2016. augusztus 31., szerda

[Update] I'm dating my best friend

So awhile ago I posted this story about how I came to date my best friend. I decided to give you all an update.So I had talked with my boyfriend, J, and we agreed to wait until he graduates this school year before we come out completely. I am still the ONLY person who knows he is gay. I, however, have told a few other people about me, but nobody in my family knows. The reason why we are waiting is because he doesn't want to have any problems his senior year. As I may have mentioned before, he has had a history of anxiety and depression. Other people think he's gay (how ironic) because of his feminine voice and antics. Especially because he does theater. Any suggestions on what the best course of coming out is. Should I tell friends first then family? Or family first? Is it better in person or Facebook post? Should I tell everyone, or let some people just figure it out on their own? I have a handful of coworkers that are openly gay/bi, yet I still feel nervous about telling my coworkers.J and I were talking the other night and he told me something that I think is worth sharing with all of you. J admitted that he actually liked me way before we started dating. It gets a little NSFW detailed here, but he told me every time I texted him he'd instantly get horny and pop a boner. He told me this is the reason why a lot of times he didn't want to send any pics on snap (like boxer pics and shirtless nothing nude. He was a great friend and supported me being gay, but now I realized it was because he was gay too and enjoyed making me happy.) During the period of time that I went out with the evil bitch, J would get jealous of when I would text her and not him. He just was too afraid of his feelings and wanted to pretend he was straight. But when he broke up with A, and I popped the bf question, he said yes and made the best decision of our lives. I am not mad at him at all, because it gives us a kind of fairytale story. Two boys become best friends, however they both like each other, however one is shy and doesn't admit it. They try dating other people, realize that women aren't for them. And in the end they get each other.J recently got a new job at a water ice place, so I decided to stop by after work. He had to pretend like we were only friends, but god did he look sexy in that uniform. And as he was reading me the prices of the cups, I almost melted (also due to it being 90°F outside). The only times I hear his voice is over the phone when I call him late at night. I love his singing voice. He has the voice of an angel, I swear.I text my mom and my boyfriend before I go anywhere so they know where I am (in case something happens). Obviously I'm not going to tell my mom that I am sneaking around to see my boyfriend, because then she'd probably have a heart attack. So this was the first time I drove somewhere without telling my mom. I actually would like some suggestions to get myself out of this. I've been texting her since I got my car a couple of years ago. If I just stop texting her all together it'll seem to fishy. I'm 21 now and I don't really want to feel like I'm on a leash. Plus I want to sneak out to see my boyfriend. Please help me!!!We have been dating for over a year now, and my life is perfect now. I have a great job, I just got promoted, I am in college on a great path, and I guess I really couldn't ask for much more. I took the chance and asked out my best friend, and I couldn't be happier.Any comments or questions are welcomed. It is late and I have work in 5 hours, so I should probably go now. But before I go, I want to say that all of the comments and attention, even though it was relatively small, really boosted my esteem and made me feel loved. Thank you all!!!

15 gay wanna talk to guys

Not having luck where I live need someone to mess around with

Still insanely attracted to partner?

I'm a guy in his 30s and my partner is in his 50's. We've been dating just shy of 2 years now and it is an absolutely fantastic relationship. The thing is, I find myself still incredibly attracted to him on a daily basis. For instance, if we're apart a few days, I find myself looking at pictures of him or thinking about him when I pleasure myself. So, my question is this: Does anyone else experience this? It seems like all I read online are stories of people who feel less attracted over time or that the honeymoon period wears off, but for me, I'm just as worked up as I am the first day I met him. I just feel super lucky and wanted to know if anyone else is in the same boat. :)

In all seriousness I'd like some help

Can someone tell me how to stop thinking about my sexuality I'm gay admit it I accept it but I can't stop questioning it I'm tired I really am

Not having a good relationship with your dad...

Do any of you have a bad or distant relationship with your dad?I find that this makes my homosexuality much stronger and my need to fulfill this much greater. Strange, maybe, but it seems about right.I haven't had any kind of relationship with a guy just due to life, things going on and depression from other aspects of life. I'd like to be in a more stable mindset and be more put together before letting anyone into my life.I think my life calls for a mentor, or someone to really "be there for me", like a daddy but not really. Maybe a "big-brothering" type of guy.

I'm gay

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Questions concerning kids.

Hello =)I'm 16, live in Florida, and I'm gay. No one in my social life knows, nor do I plan to tell them. It's not that I don't embrace the fact that I like other guys, it's the fact that I don't personally want to date in high school, so I just don't bother telling anyone.The Internet's been extremely helpful in aiding me with some issues in the past, so I'll give this a shot. I only have two problems with being gay, and thinking about them gets me really anxious sometimes.I'm the last male in my family name, so it's my "responsibility" to carry it on. I personally don't see it as a huge deal, but it feels like the one thing I should be able to do and make my parents proud. (My parents, by the way, have said multiple times that they'd accept me no matter what my sexuality was.)I can't have biological kids with my husband. That one just makes me stupidly sad and upset. I'll be in college soon and I'll be taking very rigorous programs, meaning that I won't have a family until I'm well into my career. (And when I find the right person.) I just hate the idea of not having kids. If anyone here knows, how hard is adoption nowadays, and how will it be in ~20 years? I'm still going to love any child I can get, it's just hard to think that I can't show my mom HER grandkids one day.This got longer than I thought it would, so thank you for whoever read it and I hope I'll be able to grow out of some of these soon, or at least come to terms with it. Thanks =)

Join the Most Dynamic LGBTQ Chat Community on Tinychat and Tumblr.


In therapy for fear of groups of men.

I have been going tru therapy for littlenover a year now. I went for rumination and trauma inflicted by my father. I was having panic attacks and was nervous almost everyday. It became worse after i started a relationship with a psychotic older man who was quite narcissistic but that's over now. My therapist has helped me a lot and i'm all the better for it.Now after 6 months i went back just to check up and we discovered that i still have this libgering fear of heterosexual men. Especially in groups and authority figures. It stips me sometimes from going to the bank, getting my car fixed, or heck even a group of guys standing at a club or stuff like this. Now i don't run away from them but it makes me very uncomfortable and nervous.I have already found some of the reasons why i react like this and we're tackling that in the next few seasions over the coming two weeks.I wanted to know if you guys experience similar fears.

homophobic father issue

I'm gay.My dad is not pleased with this fact. Completely homophobic.Half the time his homophobia doesn't even make sense.Fishing show on TV in the living room Watching it with mom and dad Mom: "I don't have the patience for that kind of stuff" Me:"It doesn't feel like too long when you're out there" Dad:"Time flies when you're a faggot." Go to my roomIt's getting ridiculous. He goes out of his way to respond to everything I do by calling me a fag.What do I do?

'My Dad Says You're A Fag'


How to deal with parents of the "being gay is normal, so don't make a big deal out of it" variety of homophobia.

Literally yesterday I was watching a TV programme with my family which featured two women kissing in a non-platonic manner. My immediate response was "Yay!" and an excited clap, because naturally I love it whenever I see LGBT+ romance featured in mainstream TV (by mainstream I mean programming that doesn't exclusively revolve around LGBT+ people).My parents responded by basically saying that I shouldn't have clapped, because it seemed over the top and a strange reaction to what is considered 'normal' for them, and that by reacting like that I was "making a big deal out of it".I think what they were trying to say was that because being gay should be viewed as equal and not unusual or rare etc, a gay kiss shouldn't be treated or reacted to any differently than a straight one, because both are 'normal' things to happen, and by "making a big deal out of it", I was trying to suggest that it is something to be seen as unusual or different etc.I tried to explain to them that they can't, as straight people, moderate how a LGBT+ person reacts to seeing another LGBT+ person or LGBT+ romance on screen, as it is akin to when people say "don't be too gay" or "don't shove it in my face", etc., basically implying that they don't approve of it.Whilst they claim they are supportive, and, yes, this is probably the only type of problematic behaviour I have to deal with from them, I don't think it's acceptable to essentially tell me to not openly celebrate my own community.Anyway, I'd like to see what you all think of this and how you'd respond and if you have any advice.My current thought process is, if I don't speak up and tell them this made me uncomfortable, they will never learn or improve, and if they support me as they claim to, they should also support me responding excitedly to seeing people like me on TV.

when your crush have a gf


First date ending with a great kiss

I recently started speaking to this really nice guy on Tinder. We met up this weekend after a month of speaking to each other.He is a really sweet guy and we get on really well. However he is not sure about his sexuality. He told me upfront he aims for making friends first and likes to take it from there. Understandable.We went for a quick coffee as we were both pressed for time and the meet up was long overdue. When I dropped him off at his place, he started getting out the car but turned back and leaned in for a peck on the lips and said he'd come see me soon once his car is back from repairs (we live in two different university towns).I had no intentions or even thought of kissing him just because I knew it was friends first. The worst part (or great part) is that I've never felt such an electric rush before. All kisses before had me even doubt whether I was gay because I was so indifferent to them. I really felt something.So was this kiss just for a sake of a kiss? Afterall, he said he was looking to be friends. I'd hate to invest myself in him and its eating me away that I dont know what it meant. I feel bad for even asking what it meant.

Advice about how to act with a guy

Hi guys, I'm 20, I never had a relationship and I would really need advice as I'm into this guy, I don't really know how to act and I don't feel very comfortable talking to my friends about this.I met this guy at university (we both attend the first year of medicine in Italy) and since the first moment I saw him something was triggered. I can't explain it, but I found him really interesting and tried to approach him, unsuccessfully.During the first semester we barely said hello to each other but the following semester a common friend properly introduced us, and ever since we studied together every single day. Then he came to support me during my anatomy exam, and there I realised it was something more than a friendly interest, I realised I liked him and started chatting with him everyday (I couldn't hang out with him because I went back to my hometown which is about 1000km far from where I study).A month later, I invited him and some friends of mine to stay at my place for a while, have a little bit of vacation, go to the seaside and so on, and HE unexpectedly accepted my invite. We spent a week together and when I left him at the train station with the others I hugged him for so long and so tight, it was one of the best hugs in my life.Now, the day after he wrote me saying me that my other friends thought I was gay and I decided to come out to him. What surprised me is that he came out, too, but as bi.I never had a relationship, not even a not-serious one and so I can't even say if he's flirting or what, but he acts very weird. Sometimes he seems to like me, sometimes he just change subject when we're talking deeper topics. I think he feels he can't "open" to me and I don't really know how to tell him he can trust me and can talk about anything with me, without being judged. I really like him and I don't want to screw up, so any advice would be really helpful. Thank you so much for your time.I apologise for my grammar/vocabulary mistakes, but English is not my mother tongue.

