2016. november 26., szombat

How do I reach a possibly gay student of mine?

Hey everyone! First off, let me state that I am male, 25 and heterosexual. I work as a private tutor in literature / language etc, and recently (about a month ago) I started tutoring a new kid. He is 15 and very smart. From the beginning, before I even started lessons with him, his father warned me that lately, for the past one year or so, he has been going through a phase and is kinda 'down' psychologically. This is pretty much the reason they got him a tutor, since he started showing bad results at school, whereas he was doing great before.Anyway, after the first couple of lessons, I immediately got the impression that he seems troubled, a bit depressed even, and I believe that the reason behind this is that he has discovered his sexuality (perfect age for it) and that he feels wrong / different for being gay. His demeanor seemed a bit feminine to me from the start, some of his reactions or his general way of speech in particular. He is also very into drawing - and amazing at it, I might add - and I saw some of his stuff; he draws furries and generally sort of 'revealing', cute and sexy anime girls. This last bit might be completely irrelevant, but I perceived it as a possible indication of being attracted to 'girly' stuff, for lack of a better word.Finally, the most important indication I got is two examples he shot my way while I was teaching him about essay rules. As an example of cause - causative, he gave me the sentence "People are more openly homosexual in our era, because society has become more open-minded", and as an example of condensing a text by removing redundant words, he said "So for example we change 'the tall, homophobic guy' to simply 'the guy' ".So, the reason I am here is that I want to help him. How do I reach him? How should I approach him? Should I even try to talk to him about it, or should I just let him find his own way? I really wanna help him because he is a great kid. I was thinking of somehow leading the subject of a discussion of ours or even a possible essay subject towards homosexuality, but I thought that might be a bit too intrusive.Any opinions will be very much appreciated!

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