2016. november 29., kedd

The relationship between straight girls and gay guys: An insight

So this is just my two cents on this, I feel like in today's society it's become a cultural norm for girls to go looking for a gay guy to be their 'best friend' and to go shopping with them - don't get me wrong, I love my girls and having lunch and doing shopping with them is great - but why is it limited to just that? Why don't girls invite us to play football or something? I feel like we're all stereotyped to be a certain way and there's nothing people can say to change that. Most of the girls I've met in my life expect me to be that little more flamboyant because I'm gay but I don't see that - why does the definition of gay to a percentage of the population mean 'boy-crazy, flamboyant and crude' - I work full time at a call centre for god's sakes and I'm not very flamboyant at all. I just think that it needs to be said that gay means homosexual: an attraction to the same-sex. That's all. 🌞

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