After four years. Newly single at 32

Hey Reddit,I just wanted to explain my situation and why I'm now single. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced thisMy ex partner and I had been together for four years. I think overall things had been good except recently something started becoming an issue. Throughout the relationship I'd been the 'top' and I can only recall on a handful off sessions where he'd tried to fuck me. The issue for me is simply I get zero pleasure from anal, the idea of getting fucked isn't appealing (not to mention the pain). The reason why we broke up is he wants to fuck guys. I get it, we tried threesomes... basically I have a larger than average dick (like 8+ inches). Most of the bottom guys moan way more when I'm inside them, so his average dick doesn't seem to hit the mark. He'd never admit it but the look on his face was that of annoyance, I guess frustration more than anyway. I'm not saying that to be like 'hey I'm a stud', it's just how it went downIn the end he valued getting his dick away that our relationship anywayNow I know people will say, 'you'll like getting fucked if you give it time' or 'you should be more flexible', but seriously getting fucked does nothing for me, my dick goes limp and the pain just makes me lose interest instantlySo last night we agreed to break up. Anyone else experienced a similar situation? what did you do

2016. augusztus 30., kedd

Anyone wanna talk or vent. I'm all ears, I need someone to talk too.

Pm me or whatever also idk if its important but M 17 California

Poll: Should Australia Legalise Gay Marriage ~ Pre-Plebiscite?


How can I learn to be a better bottom?

It's debatable how long I've been dating my boyfriend, but, we've been having sex about 10 months now. He's not the type to really open up emotionally to give me a feel for if he needs something or if something bothers him. I sometimes wonder if he really feels much at all. This is not a criticism because he makes me very happy. This is also not as big of an issue as it may sound as we're really happy together and our relationship seems to be progressing really well.I recently a couple weeks ago realized I may not be up to pat sexually with what his standard might be. I think he's dating some way better looking and way kinkier guys in the past and really sure what that fully entails. He had this one ex who got as crazy as fisting but he didn't want any part of that he said and that went down after they broke up. But it's clear he's explored everything.Another problem is that he's really really huge. I've noticed he holds back a lot in fear of maybe hurting me.Are there some easy ways to approach this? Is there a way to maybe push my body to "take all of it" or ways to maybe initiate something more exciting?Last issue. He seems to be a guy who doesn't care for monogamy and I'm the opposite. Has anyone dealt with this.

Friend gives me hella mixed messages. Help.

Edit: We are Juniors in High SchoolThere has been this guy I have been hanging around with lately. Myself, I only have friends that are girls. For some reason, he likes to hang out with me a lot. I mean A LOT. Almost everyday of the week, we go out together. Otherwise, we are on Skype for 5+ hours on the days off. I'm about to go off on a rant here. When we see each other in person, he leans toward me to an unnecessary extent, he mirrors my body language, teases me by taking "ugly" pictures of me and holding away the phone from me while I desperately crawl across his body in order to delete the hideous pictures (which he smiles when i do), always pays attention to me and never on his phone, and he is the most touchiest person I've ever known. It. Drives. Me. Crazy. The worst part is that he tells me that he is straight. Well, maybe. For the first time, we had a deep discussion about almost everything in our lives, and I spilt the tea on everything deep in my life, as well as him. It turns out that he questioned his own sexuality a few years ago but he still tries to associate himself with the "straight" label. I believe that he might be trying to live under a specific label, especially because he wants to be "metrosexual" which makes me sigh. I told him that no one has to be constricted to any labels, especially when they read them off the internet cough. The most questionable of questions was when he would ask me about sexual things I would do and about other gay couples in our grade. He opens up to me about the weirdest things and he always has a <1 minute response to every single text i send. Today, we were talking about relationships, and he seems uncomfortable when girls check him out at all, how we both never were in a relationship, things like that. This is the longest rant that will ever be burned into my thoughts and memories. Out of all the guy friends he has, why me? Why hang out with the gay one? Why go out of your way to go to Lush with me? I'm intensively over-analyzing this situation, but honestly, I am falling head over heals. And sadly, it is with a supposed straight boy. What do I do?

Only kinda tragic

So yeah, I summed up the courage to ask out this guy from my trig class, and surprisingly he said yes. I didn't really know how to really start the relationship so we spent the afternoon at the "arcade" (a strip of restaurants downtown) and I had a really good time but i could tell something wasn't going right. Literally three days after some more awkward confrontations he said it wasn't working out and left me for a girl. This was super weird because he clearly said he was strictly gay on multiple occasions. I don't know if I was the problem but I just needed a place to vent.

Colton Haynes receives the HRC visibility award


Honestly same.


My first Relationship

Well i have just met this guy through Tinder, we had a date on monday at a place neither of us have been, i have anxity but with him i felt so at ease.sorry, im just so happy i needed to tell someone as im still in the closet too everyone i know :)

My health

Its hard to explain, But this is how it goes. Ever since i was a kid i've always known i'm gay. Look... The point is that my health is getting worse... And i think its about me being gay. I haven't told my parents because my dad and brother are so homophobic.When i say 'bad health', in my opinion its bad. I've been very suicidal and depressed. The music i've been writing has been depressing and sad. Also i've been sick alot.I do go to CAMS but i'm just gonna say its not workingCan anyone please help me.. Is it because i'm scared of coming out? Maybe i need a relationship to help me?Thank you for reading! Means alot 🙌

Catholic archbishop removes priests from Irish seminary over gay sex app claims


Uh, any other high school/college students that can't come out yet?

I just graduated high school and will start college in 2 weeks. The country that I live in is fairly tolerant of gay people (well, the tolerant people are mostly girls) but I don't want to go about 4 years being ridiculed/shunned for my lifestyle. Plus my family will kill me if they find out.Anyone else stuck in a similar situation?

I [male] am a bit concerned whether I'm getting the hints right or wrong

So there's this guy I met in class about one year ago and the first time I saw him I immediately had a crush on him. I did everything I could to get his attention. It didn't take long and he took notice of me. Coming back to my seat and chatting about things in the first lesson (for example: he showed me Adventure Time and Imgur).In general he was one of the people of said class I talked to the most. I made sure he liked me, never showing my affection tho.Anyways, now school has ended and the last week we met twice to go chilling out at the local public outdoor pool. We were hanging around in the sun, going to the pool every once in a while and he showed me a lot of music, which I ended up liking a lot. First time we met he accompanied me home(having a bike), then left for whatever hed had to do afterwards - I'm not sure what it was again. Second time we met we even went for some dinner (we've been outdoors since noon) but mind you, nothing fancy, just a local kebab restaurant. Later we each bought a beer and chilled a little more at the local river, talking and enjoying the cool water.Now, the thing is, I have no idea wether he likes me romantically or just as a friend. I haven't asked him about his sexuality yet - although he was making a lot of comments about the ladies while we were at the public swimming pools. It seemed to me like he wanted to test my reaction and since I like both genders I would approve his statements.There were times, while we were together, that he gave me this special look. I mean a look that showes deep affection or interest (or that's how I validate it); like looking at someone way longer than usual - like when you are talking. I sometimes felt like he was checking me out (for whatever reason) and I mean, sometimes he was smiling at the, but these moments... He was just looking - like waiting for a reaction.Later last week I wrote him that I'm bisexual and if that's cool with him. He answered me shortly after and told me, that it's no problem for him and that he's got another friend who is as well.Now. I haven't asked him directly: "Do you like girls? Do you like girls only?". I am only validating the data I've collected. If he hadn't been making comments about the girls in the public bath that often, then I'd immediately ask him out. Could be that this was a way to get us talking about sex - I don't know.At this moment I have no idea what he is looking for and whether he even has sexual interest in me. The only thing I know isa) that I have a hard time acting cool when I'm around him - I even have a hard time to think from time to timeb) that he gives me this look and I have no idea what I should think about it. I mean, maybe he's just shy when it comes to romance and he's using a lot of hints to get me going. I'm very bad with hints as I'm never sure I'm getting them right.I've had a crush on guys several times that turned out to be heterosexual and that's why I'm especially careful this time. I'm happy he's cool with me giving off some gay-vibes, but I'm not sure how he'd react if I wanted to approach him a little. Also I'm not sure whether or not I should contact him often. I mean, I want to build something here but I'm not sure if it's only one-sided.What do you think?

Other Gay Army men?

I'm a soldier and had bad experiences dating as a soldier. It seems to be a constant theme with other gay soldiers. What are your thoughts or experiences?

Other Gay Army men?

I'm a soldier and had bad experiences dating as a soldier. It seems to be a constant theme with other gay soldiers. What are your thoughts or experiences?

I had a dream last night

I've been chatting with this guy online for a while now and I had a dream that he gave me his phone number and I gave him my phone number, then I flew out to meet him, and we went to dinner then had amazing sex afterward.what does this mean?

Have you ever dated a busexual guy? And is it different than dating a gay guy?

I dated a bisexual guy who was in an open relationship with his girlfriend. Noticed in him that he had less of a problem with my feminine side and actually had fun with it. I felt way more comfortable than actual gay guys because up until now my dating life has been filled with men denying their feminine side and criticizing mine.So what do you guys think? Different or an isolated experience?

Hello i have left my closet today!

Today on my death bed i told my father that i am gay and he told me to go kill myself :( But i am tired of hiding. I am gay and proud!

Want some help bringing out my more feminine side.

Hey everyone!I'm an 19 (and nearly 20) year old guy from the netherlands who wants to bring out his female side. The problem being, i have no clue how or where to start. Anything advice is welcome!(Already rocking longhair, mby littlebit wild but hey.)Thanks again lads.

The legitimacy of the "Is LGBT a choice?" argument in the first place.

Don't you think more progress would be made if instead of trying to convince people on the complex science of brain functions, we just start asking why it matters in the first place?I understand I have a certain privilege here because I'm bisexual and I'm not taking this issue lightly - but I wanted other people's input on what would happen if we just said "It's not a choice, but even if it was, why does it matter?".


