2016. november 8., kedd


So I met this guy and we were chatting on Grindr. We hit it off and had things in common, but he kept on getting sexual with the convo. I went along with it because I was feeling the same way. We then came to an agreement that we both didn't want anything serious, but wanted to get to know each other. (Also, we added each other on Instagram and snapchat) One day when we were texting I decided I wanted to meet him. Later we met at his dorm and played video games/watched funny television. We then kissed and lightly messed around. When I left he walked me to my car and we said our good byes. Later on that night I looked him up on Instagram and I couldn't find his profile. I then found out he blocked me on everything. Idk how to feel because I thought it went well. Even if we were just fwb I would have been fine with that. What do you guys think?

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