2016. augusztus 27., szombat

What, in your opinion, is one of the best documentaries on the history of LGBTQ?

Let me expand on this. I plan on making a documentary in a country where I'm currently serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer and I feel morally obligated to make a short documentary that focuses on the history of LGBTQIA rights in West Africa then narrow in on my country. I do understand the risks but I have plenty of support from my peers and staff alike.I need some works, documentaries, art, books, etc. that can help me fill in the historical part of the documentary and I will have my local friends be the subjects for my interviews. I'm going to watch 'Call Me Kuchu', a documentary which focused on a Ugandan Gay Rights Activist, that will help me get a better idea on how to set up the direction of the documentary.Any suggestions and helpful hints would be greatly appreciated.

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