Am at this point in my life where I know who I am, a few people Im close to know who I am. But theres still this thing hanging over me. I know from his own words that my father wouldnt be ok with me being gay, and that hurts me every day knowing that I will never be what he accepts. Im woking to seperate myself from him and my family who wouldnt accept me but they are still family. Eventhought they would completely disown me I still know they are family. This song came on the other day while I was driving and I completely lost it. I broke down crying in the middle of the freeway. Hoping for the happy ending, yet knowing it will never come. Why is this hatred in the world.The song: https://youtu.be/rcZLMtWEcF0

2016. augusztus 29., hétfő


Am I gay?Perhaps. Sexuality is a spectrum and it’s more than fine to be attracted to any gender. There are different words for different likes – it might be easier to just be you though and not look for a word.Honestly it’s okay. The people around you might not say that, but just because a lot of people say something – that doesn’t mean it’s true. There’s happiness to be found in your sexuality.Should I come out?If you live alone (as in not with your family) and are not financially dependent on others – then go for it – unless you live in a country/place where you will be murdered for doing so.What should I do? (aka my feelings are hurt)It’s gonna hurt. It’s always gonna hurt. That being said. Walk away. Especially if you were cheated on/abused. If you weren’t in a relationship with the person and you barely know them – you need to find something to do with your life. Spend time talking to people and getting to know them. Don’t give it up so fast and then be surprised when they move on to the next ship. A lot of things are about what you can do – not what others have done to you.Is my best friend gay?Ask them. Many people are going to hide their sexuality, and quite a few are going to “bi” when they are in reality gay and just unable to accept that. I don’t say that to contribute to bi-erasure – people are just fearful, scared, or feel ashamed of their own sexualities. Many will maintain a wife/kids and their experience towards men will be sex with them.Isn’t hook-up culture ruining everything?These posts get upvoted a lot here. It’s a lot easier to be negative than it is to put work into finding a date. That’s because being negative can’t fail. If you took the time to get off grindr then you’d stop contributing to the so called hookup culture.How do I meet a guy? (And why do they stop talking to me?)Say hi to someone. Take the time to have a decent and extended conversation with them. If they enjoyed it they will keep talking to you if they’re able to extend themselves. Good meeting places are public places, interest based clubs/meetups (gaming, anime, sports) and through friends.Many people will stop talking to you once they get what they want from you. This applies especially to grindr and online interactions. Many people are simply incapable of being upfront and telling you what they want of you. Instead they will block you. Which makes you feel like shit and also means to an extent that they used you.Does someone keep asking to see your dick? They want to masturbate, block you, then move on to the next person. Once they cum they are done with you and that’s when the replies stop.Also – maybe you’re just insane. Or incapable of picking up on social clues and interacting with people in a positive and productive manner. Maybe you’re rude. Maybe someone else’s legs spread and they can only be in one person at a time.What does no mean?No means no.What does no means no mean?It means you need to stop. Stop talking to the person, stop trying to have sex with them, stop trying to spend time with them. Block them.What if no one said no?Silence is not consent. A person moving on means they are done with you – and that is perfectly a ok. They are not required to be with you or to give you ANYTHING AT ALL WHATSOEVER if they are not in a binding relationship with you.What if someone else is flirting with my friend?You don’t like that, it’s rude, they should stop, blah blah blah. No one owes you anything.Well I feel awkward standing around with this going on…Then don’t be there. Stop hanging out with them. Make new friends. Flirt with that friend that the guy that was flirting with you was flirting with and then be like “Ha. Dis my man now bitch.” Flirt with a different friend in the group. Talk to another guy online. You have thousands of options.I’m gay but my girlfriend…buh buh buh buh buh buhYou shouldn’t have even got yourself into that mess if you knew you were gay in the first place. End the relationship immediately and don’t start another with a woman.I can’t find a guy I like?Trust me I know. You’re super masc and just gonna bitch cause everyone is so fem and it’s ruining your whole life. If you want to date a masc guy then talk to a masc guy you consider acceptable and see if him sucking your dick turns into a relationship. It’s really not that hard.Sex?You should wear a condom. They should wear a condom. You should have protected/safe sex. Your sex should be consensual. You should read about stds before having sex.How do I ask someone to be in a relationship with me? (or how do I do anything?)You literally just do it. (I’ve gone around a bar saying hi to people and then just saying “Do you want to have sex with me?” Some people were surprised/taken aback by it but every single person said yes. Just do it.)Someone said no to me…?Yeah this gay named Andrew said no to me. First guy to have ever turned me down and he did it very properly/honestly/upfront and it pissed me the fuck off. I was mad at him, it hurt, and eventually I got over it. It was his right and there was nothing wrong with him doing it – I just couldn’t handle it. It gets better.Does it get better?Yes, it does. Especially if you put some effort into making things better. You can change a lot of your life and become a happy successful person if you make sure to continually try and to do things that improve yourself and the conditions around you.Being bit on the inside and getting lost in negativity will ruin a lot of your life and health. It’s super fucking hard but you’ve got to break out of it and change things.

Are you gay?

Are you?You should know.

Is James Corden gay or is the ambiguity of his sexual orientation part of his act?

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Pros and cons of coming out letters?

Coming out as gay is still a long way away for me, but I wanted to start a discussion. What are some of your opinions on coming out in a letter to your friends/family? Would it be better for a shy person who has trouble being the center of attention? Could your presence (or lack thereof) affect people's reactions?Any ideas are welcome.

In love with my straight(?) friend update no. 3

Hi for the third time, sorry if I'm annoying for some of you, but I really find this the only way to express what happens to me.I think you must read the whole story if this is the first time reading any of my postsPost 1 Post 2Things have remained the same, I don't know what's going on, really, after last time I posted, out of the blue he seemed to go sort of freezing with me, he looked distant, but I wouldn't let it happen what occurred months ago, so I kept with him, just both of us alone most of the time. Due to this "frozen" or paused relationship during last week, sometimes we would just be in silence, I would thought he was mad at me, and I don't blame him, I would've been that way if roles changed.Some friends who I told all of the underpants stuff, tell me he is really trying to tell me something, adding the fact that he keeps hugging me, and also recommended me I should ask him whether he is gay or not, or at least if he feels something more than a friend love for me. Even though how obvious (according to them) it is, I haven't dared to do it, i think it would be awkward... But last week, we were having a conversation, and he said "I'm bored, ask me whatever you want, I'll respond, I know you want me to answer you so many questions". I got nervous so I started doing stupid questions like what his favourite colour/dish/cloth was, but never got to the point of his sexuality, it ended up on him going to bed.Oh, I almost forgot to mention, about a week and a half ago, he told me his parents were having their wedding anniversary, and that he forgot to invite me; this made me feel so special since I would've been the only friend of him being there, but on the other hand, told him not to worry about it, considering how out of the place I would've felt on there. Later, on the evening he messaged me telling me "I wish you would've been here.", I apologised but explained I didn't consider it appropriate me to be in such a private event like that one. Then, out of the blue he said "you know what? Sometimes I wish I had someone to be with" this freaked me out.After this, we kept on our normal and habitual actions, until last Sunday when things got clear (I guess), he had been telling me for a long time he wanted to have a word with me on something special, but sometimes I denied to it, on Sunday he told me "it seems you not to care about it, does it?" I said I did care, but I was just so afraid of what it could be, after this, he texted me:"What can I tell you...The other day I said I wanted to tell you something but I didn't, now, I think I'm doing it.Sometimes I feel powerlessness, I feel like a sour shot going through myself.Sometimes I would like to have someone to hug, even when that person isn't expecting it, to be able to kiss the person's forehead, I would like to be able to be there.Sometimes, there are moments which I would like to share with someone else, such as listening to a song, watching a movie or just to be in silence and share our looks.I think that for many people the perfect moment is based on an unforgettable place, the perfect date, the perfect gift, but the thing is that for me, a stroke, or an "I love you" from nowhere, an unexpected hug, a comfort kiss; is enough.I would love to have that person to have a lifeless gaze at, but it seems to be unreachable. Trust me, I'd love to. I'd love to."This freaked me out MORE than what I was by the moment he told me he was inviting me to his parents' wedding anniversary. I told some other friends and told me I should go for it, but I really don't know what to do.Today, we had to do a school activity out of normal schedule, in which we are both together. I arrived where we needed to be and there he was, I got there with my sister, she knew I stopped talking to him but never told her things had gone back to normal. As soon as he saw I was arriving, he ran onto me and received me with a hug, he said "wait! I need to go for something I forgot" and I waited; then my sister told me "hadn't you already stopped being friends?" I ignored her, and waited for my guy (wish he was). My sister would wait for me until I finished my activity.After doing our stuff there, in a place far away enough so my sister couldn't see us and wouldn't ask me what was going on, I told him "well, I've got get going, so, if we're going to say goodbye let's do it here where my sister can't see us" then we talked a little bit more and after some words I said "here I can do quietly what I want to do with you", referring to hug him without being asked why, he told me "are you gonna kiss me?" I answered no of course haha, and then just hugged him and went by. On my way home, I found out I had forgotten some papers at school, so I had to come back, I went running, literally, he was there yet, he hadn't gone, he was sitting on the floor, and I could see him going down so as to lay on it as I got closer, don't know why he did, though haha; I just said as I ran next to him " I forgot something" and went for the papers, then on my return I decided to walk, and when I was next to him where he was sitting I said "I think now... Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow" then he told me "goodbye, do you want another hug?" Which I responded "why not?" And hugged him. I was... I don't know how I felt, but I was meltingThank you all guys, really, what do you think I should do? I feel like I need help as always 😭

im gay

ban me

[Help] God damn do I despise where I'm from.

So first of all I just wanna tell my cousin Hi! If he sees this and just drop a comment or pm me later.Now what I wanna say... You see I'm from the middle east (SA to be specific) and you guessed it, I like the D and you all already know the difficulties and harm that comes my way just from that. Before I get into everything lemme just say I have THE BEST and I mean THE BEST possible friends I could ask for in this shit of a country and they're all accepting towards me and have only shown compassion and friendship to me.But now the problem lies in how I will get someone, a partner in my life to share it with, you know what I mean? I'm hoping honestly to go to college and hook up with someone in my stay of 4 years there but what really saddens me is how I see in other countries other 16 year olds (that's what prompted me to type this out) who have boyfriends and all while I have to wait until im 20 something. It's just not fair.I'm sorry for this long rant but I just have one simple question, actually two.How can I get a partner my age in this country?Is waiting until college where I have a 80% chance of studying abroad a viable option?Thank you for your time. I'm going to sleep for now and reply come morning.Thanks again and sorry for the rant.

