2018. április 24., kedd

I don't know what to do

Hello, I just didn't know where to put this, or who to tell this to. I don't know what to do, I feel sad and confused, I don't know who to trust. First, I want to put a little of context: I am currently livin in San Salvador city, in El Salvador, I was born in this country in another city and I came to live here by myself almos one year ago, I am 26 years old and currently working by myself at a local company. I am openly gay, everyone knows except my family.The only person in my family who I told about my sexuallity is my little brother, who showed me his support, and I love him with all my heart.My mother was an economic support for me for a long time, she gave me everythign she was able to when I was in trouble. But we never talked about the sexuallity topic. I have to say, my mother is a very old school woman, very uneducated in LGBT and these topics, she has maaaaany taboos in her head and has a very low selfsteem. She suffered psicological abuse when young and also made us suffer some of that abuse through her interaction with us. She tried to control us all the time. Now I have gone against her will coming here to live by myself. Now I feel much better that I am far from her. But I feel sad for her. It is a very sad feeling.And now, she even attempted to learn to use social networks to reach me ( she didn't even know how to use a computer). I have now became a pro LGBTi rights activist in my country and she has seen my posts on social networksI loved my mother but she caused me a lot of harm. All my family was very violent towards me, there are things I never forget about the way they treated me and made me suffer amotionally for a lot of time all my youth, they said to me very horrible things. I haven't been able to leave these feeling behind.My mother helped me and gave everything she had to me, I don't want to stop seeing her but the next time I see her I'm afraid she will question me about the "gay topic", she will say I cause her harm or something, she is going to say very bad things, and then my sister and then my father...I am crying right now.How can I deal with this? I know I am not the only one. Please, help.

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