2016. augusztus 29., hétfő

I feel.. like I'm trash

Hey, so I just started college, made friends, etc. But then met a guy who I became interested in over a couple of days I both introduced him to my friends and developed a closer relationship with.So one night we ended up making out and hands went everywhere... we were really vibing well and I was truly in his hands, I trusted him.Then, that next day he dropped off, but not completely, just from me. I wasn't harassing him or even texting him much, but he just stopped talking to me specifically. He is still in my friend group that I brought him into and now shuts me out of conversations, or tries to make plans without me.Not only this but now he is flirting hardcore with another friend of my group. I have nothing against this friend, he doesn't know what is going on, but it hurts.A few of my friends know this is going on and support me completely and I am grateful they are there, but I can't help but feel like disregarded piece of trash by this guy who dropped me for a slightly taller guy.Should I just continue living as it is? Talk to him? He lives across from my dorm room and can't avoid him. He wont even open a conversation with me anymore.I will not try to get back to him, I'm just sick of having a relationship that was dropped immediately rather than closing the relationship.Ugh.

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