When do you think they will make a Disney movie of two prince's finding true love in each other?

Am I gay?

I've been in a relationship with a guy for 7 months and I'm a guy does that mean I'm gay. Also, why do I keep asking myself if I'm gay?

Need help

I used to be super confident in myself and have an amazing boyfriend of 7 months now and i love him more then anything but my confidence after being with him so long is starting to go away. I gained weight not a lot but a noticeable amount. I was cheated on my past relationship before him and i trust my boyfriend but my habits are killing me to just know he not doing anything wrong. Am i crazy or just need to shut up about this because im really losing my mind.

Pastor who said Pulse nightclub victims 'got what they deserved' arrested for child molestation


Rejected constantly, why?


Why are gay sex shops sleepy?

Hi guys! I'm a 28 year old, happily partnered gay man living in the UK. Over the past year, my boyfriend and I have been trying out different sex toys to enhance our healthy sex life together. During this time, we discovered that most online and high street sex shops catered to gay men were sleazy and aimed at an older generation who were into cruising. What we wanted, was something with a friendlier approach aimed at couples like us. Something non intimidating and fun! Because of this we decided to set up Entice for Men, which we hope to launch by the end of this year. I wanted to come on here to ask other gay guys, in a similar position to me what their opinion is and what they would like to see from a new fresh online gay sex shop. Looking forward to seeing your replies 😁

Need some advice

Hey guys.I recently broke up with my boyfriend just under two weeks ago. It wasn't a bad breakup but it wasn't mutual - he broke up with me and it broke me. But we stayed friends and chatted like normal, we eventually met up and I broke down again but then we chatted and it was sorted.For some reason we both started to get kinda, horny? Suddenly snapchatting and stuff we were sending pics and stuff, which led to videos and then eventually we were masturbating to each other on facetime.Then the next day we arranged to meet but he had to cancel, so we met the day after and we had sex, chilled all day then had sex again. Everything was back to how it was - we hung out like nothing was wrong, massaged each other, etc.We're meeting tomorrow to obviously have sex, chill and go to the gym and stuff. But I'm suddenly starting to get feelings for him again, which is what I tried to avoid. I never lost the feelings completely but now I'm starting to think about him more and just look at him and think "I want him to be with me again."But I'm so confused. In person he acts like we're in a relationship, same if we're playing a game together on the PS4 on mic, but like texting and stuff it always seems as if I'm the one initiating the conversation. Like if I didn't message him, we'd just not talk.He's clearly said that he doesn't feel that way about me any more and doesn't want to be in a relationship with me, but how can everything be so normal / natural if he doesn't feel the same, and we've been having amazing sex. The only thing that we do differently is not kiss/cuddle outside of the bedroom (everything else we do though, joke around, chill and play games, go walks, spend all day together, chill with his family, etc.) So am I just being deluded or is there something else going on?I don't want to tell him how I feel again because I think he'll just say he doesn't love me anymore and I'm worried about losing him as a friend, but I can't help but feel this way about him

Warm my heart everytime


Get downvoted for saying I take Truvada....

Yet the "cum in my ass" joke gets up voted to death.Y'all cute.

Relationship (?) advice needed

Greetings, fellow people of reddit!Some context: I'm a 20 year old student from Greece. I'm gay and I think it's a blessing if anything, so there's no issue with that.I got out of my first proper relationship about 4 months ago. We were together for 1,5 year until things started deteriorating, I was happy with what we had but he never was content so he left. I had a rather hard time getting over that, for my standards, but now I'm alright.Recently, I met a guy who got my interest. He's unusually intelligent and handsome and there was a "spark" between us.Now, it's been ~2 weeks, we've made out a few times and generally we have good communication.However, sometimes he appears as if he doesn't care about all this. I am also a very inapproachable person, but I know what I want. I don't randomly rejectthe other once in a while and leave them to deal with it.Yesterday he had some family problems and I told him "if you ever want to talk, you know I'm here" and he was like "eh, okay". So I replied, "look, I'm just trying to help. I know you prefer doing things on your own, just like I do, but you don't have to. However if I'm just annoying you and you prefer to be left alone, just say the word and I'll back off".So he told me that he "prefers being left alone" and later on he went on to tell me he "doesn't want me getting too attached to him."I told him I'm not going to, but asked why. He told me "he's been disappointed by a few relatonships and he doesn't know where all this is going, so he just wants to have a good time and we'll see about the future".That's fine by me, but I asked "well, that however means there IS a possibility of being serious in the future?" - I can't be in a... thing, where I know for a fact that there will not be any meaningful outcome, ever.And he was like "eh right now there isn't. Maybe later. Let's not think about it".I really got frustrated by all this.I used to feel comfortable with him and be confident in myself and that he likes me, and we're having fun together and eventually falling in love, and now I feel like he's not serious about me at all. Like I'm just a clingy guy that he can have fun with but he doesn't really care, he dictates the pace and the outcome of all this.How do I handle this?Do I just relax and go with the flow? Do I back off?Will he even care if I do?

Is there any LGBT that would like to discuss Gods word?

I'm not doing this to bash anyone. I am doing this to spread Gods word, to anyone that would like to hear it. I will not use my own personal opinions, but merely Gods word.

I feel.. like I'm trash

Hey, so I just started college, made friends, etc. But then met a guy who I became interested in over a couple of days I both introduced him to my friends and developed a closer relationship with.So one night we ended up making out and hands went everywhere... we were really vibing well and I was truly in his hands, I trusted him.Then, that next day he dropped off, but not completely, just from me. I wasn't harassing him or even texting him much, but he just stopped talking to me specifically. He is still in my friend group that I brought him into and now shuts me out of conversations, or tries to make plans without me.Not only this but now he is flirting hardcore with another friend of my group. I have nothing against this friend, he doesn't know what is going on, but it hurts.A few of my friends know this is going on and support me completely and I am grateful they are there, but I can't help but feel like disregarded piece of trash by this guy who dropped me for a slightly taller guy.Should I just continue living as it is? Talk to him? He lives across from my dorm room and can't avoid him. He wont even open a conversation with me anymore.I will not try to get back to him, I'm just sick of having a relationship that was dropped immediately rather than closing the relationship.Ugh.

2016. augusztus 28., vasárnap

Pros and cons of being gay

What are the best and worst parts about being gay? I'll start...Con: Homophobes Pro: the LGBT+ community is so accepting that homophobes are irrelevantCon: it is hard to find a place to fit in because it may seem like you don't fit in with the guys or girls Pro: The amazing gay community is easy to fit intoCon: Anal sex Pro: Anal sexCon: Little representation in TV/Movies Pro: when there are gay characters you instantly love themCon: Being a minority of any kind is hard Pro: Being a minority allows you to see different situation from a point of non-privilegeAny others??

Coming out at 30

I was married for 11 years and have 4 kids. I have always known I was gay, but ashamed. Last year I came out to my wife and she took it well. Wanted to stay together and figure things out for the kids, etc. We are in a great place. Our Divorce will be final soon.I am wondering what do I do next? How do I go about becoming part of the Gay Community, finding friends, possible partners, you know the whole experience. I feel like I am coming in so late In the game.Help!

My First Gay Love Experience

I remember when I first moved, I was in middle school and met this nice guy. I didn't feel anything for him until we got to know each other very well. We rode the same bus and my dad knows his dad so they often talked and we would end up hanging out in his yard. The more time we spent together the more I would develop feelings for him and in the 8th grade which is 2 years later, we would be so gay for each other. I knew I was gay by this time because, I would just think about him and keep a diary of what we would do together. I thought that we had a connection, but he would talk about girls and one day we had a moment between us. We were talking about who I would rather go out with, him or a another guy, and I said him because I knew him better obviously. We blushed, I noticed his face was red and I felt so red, my face felt hot, I probably looked like a red cherry flavored blow pop. We both came from a family of Mexican, and finding someone who came from a Spanish speaking family who wouldn't mind being super close friends was fun. We would talk to each other in Spanish so people wouldn't find out what we would say to each other. After that I remember dealing with the fact that he's straight, I told him one morning to stop saying that he loved me, because we aren't boyfriends. Entering highschool as a freshman four years ago, I stopped talking to him a bit, we went to our own paths. Barely talking to him and we are still neighbors. We stopped altogether, and recently he had to give me something because his dad told him to, or maybe he volunteered? I don't know, but he... I don't know. I just feel like I wanted to say this so bad. I only told like three friends. I see him rarely every month, but when I moved back to the same town a year ago, I had to give his father a check, and I wore the gayest thing ever. I saw him for the first time in a year and wow, he got a good look at me, probably wondering who I was or just looking past me, but he really was taking a long time and I felt so embarrassed because his father was in front on me, and I blushed and tried my best to look away from him. IM SORRY THIS WAS LONG AND INCONSISTENT!! I just... I really like talking about him. I know I'll find a guy better than him. He was just the first guy I fell in love with. I like listening to personal experiences, because I don't have a lot of guys friends that are gay. What was yours like?

Where did or do you get your gay sex education?

So as you know gay sex education isnt something that is part of many education systems. So where did you learn it all? Porn ofcourse but what have youblearned that porn couldn't?

Bi dudes who flirt or hit on other guy's while in relationships.

Just something I don't quite understand, I know not all folk do this but it's kinda weird to me, & to be honest appears like obvious cheating in a way. Not that any encounter I had went beyond a few texts recently on social media. Why do people give the impression that they're Bi & available but are involved with the opposite sex, I know this isn't really a big thing for some, but it's just a little pet peeve I kinda have. People make it seem like it's no big deal, I kinda feel for people out there who seriously wanna relationship & have to deal with this stuff on a deeply personal level.

Accidentally friendzoned myself...how to escape?

Hey guys,So I (23) just moved to a new city and have been looking for friends. I turned my search to Tinder and started talking with this guy (29) who is pretty cute. We were talking and he was like "you're really cute, but i'm looking for friends/fun right now," which is fine with me.Anyway, today we ended up going out for the first time as friends (which was initially fine with me), and we really hit it off. He was wayyy cuter than I expected. :( Unfortunately, I think this get together really solidified our friendship, but I still want the "fun" part. I don't want to become buddy buddy with him to the point that it would be awkward for us to do anything sexual together.What should my next move be? How can I move it more in the direction of fwb? Haha, can't believe I'm asking this, but please advise!

