2018. április 22., vasárnap

Worst parts of the LGBT community?

Quick Note: No yelling matches please. Being constructive and not destructive is the point of this post.Growing up in the south, I was never raised in a community that came across as anti-LGBT. Overall when I go to different places in my state, anyone below the age of 40 doesn't seem to give a shit about sexuality. The people who do are usually social outcasts, or the type that keep their opinions heavily guarded for their eyes only.All in all it's a nice time to be alive. Well, almost. Recent events have been stiring tentions on a wound that I believe is best left to heal.I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting sick and tired of these violent extremists and morally self-rightoues people that have been co-opting the movement more abundantly in recent years.The lgbt community is nothing but a joke to my peers in high school, even to the ones who identify as lgbt, thanks none other than to these assholes with superiority complexes. And it's not that people at my school actually dislike gays for who they are.They can differentiate between individuals and organizations. However, it's as if the idea of individuals that are minority sexualities coming together to form a centralized authority to improve the lives of those who face injustices in said community has become purely a meme.And honestly, who can blame them. They're teenages. Teenagers dislike authority, being talked down to, and being told what to think. There is no real threatening, imposing opposition to the LGBT community where I live. We are "the man" to them, and seeing these people on the internet that turn to violence and silence the voices of those who oppose them (triggly puff being one of the greatest examples) does not help our case.There are people in our community all over the world that still need help. These people need to be addressed, but when no one will take us seriously when we do, how can they? When lgbt youth are no longer impassioned to fight for these people, who will?tl;dr: Some people need to change the way they approach changing people's minds if we want to stop being turned into a meme and actually help the people in our community. I'm thinking about maybe starting/joining a new organization for lgbt youth with libertarian leanings. Maybe this opposition to the mainstream lgbt movement will help gain back some legitimacy to the movement among generation Z.Anyone else have thoughts/opposing opinions? This post is meant to open discussion on ways we can improve the community, so please if you have some ideas, get them out! Don't have to be related to anything I brought up in my post either.Enjoy the sliver of time we have left of the weekend everyone!

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