2016. november 5., szombat

Do not let your 'new love' rule you in a short time.

Hi.First of all I want to apologize for any mistakes in my English, I ain't Anglo-Saxonish.I am eastern European and as many people close to my age, I did not think about what I want to do in my life.In October 2015 I fell in love with a guy who fell in love with me (internet). He is a western European, studying abroad in my country. It was all great at the beginning. During the first 2 months of our pre-relationship friendship I had started studying Management (in English) at a university in - let's call it - City A before quiting it (yes, after 2 months, I did not find myself suitable in Management). So after quiting I went back to my hometown and my 'friend' and me started exposing the feelings to each other. He started 'suffering' after these confessions coz he could not see me at a constant rate, so it melted my heart a bit and I decided that I'll go study to City B, where he was, in order to not waste a year and additionally live with him there, coz he had a big room in a flat all for himself only. I have had chosen English Philology in December 2015 (coz his choice was the same) but at a private university, due to the applications being closed at public universities. In a way I chose that due to him, saying that "I am great at languages (I know aswell German and Russian - communicatively) so I'd fit perfectly".Nothing could be more wrong.We broke up in January. He was too overly-attached. During our relationship I was the one suffering. He did not want to let me go to my hometown very often, for instance in order to celebrate my mom's and sister's birthdays or just to meet my friends who it is hard to gather with when we all are studying/working, and just simply to be with my family, and all of them are important to me.There is one thing that I hate now. My studies.I hate almost all what I have to study in English Philology. I'm on my second year of studies and as you can see I do not use the tenses properly (I am not sure tho), I hate literature, linguistics, writing and history. I'm just good at talking in foreign languages, morelessly but still. The only good thing is business lectures here and that I discovered (finally) what studies I am strong and weak in, and I definitely do not like humanistic sciences.Now I just want to finish English Philology and at least have a document which proves that I have C1 in English. I do not know what does classify people to universities in other countries but in my mine's the academic system says that in order to be classified in a university, you have to pass a highschool exam and the results are crucial in applications, so this year I am going to retake my highschool exam in maths and biology, and in the next year (bachelor thesis year) I am going to retake chemistry and physics. I had never had any good grades in these sciences, I did not need to learn in order to pass, but I do understand them and grades do not resemble if you trully know them. For now as I am learning maths and biology on my own I find almost everything about them easy just they are definitely time-consuming and most importantly I do not find them annoying at all as the English Philology subjects are to me. I hope to be classified in 2 years for Biotechnology, which I find interesting and I feel like it is what really suits me.If I had a break in my education for one year, I could definitely recognize what I want to do coz I have been thinking about Biotechnology since long time, I was just scared that it would be too challenging to me. BUT what I understood during my studies now is that English Philology is even more challenging to me, since passing it drives me mad coz it is hard to me to study its' subjects, I'm just resistant to them. I understood tho that without challenges I will acquire nothing at all.I just simply wanted to write about that. In a way I found it necessary to myself.TLDR and conclusion: If you meet a new person with whom you fall in love, do not change your life or soever for him/her so fast. If you have to consider him/her in your life choices, then be sure that he/she is the 'one', BUT do not do it so fast and DEFINITELY a one-year relationship time is even less than any considerable matter.Edit: ah, I do not hate him for that, ppl make mistakes, and mine was that I should had thought more about myself than him.

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