2016. augusztus 22., hétfő

Going to confess for the 1st time...

Hey, reddit.Tomorrow (or today, depending on zone) I'm going to confess my feelings to the guy I love. He seems to be straight, but I have clear evidence that he's very interested in same-sex relations. It's the first time ever that I'm going to confess my feelings to a guy - I've only recently accepted myself as a gay person.I'm writing here because I'm in complete despair. I know I shouldn't take everything too serious and relax a bit, but I can't. He means a whole world to me and I've sacrificed everything only to be closer to him. I lost my friends, I lost my family... hell, I even moved to another city only to live with him.I've been in a constant fight with myself for my whole life. I've tried to mute my true identity - even forced myself into a "straight" relationships, but to no avail. The guy who I'm going to confess to... he opened my mind and helped me accept myself. He doesn't know this, but he's very important to me.I'm very, very afraid of rejection. I'm afraid of losing everything I hold dear, but I can't take it anymore. I can't hear him discussing some grills or even guys. Can't see him writing general nice things to his female friends. And, as such, I'm going to confess him.Don't know why I'm writing it here. I just can't remain silent. The despair has burnt a gaping hole inside me, and I only hope I'm not too late with all this.Just please, please, hold your fingers for me if you can. And thank you in advance for everything.

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