Anyone planning on attending Southern Decadence 2016?

No text found

Others tried to convince themselves that they are straight. I tried to convince myself that I was asexual. I want to share my first ever depiction of love.


I'm not sure if I'm gay

I like guys, I wouldn't be averse to sucking a guy's penis until he climaxes, and I would let a guy stick his penis in my ass.Am I gay?

32 year


What Sparked your Sexual Awakening?

When you were a child - teen, what first made you think about your sexuality, what sparked it, what awakened it?For me it was probably "Alejandro" (Lady Gaga) the music video. I remember trying to convince myself that Gaga in a bikini was why I was hot for the video not the shirtless men in heels and underwear, but we all know where that went.

When he asks obvious questions...


I feel unaccepted in this community

The reason why I feel unaccepted a is because, through my experience, femboys are shunned from the gay community because we "make us all look bad" and it's adding a lot of stress on me and my life and it makes my depression get worst and right now I'm just a big emotional wreck.

Do some gay men do this?

I was married for 20 years. Towards the end of my marriage, I started to wonder if my husband was gay. I began to ask him questions. He did not like me asking him questions. He decided to divorce me. He made up reasons about me why we got divorced and it was very hurtful. He was not with anyone for a few years. Most everyone thought he was gay but he never came out of the closet. Now he has a girlfriend. The girlfriend had been married to a gay man who did come out of the closet and married a gay man. I feel like this woman should know that my ex-husband is gay. I believe that she does not know what she is missing or she just doesn't care. Has anyone heard of this sort of thing happening? Has this happened to any other women out there? How does it make you feel? I feel confused and alone about this.

Need advice, should I tell my friend I like him?

Long story short.. I have a good friend, I never thought he was gay. But I recently found some gay porn on his computer (it was by accident, but once I saw I looked more because I was completely caught by surprise, and found a good amount of gay furry porn and some regular gay porn. There was also straight porn and straight furry porn, but the fact that there was so many gay furry comics makes me think it must turn him on. ) I always thought he was 100% straight, but now this has me thinking he must be a little bisexual. I've had very strong feelings for him for a while now, and now that I think he might be into guys, it's driving me crazy and I feel like I need to make a move. It's weird because we're like best friends, we're even going to be living together soon as roommates. I think he's probably never thought of acting on any gay urges just because of the stigma, and probably going to remain "closeted", but if that's the case then I feel it's up to me to make a move, because I feel like I'll regret it if I dont. He'll definitely be surprised but maybe he'll be into it. It's probably mostly a bad idea because it could get a little awkward, but we're good enough friends that I don't think it would ruin our friendship, and I can't help myself I feel like I need to know. If he does reject me it won't be the end of the world, and at least I'll know and maybe if he atleast knows how I feel that might be the start of something. What do you guys think?

Confession of a freak

I feel that I have to share my story and I hope that some of you will recognize yourselves in it, because I feel very alone in this. And if you don't, feel free to share your thoughts anyway. It's confusing, fragmented and too long.I was a bit girly as a kid: long hair, earring, didn't shy girly stuff, etc. My mom didn't have a problem with it, but my dad didn't like it much and would try to make me act more like a boy in various ways. I always felt like a boy, though. A pretty stereotypical gay boy growing up, I would assume.In first grade I fell in love with a boy. This is the first gay feeling I can remember. Fast forward a few years to age ten or so. At this point I was getting more interested in exploring sex and thought quite a lot about getting close to boys I liked. Around this point I had my first sexual experiences with a friend I managed to persuade. We would do sexual things regularly for a couple of years until we went separate ways. I don't think he was interested in sex to be honest, but he still did it. There were other boys I liked more, but they would never agree to anything like that.During this time I become very depressed and anxious. I realized that my feelings weren't normal and that I couldn't tell anyone about the things me and my friend did. There was also a lot trouble in my family. My parents were fighting all the time and my dad was an alcoholic: Sometimes he would lash out at me for being difficult, like kick me because I didn't put my socks on or some other bullshit; other times he would get drunk and cry about how miserable he was, expecting me to console him. This was mixed into a pretty normal childhood. Around age eleven my dad took me to a barber and forced me to cut my hair as some kind of rite of passage. I cried my eyes out when we came home, and I believe I started to act more boyish after that and in a sense lost a bit of my self.Things started to get more heated at home. One night my mom was away and I was left alone with my drunk dad, because my older sisters didn't want to be around the drunkard. I don't remember the series of events, but a neighbor ended up at our door step, a fight broke out, and I ended up threatening to kill my dad with a kitchen knife. The police came and he was locked up for a while. No one ever checked how I felt, so I felt very abandoned at this time. My parents split up after another event soon after that one and I moved to the city with my mother and sisters at thirteen.I was still miserable most of the time, but my teens were probably the best time of my life. I was a bit of a loner, but me and a couple of close friends would roam around town and get involved in all kinds of shenanigans. For a couple of years I denied my homosexuality and experimented a with girls. I can pinpoint the exact moment when I finally gave up and decided, "I'm gay". I was fifteen and watched a slightly younger boy and girl make out on the floor in some guys' house. All I could think was how much I wished I was in her position. It was a relief.I never touched a girl after that. My closest friends probably would've thought it was okay if I admitted that I was gay, and I was asked many times if I were, but I just lied. I never told anyone about anything and barely bothered to care about anything. School was a disaster. Because I didn't show up for school much, my science teacher once decided to take me with him to buy stuff for the lab to "compensate" for my absence. It seemed a bit suspicious, so I went along with it. In the car back he started touching my leg and eventually jerked me off on a parking lot. I didn't see him after that. I guess he had quit his job and saw the opportunity.During the rest of my teens I had sex with several men I met here and there. The youngest was about twenty and the oldest ... old. It was something I enjoyed. I liked the sex and the excitement from the meetings, but I also liked the closeness a few of them gave me. Some were just interested in sex, but a few were quite caring. I stopped doing this when one of them called me at home and my sister answered. It was the old guy and it freaked me out quite a bit. Only a couple of times have I hooked up after this.At the end of my teens I stopped seeing my friends due to conflicts and the destructive relationship we had. Instead I spent most of my time trying to make a future for myself. Despite my sexual encounters with men, I've always been more attracted to boys. Not prepubescent boys, but boys in their early teens. This started to become more apparent the older I got. I hated myself very much for liking boys and it took several years for me to come to terms with it. I finally realized what matters: While I definitely am attracted to boys, I don't have it in me to hurt another person. (It's also hard for me to imagine how anyone could deny that boys can be very beautiful.)I'm in my thirties now and still attracted to boys. I have little interest in men closer to my age and that bothers me a lot. I wish I could just release myself and become an ordinary gay man, but I'm afraid that I would just end up fooling myself and hurting some poor guy. I often wonder if my history, suppressed feelings, and self-loathing fucked up my orientation or if I'm just a genetic freak. Maybe I'm confusing my fatherly instincts with sexual attraction. Since I'm so suspicious and secretive I've rarely had any normal, close relationships in my life, so it's hard to tell. As it is now, I just use distractions to keep my shit together while i struggle to find an identity I can live with. Although I identify as a gay person, I find it hard to fit into the gay image.I will end with a question: I've long identified as gay, but is there place for people like me in the gay community or are we not wanted?

I think I'm gay...

I'm 15, , male, and in high school In a small town is Oregon... I haven't really dated much, I was asked out twice by girls, and we went out. But I didn't really feel anything, at all. It didn't last long. But I know a really nice, sweet guy and it makes me feel, idk, different. Like a sort of longing to be loved, and accepted. I think I might be gay, or at least homo-romantic. Any advice or answers?

2016. augusztus 27., szombat

Accidently "came out" to my mom on Facebook...kind of freaking out...advice?

I never thought I'd actually ever come out to my family even though I'm 28 now. They're pretty religious (Muslim) and we don't really talk about our personal lives. I also didn't think I'd ever have the guts to come out to my family because of other personal issues I experience.A couple of weeks I hit the "Interested" button on a gay Facebook event that was going on in my city last week. On Tuesday I got a message from my mom asking about the event...I guess it ended up on her Facebook feed. I avoided the question.On Wednesday (the day of the event) she called me 3 times, which was very out of character. Once right after work, once during the event, and once after the event. I was freaking out and avoided answering the phone. I finally called her back that night after I calmed down, and again avoided the question when she asked about the event over the phone.On Friday I got a random message from my mom saying, "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT". I called her on my lunch break and I thought she'd just confront me, but instead we talked about me coming over to visit relatives from overseas on Sunday. I usually avoid my extended family because I don't want to be asked personal questions about relationships and such. It was as if she completely understood that. She said, "Just come over for a bit to show face, and whenever you want to leave I'll drive you home."This afternoon I got a text from my sister who works overseas:Hey...first off I want to say I'm here for you no matter what..I am your sister and will always love you regardless...there's something that's been on my mind that I've known for a lol while..... and today I want to talk about it and let you know that I'm here for you and it's completely ok.....you can come to me....I just want to say be careful of things on Facebook...Facebook is becoming so high tech now that even if u just accept to go to an event it will pop up on all your friends notification list even if you have them on limited. Mom just spoke to me about that event she kept asking you about and I convinced her that Facebook has the ability to have random things pop up if ur friends just send you an event....I also told her not to snoop around because if she is suppose to know she will find out by you when the time is right if it is even true....I got mom to stop questioning it and she did tell me that she loves you no matter what....again I am here for you and just be careful 🙂 It looks like they both my mom and sister know I'm gay, and will be accepting, but I'm still scared shitless since I'm not even completely comfortable with it myself. On one hand I feel relief because it's pretty much done and over with and I don't have to live a double life anymore. On the other hand I just want to avoid the subject all together since I don't feel like I can deal with it. I don't think I can even say the words "I'm gay".At this point I'm not really sure how to respond to my mom or sister. Any advice?

Is it Still a bromance..?

