2016. november 8., kedd

How I fell in love with him, and couldn't be any happier!

I hope that I won't get shot down for posting my thoughts here, but I'll give this a go. I just need get it off my chest.Let me start off by saying that I always thought that I would marry a girl and have kids and all the traditional stuff, despite being also interested in men. Although that was a different kind of interest, not even in my wildest dream I ever thought about dating a man. Until I met him.I am from the United Kingdom myself and I was living in Sydney for about 1,5 years because of work. We met each other about 4 months before I was scheduled to go back home. And we fell for each other instantly (although we never really acted on these feelings). To be perfectly honest, I've never felt that kind of connection with anyone. Not my best friends, no my lovers, no my parents. It was very odd but we hit it off literally the minute we saw each other. I told him since the very beginning that I will leave in a couple of months and he was fine with it. We were just hanging out and having good time. Like great friends who also kiss. We never talked about having a relationship because it was always off the table with me leaving so soon.We honestly had the time of our while we were together for these few months and I couldn't be any happier about our time spent together. But we were both very realistic about our relationship and we knew that most likely this will end the day when I have to leave because very few relationships can withstand a distance of more than 10,000 miles and 10-hour time difference. We agreed to continue if we ever meet again. I have 3 more years left to work in the UK before I could move to Sydney. It was difficult for me to leave but we said our goodbyes and off I went.Four week later I received a text message from him saying how much he misses me. Little did he know that these past 4 weeks were arguably one of the hardest time in my entire life. I really tried to forget him but couldn't. I thought to myself: Okay, even if he forgets me and moves on. I will find him one day and give it another shot.It's been about 2 months since he broke the silence with that text message and we've been in touch regularly ever since. Eventually we admitted to each that we have very strong feelings towards each other and that we would like to be in a relationship.That's when he said the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. He's not only planning to visit me in a few months but he also wants to move across the world to the UK until we can move back to Sydney together (I want to move there regardless).I cannot believe how much my life has changed in such a short period of time. It's very scare time as everything is so new and unknown in this "I'm dating a guy now" world, but I'm so happy and I think I might have found something very special here. He seems like the most humble, selfless and caring person in the world. I can't think of anyone in the world who I care about more. I know it probably sounds crazy to be with someone who lives so far away, but life is so damn short not to date the right people. Otherwise I know that I would regret this decision until the day I die.And if you have someone who you want to be with but you think you can't - go and tell them that right now! Work on it together! You won't live forever and things like distance, finances and other factors can be worked on - as long as both of you are willing to do so!Peace, Love, and Great Day to Everyone!

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