2016. november 30., szerda

I just came out to my 2 best friends!

I have 2 best friends, both of which are girls. I became friends with them last year during the beginning of the fall 2015 semester. I've since become the best of friends with them, and have been thinking about telling them I was bi for a while, but never acted on it because I was scared, mainly because they would the first ones I would come out to that aren't a part of the LGBT community. I made the decision to tell them tonight because I quickly realized that they're my best friends. They love me no matter what, and vice versa. I ended up telling them after we went to the gym together. I told them that we needed to have a family meeting because I needed to talk to them about something. The way I phrased it (especially since it's such a scary thing to do) is, "I play for both teams." The way they responded was so genuine and loving. They both told me that they really appreciate that I told them, because—in their words—it shows them how I'm growing as a person and how I'm able to be completely honest with them. They said if anything, it makes them love me more than they already did. That was such a warming thing to hear. I really am glad I made the decision to come out to them because, after the fact, I feel like I made the right decision. Thank you, best friends for making this such a special night and for loving me for who I am.

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