2016. augusztus 30., kedd

Friend gives me hella mixed messages. Help.

Edit: We are Juniors in High SchoolThere has been this guy I have been hanging around with lately. Myself, I only have friends that are girls. For some reason, he likes to hang out with me a lot. I mean A LOT. Almost everyday of the week, we go out together. Otherwise, we are on Skype for 5+ hours on the days off. I'm about to go off on a rant here. When we see each other in person, he leans toward me to an unnecessary extent, he mirrors my body language, teases me by taking "ugly" pictures of me and holding away the phone from me while I desperately crawl across his body in order to delete the hideous pictures (which he smiles when i do), always pays attention to me and never on his phone, and he is the most touchiest person I've ever known. It. Drives. Me. Crazy. The worst part is that he tells me that he is straight. Well, maybe. For the first time, we had a deep discussion about almost everything in our lives, and I spilt the tea on everything deep in my life, as well as him. It turns out that he questioned his own sexuality a few years ago but he still tries to associate himself with the "straight" label. I believe that he might be trying to live under a specific label, especially because he wants to be "metrosexual" which makes me sigh. I told him that no one has to be constricted to any labels, especially when they read them off the internet cough. The most questionable of questions was when he would ask me about sexual things I would do and about other gay couples in our grade. He opens up to me about the weirdest things and he always has a <1 minute response to every single text i send. Today, we were talking about relationships, and he seems uncomfortable when girls check him out at all, how we both never were in a relationship, things like that. This is the longest rant that will ever be burned into my thoughts and memories. Out of all the guy friends he has, why me? Why hang out with the gay one? Why go out of your way to go to Lush with me? I'm intensively over-analyzing this situation, but honestly, I am falling head over heals. And sadly, it is with a supposed straight boy. What do I do?

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