So, this semester i started talking with this really cute and funny guy at school, we became friends very quickly, and it kinda evolved into a Bromance, the thing is, i don't even know if is Still a bromance or something else.He started touching My Man boobs (yes i'm fat deal with it) and it didn't bothered me at the begginning, but now he started going to My legsAlso, se started listening music, like in a weird way, he always chooses the music and it's always romantic song like Ed Sheeran and stuff like that, and Sings it to me while he looks directly into My eyesMy question is: is it Still a bromance? I don't really feel like it anymore :(And yes i posted this on r/askgaybros but i need more advice lol

It's do difficult to meet someone :(

Hi there! I'm 26 now and never had a bf. I don't know why, but it seems difficult to find someone who'll like you as a gay person. I don't drink, don't smoke, I don't go to bars or clubbing. But I've been looking for someone for a long time now and still nothing. Is it frowned upon only liking straight acting gay guys, because they're the only ones I'm attracted to. Am I ugly? AmI likeable? Here's my pof profile http://ift.tt/2bzxaSO do you think? Am I someone a gay guy would fall in love with or I'm just meh? :/ I think I'm too plain and maybe that's why guys don't like me. I don't know, just want guys opinions.


Today was my cities Pride festival/parade and normally I would have been so excited to go and I was so excited, until I got there. The same group of friends I have been going with since I've come out got all ready and decided to hit the road and go have some fun. We got there and my best friend became very sick so we had to cut the day short and take him home. Honestly, I'm okay with it because this is the first year that I have a boyfriend during pride but my boyfriend is currently deployed over seas. The entire time we were there (3 hours) I felt like something was missing, I saw couples holding hands and kissing and it just reminded me of how much I miss him.Has anyone else gone through/felt something like this?

gay marriage


My boyfriend hates gay guys, is that really homophobic?

Im 19 and my boyfriend is 20. He doesn't understand how gay guys can stand each other. He thinks they're disgusting. He has done "stuff" with a guy before, he got a bj from a guy and he gave the guy a rimjob but that's ok because he said he wore protection on his mouth whe he gave the guy a rimjob. I would never touch him if he didn't. I wouldn't want to be with a guy that a gay guy has touched. He hates gay guys though so I don't have to worry about that. What do you think? Why do people think he's homophobic?

friend regretting coming out to friends, no longer wants to be out to the world, but everyone already knows he's bi

Hello everyone, I am wondering how I can help my semi-closeted friend who seems to have went a full 180 on whether or not to come out... however as you can see by the title it's a little bit weirdWe are entering out senior year of high school. I came out as gay at the beginning of my junior year. this friend was more of an acquaintance at the time, but we became much better friends as the year progressed and around new years he came out to me as bi, told me I helped inspire him a bit, and he wanted to come out to more people. He told his family and some of his closer friends.Around this time he starts a relationship with another openly gay guy from our school, most of their mutual friends know about the relationship but, not quite ready to come out to the school, my friend considers this a closet relationship.Throughout this time, he has stressed taking his time but did want to come out to everyone. He wanted to dance with his boyfriend at prom and have that kind of be the way which would have been so cute. However, his parents didn't like this idea (though they are fine with him having a bf, they wanted him to be more low key about it) and as you can imagine he was pretty upset, and while its resolved with his parents he didn't dance with his bfAnywho, it's been a few months and now he hates talking about coming out whenever I ask him his thoughts and just wants to get to college before considering it, when just a couple months ago he was ready to tell the world. He had a bad breakup with his bf that involved cheating and he has expressed regretting ever coming out especially because he's bi and could go through life without ever being too open about also liking guys. It seems he's tried to throw himself back in the closet and I keep telling him he shouldn't be sorry for that side of him, etc, but don't want to be too pushy because he's the one that needs to be ready.I would like some tips on what advice I can give. Our school is very accepting from my own experience and I hate seeing him feel ashamed.However, I'm not sure if he realizes but a ton of people know about his relationship and that he's bi. One of his closer friends told a ton of people, they told more people, and you know how high school can be. People know he's bi/had a relationship with a guy, and this ads another layer to the situation which I'm not sure how to handle.Should I be frank and tell him most people know anyway? I'm sure he'd be a bit freaked out but it seemed like he was on the verge of letting everyone know anyway, and I think he knows some people have talked, so it wouldn't be a complete blindside. I just want him to be comfortable with who he is. It just feels like his reasoning for not being open is because the first non-straight relationship he has had ended so poorly. I don't want him to feel ashamed of that side of himself, and he wasn't feeling this way a little while ago. He has already come out to the people that matter in his life and I want him to know the rest shouldn't matter.. . . . TL:DR- bisexual friend was in the process of coming out when slight issues with parents and cheating bf made him regret coming out and start to hate the non-straight side of himself again. Waiting till college to completely come out and tell everyone, but everyone already knows about his relationship with a guy/his sexuality.

The one that got away...

I met this guy online (I'm not gonna say what site) where he said he wanted to experiment blowing a guy. He's 27 and claims to be inexperienced with dudes. Sure, I believed it. He has a chiseled body, which is my type.All was going smoothly and we even traded KIK to expedite our conversaion. Bad idea. We should have gone on Skype or some other video chat device. Using KIK became an endless chatter.Then all of a sudden after I pressed for him "What did he like about the most when he used to play with girls, so that we don't miss it?" He shut down. He never responded back.Now, I'm blaming myself for all of these. I should have just asked, "When are you free?" after we already established rapport. Pressing him for further questions was a bad idea.So here I am on a weekend and still blaming myself. I know I should chalk it up to experience. I'm hoping after this weekend, I'd be better.I'll never know if he's "the one", but am certain he was "a good guy" that got away.

They can't all be straight at West Point, right?


This is my music video. I hope you feel all the feels!


A friend of mine is having a tough time being out of the closet can you help?

Look, honestly I'm straight but I have tons of love for the gay community. Now, a friend of mine who is older had a family just left his wife to live in a gay community. Now, I've seen this before and he did it the right way; he waited for his kids to be fully grown to move on.This is not about that. What this is about his he is telling me that the gay community has come up with a term called, "Gay with a Purpose." Does anyone know about it? What he told me Gay with a purpose is, is you are gay but are working on being straight. This friend still loves his wife (and he should they are best friends) but he is living a Gay with a Purpose lifestyle.Should he just accept being gay? Could he be strongly bisexual if he still loves his wife? What do I tell him? What is Gay with a Purpose.Thank you friends. He will read this because I will show it to him.

What, in your opinion, is one of the best documentaries on the history of LGBTQ?

Let me expand on this. I plan on making a documentary in a country where I'm currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer and I feel morally obligated to make a short documentary that focuses on the history of LGBTQIA rights in West Africa then narrow in on my country. I do understand the risks but I have plenty of support from my peers and staff alike.I need some works, documentaries, art, books, etc. that can help me fill in the historical part of the documentary and I will have my local friends be the subjects for my interviews. I'm going to watch 'Call Me Kuchu', a documentary which focused on a Ugandan Gay Rights Activist, that will help me get a better idea on how to set up the direction of the documentary.Any suggestions and helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.

Is "staying friends" a possibility? Need advice?

Okay, I know this guy with whom I fell in love with after a couple of days/weeks. We get along really well and eventually I told him that I like him alot. But he only sees me as a friend, which is why I'm going through one of the hardest times in my life (crying, heart hurts, feel like vomiting, barely breathing, losing a lot of weight, etc). But I'm in the process of accepting it (very slowly), because I can't change that I'm not his type. But we get along more than well, so should I stay friends with him? I'd prefer staying friends because I really like him, even as a friend, but I'd also like to hear what others have to say about this situation, because I'm still too confused to think clearly. And keep in mind that I'm going to France for 4-5 months (but visiting home after a month already). So, should I send him my french number and keep in contact with him? Thank you for any advice! :)

lets v/c

not sure if im gay but i wanna see your cock and jerk off. message me.

2016. augusztus 26., péntek

Newbie here seeking advice on how to make gay friends in the gay community (Boston area)

I live in Boston. Mainly here to seek advice on how to make gay friends in the gay community. I've tried attending TWC events (skiing, midweek gathering etc). People that I met in these events are super nice and chill. Although I added them to my Facebook, it's hard to get in touch after the events are over. I'm quite upset whenever I see them post pics on gatherings/meetups; I was never invited. I also tried being more direct and ask one of the guys to inform me about any future hangouts. So sad that he never replied. I would appreciate if there are experts here who can help me out. I just wanted to be in their circle and not being left out. Is it my problem or theirs? Am I being socially discriminated?A brief summary about myself: Chinese American (U.S. citizen), (final year) graduate student in the healthcare/provider field, speak fluent English and Chinese, pretty outgoing, I run and workout at the gym 4-5x/week; hip-hop zumba class 1x/week; slim-fit, smooth face and body, handsome GL guy (30 yrs old but I look like 24).

How do I let my best friend know that I want to experiment more without making it awkward?

I'm 17 years old and confused. Right now I'll label myself as bi curious but I seriously believe I could be bisexual. I think I need a lot more experimenting to confirm my belief because I've only ever made out with a girl once. This girl was my best friend since I was 8 years old. Recently, we got drunk and confessed we are both very curious to see what it's like to be with a girl. Bring drunk gave me the confidence to actually talk to her about it and we decided to experiment with each other since we were both willing. I found that I really like boobs and she actually told me that if I want to touch them I can whenever I want to. She gave off the illusion that this didn't have to be a one time drunken hook up. Let me make this clear though I love her dearly but I am not in love with her nor would I ever fall in love. However I am extremely curious and think she's beautiful and wouldn't mind continuing to experiment yet I'm very shy and I can't make the first move. How can I subtly hint in a way that she will understand that I want to try again/often. I'm afraid that I'll make things weird between us if she thinks I want to make out all the time but I'm going crazy and I don't think I can just leave it as a one time thing

How do you unlove the love of your life?

If there are moments when you have let go, know that moving on is the right thing, and you see a speck of light at the end of all this, why does it still hurt so bad? You think about the would’ve, should’ve, and could’ves and rationalize through all that but in the end, the heart speaks louder. It tears you inside. You are heartbroken. The person that I’ve been with for two years got on a bus without the certainty of when I’ll see him again. It hurts. That uncertainty hurts. The non-closure left open for memories and second guessing to surface leaving only tears running down my face. Why am I crying if I’ve accepted? Why does it hurt my heart? Putting on Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” did not help at all - no matter how many times I’ve played it. The truth is that no matter what you do to make yourself feel better, the pain still exists. It’ll take time to subside but for now I’m hurting. I’m letting myself hurt. I’m crying over a failed relationship. Each hour that moves on, there’s the unknown if it’ll only get better or worst. That’s heartache. It is what it is. I’m heartbroken. One day I’ll be happy. One day I won’t be hurting and my heart will unbreak. For now, I’m not doing well. I’m suffocating. I’m drowning. I don’t know if my heart can take it anymore. It’s a fight between feeling the pain and being happy. How do you unlove someone that is the love of your life?

