2016. augusztus 29., hétfő

Need some advice

Hey guys.I recently broke up with my boyfriend just under two weeks ago. It wasn't a bad breakup but it wasn't mutual - he broke up with me and it broke me. But we stayed friends and chatted like normal, we eventually met up and I broke down again but then we chatted and it was sorted.For some reason we both started to get kinda, horny? Suddenly snapchatting and stuff we were sending pics and stuff, which led to videos and then eventually we were masturbating to each other on facetime.Then the next day we arranged to meet but he had to cancel, so we met the day after and we had sex, chilled all day then had sex again. Everything was back to how it was - we hung out like nothing was wrong, massaged each other, etc.We're meeting tomorrow to obviously have sex, chill and go to the gym and stuff. But I'm suddenly starting to get feelings for him again, which is what I tried to avoid. I never lost the feelings completely but now I'm starting to think about him more and just look at him and think "I want him to be with me again."But I'm so confused. In person he acts like we're in a relationship, same if we're playing a game together on the PS4 on mic, but like texting and stuff it always seems as if I'm the one initiating the conversation. Like if I didn't message him, we'd just not talk.He's clearly said that he doesn't feel that way about me any more and doesn't want to be in a relationship with me, but how can everything be so normal / natural if he doesn't feel the same, and we've been having amazing sex. The only thing that we do differently is not kiss/cuddle outside of the bedroom (everything else we do though, joke around, chill and play games, go walks, spend all day together, chill with his family, etc.) So am I just being deluded or is there something else going on?I don't want to tell him how I feel again because I think he'll just say he doesn't love me anymore and I'm worried about losing him as a friend, but I can't help but feel this way about him

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