2016. november 29., kedd


I Just wanted to tell this story in for which ink why but for some reason I need to tell it to someone.Oh ma gwad it's gonna be a long ass story💀...oh and its about love and my heart being broken and how love is a piece of shit and how you will tell you're self you aint shit (Which I aint😌😥) So it was my first year in highschool(Yes....love was very real mf💀💀💀Dont do me) I was walking down the hallway heading to my gym class and as in walking down the halls I see him(Idkk but I feel like you would search this for some reason idk but just know you gmfu) anyways he sees and his friend was calling for him and he kept his eyes on me and I was like "are you going to turn your neck💀💁❤"in my head and It was likeone of does looks where you look at someone and look away and I was like "Hold tf up☝👀🔥🔥🙉🙊🙈who was that loool" And I looked back and as I turn a little to the back he was already looking back on me and this was when I didn't know that ment someone is attracted to you so I turn back and head to gym. and that was when I had no one to eat with at lunch and was merviys around that big ass crowd so after that day I stayed in the library every day until my Soph. year but anyways and when lunch be over the shortest way to class was through the exit close to me but I chose to go the other way and saw him right at the spot...him and his football friends( yes He's a football player fam🙈🙈😭💓)and I felt like he was quite famous in that highschool cause everyone is happy around him..laughing together...play football together..I never really seen him more than my sophomore year because that's when I stayed at the library alone😢😢😢😏but its coo...oh and I forgot to tell y'all that i littrraly or if that's how you spell it😂 wrote a whole page on my phone about him and the expierance throught 2 years ( telling you this was the first time I fell in love)anywho but then sophomore year came up so on register day for high school I came up there with my little brother and sister and walked in to get my photo I.d picture in the commons as I walk out I see him on the wall with his friend and when he saw me he (You know how you can see what people are doing while you're looking at something else?yea that) I see that he's turning head as in passing by him and I was like😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 in my head and went to get my little bro and sis and left.after that sophomore year started past like 3 months he was in streignth and condition class and him and his class have to come to our gym and so 10 mins passed everybody is playing basketball And use to be energetic in that class but I got lazy so I sat on floor leaning against the wall.and he starts playing basketball.Then after like 4-5 times seeing hi. in gym this one day I was sitting against the wall I watched him play basketball and I felt like he was trying to impress me knowing that he's a football player and I turned and looked at the other court to my left and I felt like someone was watching me like I would feel like a little energy poke my head💀💀💀and I turned back and he was tieing up his shoe but except he was looking at me and quickly loomed back down..(I did feel special that day....)and gym was over.Then one day we had both wore tan pants,Grey jackets but I as wearing my slides..I walk in the hallway AnD see him in the exact kind of clothes I have on and he turned when I turned...I was looking at him like👀👀👀umm we wearing the same thing😱😂😂.there was not a day I wouldn't see him.I think that the reason why...(loll I remember that little bandage he had on his face 😱😱he was so cute like awwwww😭😭😭😭😭😭😧and he has a babyface OH MAH GAWD LMAOOO. )🙇🐸🍵 but back to the story I this k the reason why I was getting comfortable around him was because I see him EVERY SINGLE DAY yes I wish I could put that on bold.(OHHHHH AND I FOUND OUT THAT HE.... NVM) 👈yea.there been some stuff that made me mad at at some much too bihhhh loool but anyways he seen my mom before or atleast I think he saw her cause that was the day I walked out of school with my mom and he was on his phone AnD I was nervous Asff cause my mother is right next too me and in here on boi.I was hoping my mom was gonna say"Hey you remember me?!?!"💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀but nah that aint happen LMAOOO but after that one day I was sitting down and I was thinking of him.I couldn't stop and I was lime why it was like a fly messing with me and I wanted to slap the shill outta my head and I can't remember what I thought of but it made me get this surge of energy in to my chest and bursted and I was like wtf???but days later I was thinking of him everywhere like yo what's happening but then I realized "OH SHI..im in love with him but then Idkk if that's what love felt like(A bag of bricks💀💀)and then that's where the depressing days came and its sad Asff so im not gonna tell burstthen then there were times during my depressing days he would even notice me and it made me sad but oh well who cares right??then back to staring at eachother but we have never talked😶😶😶😶😶we never did but its ok cause I sure as hell was not gonna do it.idc. you do it first loll. then graduation was coming up and that made me sad too even think about it but im still saying to myself"You're very luck too have ever went to a school with a perfect in your eyes just to see them go away....anyways skip all the BS until the last day I saw him I was sad cause it was senior check out and I was sad..I really have been having tears but I held them in but then my heart Idkk it started to feel sad like im connected to its emotions some how💀😂but yea he went to school that last day and never came back...I thought he would atleast come say wassup to his friends and visit school..oh even just to see me....but anyways I was sad cause I didn't know it was the last day u till my friend told it was so.e tomorrow shit for the senior im like bitch nooooo😭😭😭😭😭😪and the after that day I have been sitting at home thinking about home And it just hurt like I was hurt ibwas so sad like I couldn't believe it was happening to me like damn and so I was like"I have to go see him one last time💔💔💔🙇😞😞and so I had went to his graduation....(Yes I literally went to his graduation by myself looool that's the day I learned how to take the light rail lmao aw.so then the bitch was taking so long talking that i left outside and then idkk something was telling me to go back inside and like my heart was acting up or something look(ya probably dont believe me but you'll know what I'm talking about sdon'ts I went back inside to the way back of the ground where the upper stairs are leaving against the bar waiting to heat his name and then she was done I was like (WHATTTTTTTT)I missed it😭😞😞😭😟i was mad and sad too like I really wants to see you graduate but then after that I went outside hoping to see him another last time before he goes.......he didn't realize hurt I was but Its all good because I never even talked him in the first place...lmaooo see that shi there made me mad like broom I should have talked to him.but He should have talked to me too um ***First.but year that's it.I can't tell ya the whole whole story...enjoy😟😌🙇

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