2015. november 30., hétfő

I'm into one of my best friends..

First off, sorry for being so cliche. I know this sub is filled with posts like this, but I just need to let it out.I'm a high school freshman. I came out late last year to a surprisingly accepting group of friends, and I'm still friends with them today. My best friend in that group was extremely supportive and helped me get through that initial flak o coming out, and now I have feelings for him.We sit next to each other in my 5th period class, and I have my doubts about him being straight, but maybe that's just my hopefulness making it seem that way? I was broken up with earlier this year, and I think that's when I started to notice that I liked him more than just as a friend. He's extremely cute, and I don't want to say anything. I honestly don't think he would care, but I don't want to take the risk of wierding him out or anything.

Straight guy problems

So I fell for a guy I met back in August. We both play Ultimate Frisbee, and that's how we met. He lives in Virginia, but drives up to where I live in Pennsylvania for work every week and lives in a hotel. He goes home every Friday, but comes back every Monday. We started hanging out all the time mainly because neither of us really know anyone besides other Ultimate Frisbee players. I moved to the area only about three months before he started showing up.I found him attractive right away, but learned quickly that he was straight. So I tried to check him off as someone who is unavailable, since I had fallen for straight guys before, but we became closer. We started hanging out all the time. It started with us always going with a group for dinner after we'd play ultimate, then we started hanging out at bars, and then he would start coming to my house for board games and dinner. We eventually started texting each other back and forth which is something that never typically happens with my straight guy friends. I would also notice him smiling at me, and when he would have the option of where to sit in groups, he would always try to sit by me. He'd also asked me lots of questions about being gay, how my family reacted to it, my past relationships, etc. Just stuff that straight guys don't really ask me. He also got pretty drunk once and ran is fingers through my hair, but I think he meant it to be a joke.I realized I liked him when my friend got dumped by her boyfriend and then suddenly started noticing him two days later. The two of us have had a rocky friendship in the past. She has a tendency of sleeping with my straight crushes. Especially, after I tell her that I find someone attractive. I never got angry about her sleeping with guys I find attractive, since they're unattainable, but things got ugly when I had a serious straight crush in the past. She knew I liked a guy hard, but then screwed him in my house and did not care in the slightest about how loud they were. Things became very ugly between us for a little while, but we eventually did our apologies and tried to remain friends. However, I did stop telling her guys I found attractive from that point on.A few weeks ago, she texted me, "So why haven't I noticed (the guy I like's name) before? He's so attractive!!!!" I got really scared immediately, and texted her, "Yeah, I've actually really liked him for a while now." She never responded.A week later, I texted her to please not pursue him. I had been hearing from a couple mutual friends that she was very suddenly interested in him. She was pretty offended and said that she had just gotten dumped and she is done with stupid relationships. I tried to explain myself and brought up what happened in the past and she simply said that was a mistake and that she wasn't going talk about that again. We haven't tried to talk to each other since. I found out though, that another friend who knows our situation had talked to her after our last conversation, and she was planning to ignore my request. Our other friend, however, I think convinced her not to go for it.I ultimately ended up telling him that I liked him, however. Right before Thanksgiving. I just couldn't hold it in anymore, and I thought if I told him, then he might keep that in mind if any girls go after him. I did it over a text so it would be a little less awkward. He responded by saying that it wasn't that awkward and he could understand needing to get it off my chest, but he is 100% straight and that he hopes that telling me that can help me deal with it in a healthy way. It was a really short conversation, and he seemed fine.So if you're still reading at this point, I haven't talked to him since then and he hasn't tried to talk to me. I've thought about him every single day for most of the day. I want to talk to him and I want to be around him, but I also want to get over him. I'm also worried that my supposed friend will still go after him.Should I continue to keep my distance from him or try to talk about this some more to him? Perhaps, talk to him face to face? He also asked me, before any of this happened, if he could crash at my house a weekend in December that is drawing nearer. I'm not really sure if he's going to want to stay here anymore. He also doesn't know about my history with my friend, and I worry he'll eventually end up fulling around with her. Should I tell him about that, or am I trying to hard to control people if I do that? I'm worried that I'm just being crazy and selfish.Thanks for reading this, and any advice for how I should handle this situation from here would be appreciated. :)

Idk.. confused?