How can I meet gay/bi people around my age?

Not necessarily now because I live in a black hole, but when I move next year to Colorado. I won't be going to uni right away (or maybe even at all) so what are some other ways I can meet people around my age (18-21)? Preferably not Grindr.

Who is the best to go with for your first time? Someone experienced, who can teach you the ropes, or someone new, as new to it as you?

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I'm gayer than a bag of rainbows but everyone assumes I'm straight because I don't act like the gay stereotype!

Idk I mean i like dudes and when I try to flirt with other dudes they see it as bromance. I'm over here screaming internally yes Homo while they say no homo. Help! should I wear a rainbow cape all the time or what?

Sexuality, Personality, Cognition & Decision Making Study


Phone stuff like topix


“Am I Alive?”: What Happens When You’re Outed As A Homosexual in Uganda



I am recently new to the Gay community. About 3 weeks. I'm hoping to find a boyfriend and meet new ppl. So I guess all I have to say is hello to everyone out there. Are there any gay guys out there in Calgary Alberta. (Ages 15-17)Thanks-^

Defending the Gay Times gay homophobe


The worst part about about growing up with gay parents.

I listened to way too much Erasure they still get stuck in my head.Have a good Friday everyone!

5 movies about gay relationships


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but...

Ok, so I have this friend, he is 40 and closeted. He has only ever had one experience with another man, but it was oral sex.So he is still a virgin.He has a fantasy of being a male escort.Ok, my question. Could he auction his virginity? Is that something that many men would be interested in?He is 40 but in GREAT physical condition and still has good looks too.Sorry if it is a dumb question, I am a woman and understand that a woman's virginity can be auctioned with great financial success - but does anyone here think a man could do this?Appreciate all input, thank you.

Found gay porn on my friends computer. is he gay?

Really want your guys insight on this. To start off, I am gay. I have a really good friend who I always thought was straight. He seems very straight and has never given me any indication to think that he's gay, or bi. I was on his computer and admittedly I did a bit of snooping, and found quite a lot of gay furry comics, and some gay porn too. There was also a lot of straight porn, but I was completely surprised to see so many gay furry comics. I'm thinking about it, and I just don't see why anyone who's completely straight would read gay sex comics. Not that it matters, of course it doesn't he's my friend either way, but I would like to get your guys opinions.

Need an advice

I met my boyfriend in a dating app for gay name Meet Market. He is from USA and i'm from Viet Nam. Tomorrow he told me that he is going to marry a girl cause he is Bi and cause we live so far for meeting and come over. The uncomfortable thing is after that he ask me to wait for him cause 2 week later he will come to VN for business and he want to meet me, date with me to decide who he will live with, his wife or me. I love him but that thing is so wrong! What I need to do :(

2016. augusztus 25., csütörtök

Gay Club at my High School

I go to a high school that has a club called Sexuality and Gender Alliance (SAGA), which I really want to join, but I fear that joining the club would out me before I felt comfortable (17M). I really want to support their objectives and activities, but I don't feel comfortable coming out yet. Any good advice?

Need relationship advice (NSFW-ish)

So, I'm in high school (incoming junior), and I've been good friends with this other guy in my grade since middle school, and we're both gay. We're not dating or anything, but earlier this summer we lost our virginities to each other just to see how it feels. We hooked up once more since then, and due to various vacations and summer camps we haven't seen each other in almost a month. Our sexual relationship has continued over text though, and we've developed a kind of master-slave alter ego relationship. He tells me how bad he wants my cock, I tell him how bad I want to fuck his tight ass... you get the idea. The thing is though, every time after we have one of these conversations, the next morning (or sometimes even immediately after) he tells me that he thinks it's wrong and we should stop, since we already found out what it feels like, which was the whole point of having sex in the first place. But then, a day or two later, he flips back, saying it's just pleasure, no strings attached, and justifies it for himself. But it's back and forth, like clockwork. I've repeatedly said so, but he just brushes me off every time and says that he's fine with it. But then the next time we have a sexual convo, he immediately tells me how much he regrets it and doesn't want to screw up our friendship. I've told him that if he wants to hook up again I'm open to it, but if he's uncomfortable with it, then we can be just friends and that's fine too.Sorry for the wall of text, but that's my situation at the moment. Any advice for how I can help him out or resolve the situation or whatever will be greatly appreciated.

I know I'm gay but still cantt accept it

ok maybe im not 100% sure but come on where else do i think this is heading straightville or biland? BAH! I'm not about that lie life. Sucks knowing the truth yet not be able to fully embrace. Anyone wanna talk

NSFW Can't seem to enjoy sex or jerking off

Don't know where to post this, but some advice would be appreciated.I've hooked up with a few guys, but every time I had trouble getting hard. If I did, I wasn't able to maintain it compared to the other guys where they would stay hard the entire time. Even when I was dating, I was able to get hard with my ex, but I wasn't able to stay stiff enough to get inside him.As a result, I've always resorted to bottoming. But I haven't been able to enjoy it, bottoming just feels uncomfortable. I'm guessing that's cause I'm not getting my prostate stimulated.However, another problem I seem to have is that I can't seem to orgasm even when I cum. I do know what an orgasm feels like, but I just haven't been able to reciprocate that feeling for a very long time. Like I would feel a relief but it doesn't feel "good", it just feels like releasing the built up tension. I don't even masturbate that often maybe once or twice a week.Just wanted some opinion on my situation but I probably will see a doctor. I've had this problem for years but I just never thought it was a big deal, maybe something is wrong with my prostate?

My boyfriend and I were fired for being gay. x/post from r/Calgary.


Straight guy with a weird fantasy

So as the title indicates, I'm in a weird position. I'm completely straight (I expect plenty of comments saying I'm not). I have no attraction to guys, am not "straight" or curious. I have plenty of gay friends and am comfortable with my sexuality. I don't watch gay porn just not into it.Little background on me: I'm attractive in really good shape (was a college athlete) and am hung if that matters. I'm also in my mid twentiesFor whatever reason it is a big fantasy of mine to get forced to cum from a gay guy or group of guys from a handjob. I don't know if it is the humiliation aspect or being wanted so bad, but for whatever reason it is a major turn on to think about. I have always been on the dominant side of things which may explain why it sounds hot to be on the other side. I guess my question for this sub is this something I should pursue?Any advice would be helpful.

Shame, Shame, Shame


Here's a powerful Twilight Zone-like short film about a corrupt & homophobic Republican Congressman that gets totally destroyed on live TV


Anonymous sex in SF Bay area.

I will be in the San Francisco Bay area on the 5th-7th of September and want to set something up. I have had this fantasy for a long time of getting a hotel and posting online where I will be. I want to be on the bed, face down ass up, and have some guys anonymously use me.I am curious which city in the bay would get the best response, with the highest follow through of people. Also aside from craigslist, which websites would be good to post this at?Thanks guys.

I made a website for my gaymer group!


Boy I like makes me compliments about my looks but says I'm not his type... Like what?

So I really like this guy but he said that I'm not his type, although he also said that we get along really well... He makes me laugh, he makes me smile and he makes me compliments about my looks 🙄 What can I do to make him understand that it's not the type that matters but the character? I already told him that I really like him (more than friends). I'm gonna be away for weeks/months and I really want to spend time with him when I return... But what if he finds somebody else? I'm confused and heartbroken

Gay, still single at the age of 27.

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Anyone else have this issue?

So this is a throwaway cause Im not out the closet yet (probably never will).Over the past two years of college I have met a lot of new people, and made friends. Im all good with this. The issue is that I've had 3 friends (all girls) want to go out with me. Keep in mind I'm not out the closet. It really sucks because in my head, me and these girls are just close friends, but they start seeing me as something more than a friend. I've had to act like I don't notice them dropping hints, this one time my friend straight up told me via text she wishes I had kissed her. Stuff like this has happened 3 times to me. I really care about my friends but I'm tired of acting like Im just not interested. Then they get mad when they notice I'm not making any moves.

2016. augusztus 24., szerda

Straight best friend wants to be a part of the community.

Hey everyone, I've got a question for you guys, and I want brutal honesty here.My best friend Identifies as straight, but is fascinated by the gay community. He loves Drag queens, is well versed in club and ball culture, and self identifies as an activist for the LGBT Community. He often talks about how he wishes he could be a part of the community, and even that he wishes he were gay.So here's my question. I want to take my friend to LGBT events (pride, drag shows, gay clubs) but I wonder how well he would be accepted as a straight male. Would you be chill with a straight guy being a part of your local gay community? Would it catch you off guard? Would he have to worry about discrimination?Thanks in advance!

Trying to find good LGBT literature, any suggestions?

I'm a gay high school student, and I've been trying to read some more literature about and by homosexuals, both old and new. I've already read some of A.E. Housman's work and really enjoyed it, but I don't really know where else to explore. If you have any favorites or anything that really speaks to you I would love to know!

Just had my first wet dream

I couldn't even describe it, wow that was so different. I was lying on my stomach and I was having a dream that I was fucking A classmate but he was resisting and he was also trying to fuck me. Idk if that's possible but we were both just flip flopping so fast and I came all over.I'm 21 and just had my first wet dream.

Fuck, I can barely imagine being alive during this. Thanks to all the shoulders on which we stand. [x-Post from r/television]


Talking to a new guy and need a little bit of advice

I've (30/m) been talking to this guy (also 30) for about two weeks and we are finally meeting up this weekend. Everything seems be going pretty well and for a minute I thought that I might've been coming on too strong. So I decided to pull back a little bit and see what would happen when I gave him some room. Even when I try to give him plenty of space and not bother him, he still checks in on me and calls me and asks how I'm doing and all that so I guess I wasn't too strong. And I love that. But there's a certain element of excitement that we had when we would talk in the beginning and that's not there anymore, and I'm guessing it's because by now we've talked about all of the exploratory questions that people talk about when they first talk. So there's not a whole lot of new stuff to talk about. What can I do whenever we do meet up to make sure that when we talk there's plenty of fun stuff to talk about so we have a great time and we're not just sitting there staring at each other? Even on the phone we run out of stuff to talk about and there are little lulls in the convo. Is that okay?I've already run through FORD (Family, occupation, recreation, dreams) looking for topics. We talk about work a good bit.

