2018. április 22., vasárnap

Need some help from my gay bros

Hi everyone, this is a throwaway account for obvious reasons, as you'll see.So here's my problem:I've been in a relationship with this guy for almost to years now, for reference he's 27 and i'm 22, everything was great for the first year, but then we started fighting more and more, at first I thought we were fighting because the honeymoon fase was over and also cause we moved way tooooo fast! he moved in to my house less than a week after we started dating and we bassicaly morphed it married couple life soon after. But im getting side tracked here, at the moment I'm certain i don't love him anymore and we've been close to breaking up many times by now, but for some reason we never do, i don´'t know why he doesn't do it but i know i don't do it cause i feel confortable with him and because if we borke up he would have anywhere to go since he lives in my house and his income is not enough for him to rent a house in the city we live and even tough I don´´´'t love him anymore I care a lot about him and wouldn't want him to have to quit his job and move back to his hometown cause he couldn´'t afford to live here.My main point is: i was willing to be comfortable with him for the time being, maybe beucause i was afraid of being alone, but this past week i met someone randomnly and we just clicked, nothing happened! but i had to stop my self very hard! even if nothing happenswith this person, it just helped me realise I need to brake up with my current Bf, but I just can´'t bring my self to do it, I know how much it would devastate him and to make things worse he's been in a depression lately.I know i have to brake up with him, it wouldn´'t be fair for either of us to stay together! I guess what I'm trying to ask is what is the best way to brake up with him? i feel like i'll never have the courage to do it but at the same time it's getting harder and harder to even kiss him. Do I tell him he can keep living with me as a friend? Injust don't know what to do, any advice would be greatthanks in advance :)sorry for the long post and for any errors you might find, english is not my first language.

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