2016. november 27., vasárnap

An embarrassing question about chemistry

Right, so I went on my first ever date today. We met online and only now saw each other in real life and so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.We really hit it off online. We have a lot in common and much to talk about. In real life too there was plenty to talk about. There were jokes, it was relaxed and not too awkward. It was really great. The problem was that I just wasn't all too sure about whether or not I'm physically attracted to him.Again, I have 0 experience on the matter, but from what I seem to have gathered you generally have this whole butterfly stomach/blushing like a child/general insecurity thing going on when around someone you like. If this wasn't the case then should I continue to date this person?Is it normal not to have a crush on the person you're dating? Does this mean there's no chemistry? Or the opposite?

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