2016. augusztus 27., szombat

A friend of mine is having a tough time being out of the closet can you help?

Look, honestly I'm straight but I have tons of love for the gay community. Now, a friend of mine who is older had a family just left his wife to live in a gay community. Now, I've seen this before and he did it the right way; he waited for his kids to be fully grown to move on.This is not about that. What this is about his he is telling me that the gay community has come up with a term called, "Gay with a Purpose." Does anyone know about it? What he told me Gay with a purpose is, is you are gay but are working on being straight. This friend still loves his wife (and he should they are best friends) but he is living a Gay with a Purpose lifestyle.Should he just accept being gay? Could he be strongly bisexual if he still loves his wife? What do I tell him? What is Gay with a Purpose.Thank you friends. He will read this because I will show it to him.

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