Do us gays get easily attached or is it just me?

So I have this problem of getting easily attached to people. Ever since before I accepted who I am and came out to my friends I feel like I must always be attached to someone. It basically turned into something I can't live with, I feel pointless without attachment. Everytime I get attached, I know that in the end I'll just get hurt since they obviously must be straight, but I just can't seem to shake it off. I always need to have someone to feel obsessive or protective over. I just want to know if this is just a phase or is it normal.

What was the most homophobic experience you faced in school? (From teachers not students)

I remember in the 6th grade my teacher said being gay was disgusting and an abomination (I live in Canada btw) and remember very well how much this hurt since the people who picked on me for being gay now got support from the teacher. I just want to know how common this is. I'm 21 now but I wonder if it's still like that in schools or if things are different. Please share your experiences. And if teachers are reading, have you ever done something to help an LGBTQ student?

Hi 👋🏻


2016. augusztus 23., kedd


Tbf I'm not really sure why I'm doing this but I'm clueless. Basically, I'm still in the closet as a bisexual. I met a guy almost a month ago now that I really like, and I've been speaking to him almost everyday over text etc; he's also bi. One of the first things I told him was that I was bi and he was also the first person I'd ever told.I'll be honest, I've never liked the idea of being bisexual myself however after speaking to him for a while my feelings are kind of over powering that.The person I'm speaking to is quite a reserved person that appears to have been messed around a bit in the past and clearly struggles to trust people following that. However after speaking to him for a while he appears to be slightly opening up to me and coming to me for advice etc. It was me usually starting the conversations primarily to begin with but lately it appears as if he's trying to make an effort back now. I'm not 100% sure if he likes me back in anyway as I'm not really the most aesthetically pleasing person in the world. We mainly speak over snapchat and he sometimes sends pics of his six pack with text on it.I just really don't know if that's like a sign of saying he likes me back or if that's just me wanting to think he likes me back...I've never been alone with him in person but whenever we go out with a group of friends (don't really know how to say this without it sounding bad) whenever I say, touch or do anything directed towards him, he just shuts me down straight away as if he doesn't even like me as a friend....Usually I don't let emotions or feeling get the better of me but this is the first time I've ever been in a situation like this.

How do I come out?

I'm so consfused. I'm in a very anti-gay/LGBT school. My family also shares these sentiments. I'm so tired of hiding that I'm bisexual or even gay (still figuring it out). If I ever come out, I will be shunned and never be talked to again, possibly. I have one friend that knows already, so I'm glad for that. How do I come out?


Im really realllyyy gay and don't know how to express it.

5 Famous Heartthrobs Who Came Out As Gay - LifeGenre


Issue with a Friend

So I've been friends with this guy for years. I've always had a crush, but thought of him as a best friend and didn't want to ruin that. He opened up in the past about being bi, but recently has walked back on those statements saying, "I don't get that I'm not gay," and stuff like that. I found out from another friend recently that he has been saying he has always been attracted to me and doesn't know what to do about it. Should I confront him about these feelings? I have always been interested, but feared rejection. Now that I know there might be a little something there, I don't know what to do.

These PMs are always so fun


Trouble opening up?

I hope I don't regret posting this... This is my first real relationship and I'm more confused than ever (I'm 21)I've been kinda going out with my friend since the start of this year and the start was great, literally lots of cuddling (no sex). tbh I was just happy to be with someone finally.But it's weird. We're both very inexperienced (this is both our first relationships) and it's really hard to dig deep. The first time we went out I didn't realize how much trouble I would have speaking my mind and he didn't open up much either. We both ended up going back rather sullen and I actually thought it was over after that disastrous date but the next day he just seemed to pretend nothing bad had ever happened. And ever since then we've kind of just tredded on eggshells with each other. We haven't even kissed yet...It's also compounded by the fact that we used to talk a lot at uni or on Facebook but now we have completely different schedules and only see each other once a week. Facebook chat has pretty much died for months.Honestly I'm at a loss of what to do. On that one day we see each other we basically spend the whole time cuddling in the car. I know I should just voice my concerns but I'm scared to do so...

Anal plug : yes or no ?

I've been pondering for a while to buy a buttplug.If I use it too much, will this "lessen" the sensations I will have with my boyfriend ? What is your experience with buttplugs ?

Trump Donates $100K to Tony Perkins and his Anti-Gay Church



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Ps4 gaymers?

Hey lgbt community, 19 male here and looking to chat and play some games with some free spirited people. My PSN is Smi77y_142015 if you'd like to just add me, or leave a comment.hope to hear from you all 🐧

Special deal for straight couples only — friends went anyway

Our group was composed of 2 straight couples and 2 gay couples, which makes 8 people. We had to wait about 3 hours for an 'escape' game and some of us were hungry, so naturally we went exploring the mall for restaurants. We found a cool-looking Japanese place.Upon approaching it, before entering, the hostess told us there was a special deal for couples where the gentleman paid X and the lady paid Y. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet situation."But what about gay couples?" "Well, we can't actually give them this deal. For girls we might make an exception and they'd get the deal price; but for male-male couples I'm afraid we cannot offer the same discount. I see there are four males not accompanied by females in your group, so I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do."They went in — two straight couples and the other gay couple. Both men later paid full price. My boyfriend and I followed them to the table, but we got up and left before they even started eating. We were shocked at the blatant homophobia and the lack of support on our friends' part.About half an hour into the time we had to wait, my boyfriend texted the group saying the restaurant was homophobic and everybody should get the same deal. No one replied. It was on WhatsApp so he was able to tell when they had all read it. Hours went by and not a word. I was so devastated. These people are my friends, I introduced my boyfriend to them because we're in a band he's not a part of. The other gay man, who's been in the group for only a few months, only came out to us and introduced his boyfriend to the gang because he saw that I was gay and that made him feel safer.A couple minutes before the time we were told to show up, he came find us. He quickly told us that they didn't think it was a homophobia case — but rather a sexist case on the grounds that women were perceived to eat less than men — before the others got within earshot. I'm not arguing this: I think it's both. I'm the person who eats the least in that group, and there are two women in it, meaning our very group is proof that this stereotype is nonsensical.Going further than anecdotal evidence, the main reasons I think defending the restaurant is bullshit are:Say the food consumption volume gap is true, for the sake of argument — no one's making the owner offer any sort of deal to begin with, which means he or she made a decision to be unfair / homophobic / misogynistic rather than to give every couple the same treatment and arguably risk losing money;I'm not sure whether someone suggested it or if the hostess herself said it, but at some point I heard that men could pretend they're boyfriends for the discount if they allowed gay couples to have it — as if women can't pretend they're lesbians or straight people in male-female pairs can't pretend they're couples (seriously, what a pathetic argument right there); and finally,Gay people have this annoying habit of bending and stretching any reasonable argument in an attempt at appeasing straight people in power. We call it something like doing tricks for a cookie around here.We played the escape game and went home quickly afterwards. Still not a word about it all. Only exchanged pics after the end — we won.I'm still mad at them all, perhaps more than I am at the restaurant because I don't expect any empathy or support from straight strangers — as I do from my close friends. It really broke my trust, which sucks because I find it particularly difficult to begin trusting somebody. I'm feeling... I don't know, I guess hurt.I'd like your thoughts on this, please, amazing Reddit people. ❤

should I?

I am 33 since 14 I have been cam stroking and chatting online to guys. I have never met one just spoke online and chickened out of hook ups. If I was to meet a guy I would only top couldn't kiss, maybe mutual stroking. My question is should I just leave it as a curious fantasy. I have done some anal play a few times but realised I only like things really deep in there I had a plunger in there almost to the Base but I flood my bathroom floor, which I took that plunger with me when I moved out, I can't find a similar hehe. My urges to fuck a guy only happen when I am going through a dry spell and I am not attracted to guys..

2016. augusztus 22., hétfő

Looking for a good bathhouse in NYC

I've always wanted to try out a bathhouse and have a fun experience but haven't been able to find a good one online. Information is either scarce or the places I find are sketchy. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!

Long hair turn off? What's your opinion?

Maybe it's just the area I'm in? (Texas) I never see guys with LONG hair, past the shoulders. Not even in pin ups or anything! Is it a turn off? Am I too girly, is that a turn off? Some options would be helpful, im wondering if maybe I'm the problem.

Hookup questions

Hi everyone, so I just hooked up with this dude few hours ago, we didn't cum because i told him to stopped when we did anal because it hurt really bad. We used condom. However I gave him a few second blow job and his precum came out and I think I swallow a tiny bit of it. Now I'm really scared. He said he's cleaned and recently just got a new job so I'm sure they gave him a drug-test (not sure if they can show std/hiv or not). Please let me know your thought. I'm a bit worry.

i just came out of the closet

needs some advice be strong against homophobia and mean people

French Penpal?

Hi, I speak English but I'm trying to practice my french. Are there any french speakers out there who want to practice english too? You can PM too.

Going to confess for the 1st time...

Hey, reddit.Tomorrow (or today, depending on zone) I'm going to confess my feelings to the guy I love. He seems to be straight, but I have clear evidence that he's very interested in same-sex relations. It's the first time ever that I'm going to confess my feelings to a guy - I've only recently accepted myself as a gay person.I'm writing here because I'm in complete despair. I know I shouldn't take everything too serious and relax a bit, but I can't. He means a whole world to me and I've sacrificed everything only to be closer to him. I lost my friends, I lost my family... hell, I even moved to another city only to live with him.I've been in a constant fight with myself for my whole life. I've tried to mute my true identity - even forced myself into a "straight" relationships, but to no avail. The guy who I'm going to confess to... he opened my mind and helped me accept myself. He doesn't know this, but he's very important to me.I'm very, very afraid of rejection. I'm afraid of losing everything I hold dear, but I can't take it anymore. I can't hear him discussing some grills or even guys. Can't see him writing general nice things to his female friends. And, as such, I'm going to confess him.Don't know why I'm writing it here. I just can't remain silent. The despair has burnt a gaping hole inside me, and I only hope I'm not too late with all this.Just please, please, hold your fingers for me if you can. And thank you in advance for everything.

Disease from oral sex???

How likely is it to get a disease from giving oral sex to a guy? Or letting him suck my dick? I know I need a condom for anal sex, but oral? Have any of ever gotten an STD from oral sex?