2018. április 24., kedd

young & lost, could use some advice. How do you deal with being insecure over lack of experience?

Hi, so I am 21 I'm bothered by feeling like I'm wasting my life and youthI have only have 2 friends, my only close friend I have ever had is my ex and he has so so so much more life experience than me even though he is only a year older. we only dated for only 6 months and we did intimate stuff but not anal, even though I wanted to I was too anxious to talk about it and I think it was a lot of just miscommunication. Also my first and only relationshipIt's not like I want to go out and do stuff just for the sake of doing stuff, it's just. I feel frustrated because I want to do better but I don't know how.I feel really abnormal. I had anxiety in middle school and high school so I never did anything or dated anyone or had friends. I feel stupid and broken and I don't feel like a real person. It frustrates me that I already wasted so much life and there's nothing I can do about it. Now I am just stuck being weird forever because I didn't learn social skills and how to be in a relationshipemo time over but yeah I guess it is part of becoming an adult and realizing nobody's going to hold my hand and help me and I have to solve my own problems. Partially also I guess it is a "grass is always greener" thing, imagining having had life experience would somehow improve how I feelI don't know, this really bothers me a lot. Especially things about sex because I have so little experience even hearing someone talk about it gives me anxiety and sends me into negative thinking about how I am a failure at life and blah blah blah. Any advice?

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