2016. november 26., szombat

Question: Should I donate blood?

My gym is having a blood drive in a few weeks, and I'm not sure if I should participate.A little background - 25 year old gay male who (due to being chronically single lately) has not had sex in over a year. So I'm technically eligible to donate blood according to the new policy.On the one hand, I've never given blood before and would love to do a good thing and potentially help save lives.On the other hand, I still feel the 1 year of abstinence required to donate blood is incredibly discriminatory and doesn't solve anything, so I feel that by donating I am in some way condoning this policy.Any advice on what I should do? Is there a "middle way" I'm missing where I can give blood and still feel like I'm taking a stand against this unfair policy?TL;DR - gay man wants to give blood, but is against the current policies. Should he do it?

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