2016. augusztus 29., hétfő

Why are gay sex shops sleepy?

Hi guys! I'm a 28 year old, happily partnered gay man living in the UK. Over the past year, my boyfriend and I have been trying out different sex toys to enhance our healthy sex life together. During this time, we discovered that most online and high street sex shops catered to gay men were sleazy and aimed at an older generation who were into cruising. What we wanted, was something with a friendlier approach aimed at couples like us. Something non intimidating and fun! Because of this we decided to set up Entice for Men, which we hope to launch by the end of this year. I wanted to come on here to ask other gay guys, in a similar position to me what their opinion is and what they would like to see from a new fresh online gay sex shop. Looking forward to seeing your replies 😁

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