2016. augusztus 25., csütörtök

Anyone else have this issue?

So this is a throwaway cause Im not out the closet yet (probably never will).Over the past two years of college I have met a lot of new people, and made friends. Im all good with this. The issue is that I've had 3 friends (all girls) want to go out with me. Keep in mind I'm not out the closet. It really sucks because in my head, me and these girls are just close friends, but they start seeing me as something more than a friend. I've had to act like I don't notice them dropping hints, this one time my friend straight up told me via text she wishes I had kissed her. Stuff like this has happened 3 times to me. I really care about my friends but I'm tired of acting like Im just not interested. Then they get mad when they notice I'm not making any moves.

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