just come out to him to make him stop.What should we do?

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