2016. november 30., szerda

How do you get over a straight crush?

Hey, just a 15 year old gay guy here with another one of those infamous 'I'm in love with a straight guy' posts.This guy I'm crushing on has dropped hints ALL the time that may show that he could be bi or even gay, but at the same time they can be seen as just the typical straight guy acting gay as a joke. Some of these hints were directed at me in a slightly sexual manner but in the end its probably just him joking around. But i won't name any of them since it'd just be some useless long list.Anyway, I see him all the time kind of flirting with the girls in my class and it breaks my heart a little, so I'm here to ask; how the heck do I get over this crush? I don't talk to him at all, since we aren't friends; and I'm too shy to directly ask him (whether it be over social media or in person) whether he is gay or not. A little advice would be greatly appreciated.

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