2016. november 29., kedd

Keep getting my [23/m] heart broken by straight guy friend [21/m]

Hey. So I'm 23 years old and in college. I live with two straight guy friends. I'm in the closet. For the past 2 years, I've been head-over-heels in love with one of my roommates. I'm totally into him and everything about him. My heart swoons when he walks in the room or gives me eye contact. It's THAT intense.So, as you might predict, my heart is totally in shatters due to the fact that he got a girlfriend a month ago. They have sex, on average, about four nights per week. His room is right next door to mine, so I hear it. On the one hand, hearing them have sex drives my imagination wild as I think about what it must be like in there for her. I'm soooo jealous. She's the luckiest girl ever to be with him. I hope she understands that. But on the other hand, a part of me dies on the inside when I realize that I will NEVER get to experience his body inside mine.I know it's easy to say, "Just move on and don't have straight crushes." But I can't help my feelings for him. I wish I didn't love him, because then I wouldn't be hurt every time she comes over. I know I should be happy for him. But I can't help how insanely attractive he is.Do you have any advice for what I should do? I noticed her stuff is in his room so that means they'll be having sex again tonight. Thanks!

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