2016. augusztus 31., szerda

In therapy for fear of groups of men.

I have been going tru therapy for littlenover a year now. I went for rumination and trauma inflicted by my father. I was having panic attacks and was nervous almost everyday. It became worse after i started a relationship with a psychotic older man who was quite narcissistic but that's over now. My therapist has helped me a lot and i'm all the better for it.Now after 6 months i went back just to check up and we discovered that i still have this libgering fear of heterosexual men. Especially in groups and authority figures. It stips me sometimes from going to the bank, getting my car fixed, or heck even a group of guys standing at a club or stuff like this. Now i don't run away from them but it makes me very uncomfortable and nervous.I have already found some of the reasons why i react like this and we're tackling that in the next few seasions over the coming two weeks.I wanted to know if you guys experience similar fears.

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