2018. április 23., hétfő

Help! Blood After Anal Dildo - Stomach Feels Off A Week Later - Doctor?

A week ago, I used a household object as an anal dildo on myself after reading about the virtues of a prostate orgasm. Big regrets... I experienced blood and stopped immediately. There was a small amount on my body, on the object and some underneath me. I used the bathroom and there was some mixed with lube/stool in the toilet. All and all I'd say 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of blood (I think, as it was mixed with lube). I freaked out temporarily, cleaned up and went to bed. There was a little pain involved during the session and it was vigorous, but none after, and no sharp or bad pain.Almost a week later (6.5 days) I'm experiencing a swollen feeling, uncomfortable, lower left abdomen, with very minor pain. It doesn't hurt all the time, but it's uncomfortable feeling 80% of the time. If it does it's a 1-2 on the pain scale. There has been *no* blood at all present since that night. What is different that has been there is a fair amount of yellow mucus accompanying stools.Based off of what I've read it's unlikely I did anything too bad like perforate my colon (or I'd be dead), and probably just cut myself internally.I'm a straight male with a close girlfriend, and I'm on a parents healthcare plan, so it'll be hard to go without anyone finding out. Obviously, this is something that's embarrassing and I plan on never doing again. This whole situation is giving me terrible anxiety and I can't wait for it to be over.So, my question -- based off of my symptoms, should I be going to the doctor, or is this something that will heal on it's own? If I have to go I will, but if not -- definitely a skip.

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