2016. augusztus 27., szombat

Accidently "came out" to my mom on Facebook...kind of freaking out...advice?

I never thought I'd actually ever come out to my family even though I'm 28 now. They're pretty religious (Muslim) and we don't really talk about our personal lives. I also didn't think I'd ever have the guts to come out to my family because of other personal issues I experience.A couple of weeks I hit the "Interested" button on a gay Facebook event that was going on in my city last week. On Tuesday I got a message from my mom asking about the event...I guess it ended up on her Facebook feed. I avoided the question.On Wednesday (the day of the event) she called me 3 times, which was very out of character. Once right after work, once during the event, and once after the event. I was freaking out and avoided answering the phone. I finally called her back that night after I calmed down, and again avoided the question when she asked about the event over the phone.On Friday I got a random message from my mom saying, "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT". I called her on my lunch break and I thought she'd just confront me, but instead we talked about me coming over to visit relatives from overseas on Sunday. I usually avoid my extended family because I don't want to be asked personal questions about relationships and such. It was as if she completely understood that. She said, "Just come over for a bit to show face, and whenever you want to leave I'll drive you home."This afternoon I got a text from my sister who works overseas:Hey...first off I want to say I'm here for you no matter what..I am your sister and will always love you regardless...there's something that's been on my mind that I've known for a lol while..... and today I want to talk about it and let you know that I'm here for you and it's completely ok.....you can come to me....I just want to say be careful of things on Facebook...Facebook is becoming so high tech now that even if u just accept to go to an event it will pop up on all your friends notification list even if you have them on limited. Mom just spoke to me about that event she kept asking you about and I convinced her that Facebook has the ability to have random things pop up if ur friends just send you an event....I also told her not to snoop around because if she is suppose to know she will find out by you when the time is right if it is even true....I got mom to stop questioning it and she did tell me that she loves you no matter what....again I am here for you and just be careful 🙂 It looks like they both my mom and sister know I'm gay, and will be accepting, but I'm still scared shitless since I'm not even completely comfortable with it myself. On one hand I feel relief because it's pretty much done and over with and I don't have to live a double life anymore. On the other hand I just want to avoid the subject all together since I don't feel like I can deal with it. I don't think I can even say the words "I'm gay".At this point I'm not really sure how to respond to my mom or sister. Any advice?

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