Accepting that I'm gay --> Ok check that off the list. Everything else --> Hell to the fk no. Can't tell my family cause for sure cause I know its not Ok. Old school Asian family so that can never happen. Makes me sad that I cant tell my family at all. I just don't want to be shunned. Btw, I can support myself so idgaf about getting kicked out or w/e. I have told a few selected friends and they are cool with it. My main support group I guess. But I had to freaking move cause of my job to the middle of nowhere so sadly I'm alone. Slut phase is over and I'm done sleeping around. Now that I want to find a relationship it seems impossible cause I'm fkin Asian. Strange how the gay community wants to be accepted but then shuns people within it based on race, looks, etc. AND THOSE FKIN APPS ARE SO STUPID. No I didn't want a picture of your dick so please tuck it back inside your pants. You can't even have a normal conversation with a person without them asking for a dick pick or telling you that they are SOOOO horny and want to get down. I'm just not DTF ok? JESUS! Finding a relationship seems like something that a lot of guys just can't seem to do, not just me. I'm not super picky nor am I that bad looking I think (like a solid 6.5/10 on the scale lol). Idk I'm only 24 maybe I can find someone someday. Just kinda feel that everything is against me you know? Ok I'm done lol I feel a bit better if you read up to this point... Gold star for you :D

Afraid of putting my face pic on grindr

I would really like to find someone to have a bj or mutual masturbation with but I'm afraid of posting my pic on grindr. I dont want someone from work or people I know irl to see. What should I do? is it safe? Thanks

My Boyfriend stole my glasses. Then proceeded to take a picture with my phone


Need some advice

I'm twenty male and I am trying to come out to my parents but every time I try to bring it up I get toung tied and right now my heart racing and I am almost in a full panic attack.I do not live in a hostile environment nor do I think my parents will care thats why I am so confused as to why I cant say it.Now when extended family finds out I will probably be disowned by uncles aunts amd cousins causing a huge fight and ultimately hurting my parents and brothers.My parents are not the subtle type if a uncle or cousin says the usual "faggots are going to hell etc etc" they will tell them I am gay then proceed to curse them out...I want to get on with my life and find some one but i can't seem to do that all because I know it will cause my immediate family harm within the extended family.Has anyone had this problem and if you did how did it turn out?.

so i like this guy in my class

it started about last year (now 17) when out of nowhere i just felt like i liked him and now this year i feel like i genuinely like him not in a sexual way, I don't even find male bodies attractive but i just like him for who he is I guess. He's never come out as far as i know unless he has told one of his friends that he goes out to but im pretty sure hes gay and alot of people think so too. Basically i dont know where to go from here, he dosent dislike me and we do crack a few jokes and talk on a daily basis lately (like last year he told me he finds me funny so idk), I kind of want to just flat out ask him if he is or tell him my situation but Im kind of scared i guess i dont want the word getting around that im full on gay when i just like one guy.

Getting through the day is easy, but nights are the worst :c

When you're laying in bed and all your mind can think about is your ex. No matter how much you try to think of something else somehow your mind sidetracks and redirects back to him. Can I just sleep already...? I've got school tomorrow, brain. 😔😒

From 2013, a superb gay French dark thriller


Eddie Peake and his Naked Art


So I have a new boyfriend.

But I don't know how to tell my parents that I do. I've been out for almost a year now, but for some reason this is a sensitive subject to me. They don't have any issues with me being gay, and they are very understanding. However I seem to have trouble telling them that I have a relationship, any advice? How does one in general tell their parents they have a relationship?

Billy Squier - Rock Me Tonite


Inside perspective at an LGBT employer - not all it’s cracked up to be?

I had a surprisingly disappointing experience at work today and I’m interested to hear if anyone has any stories (positive or negative) about working at an LGBT friendly workplace?I work at a large firm in Australia that has very LGBT-friendly policies, and in the past 3 or 4 years has won quite a few LGBT awards. We have an LGBT network, all official policies are orientation neutral, and diversity and inclusion are the current buzz words. On paper we appear like a great place to work, but my experiences of working in the office don’t always match this great imagine.A couple of months ago we had an internal anti-discrimination advertising campaign, covering the typical discrimination areas like working mothers, woman, and minorities. The anti-gay-discrimination poster had a slogan that said something like “I don’t call things gay, because that discriminates against gay people”. I’m sure we’re all familiar with gay being used as a synonym for bad, and it was a nice sentiment but unfortunately it basically encouraged my colleagues to adopt gay as an adjective for most things bad that happened.Today in the open-plan desk area someone called another person by the name of a well-known gay sports star. That other person then said that was defamation, and then the dozen or so people (men) joked for a few minutes about the sports star, then other gays, and it finished with someone joking threatening to refer the conversation to the HR manager.I should note that I am not out at work (actually not out at all), and so whilst I may not be presenting an honest picture to my colleagues, they are presenting an honest picture of themselves to me. I think one of the reasons I’m not out is because of this type of behaviour.I’m curious to know if anyone else has experiences at a place that purports to be LGBT friendly? This might sound like a bit of a rant, but sometimes I feel that the LGBT policies are only there for marketing reasons, not to make life easier. It’s one thing to be apathetic to this, but to actively promote an inclusive workplace externally but then to allow, and occasionally have some senior people engage in, the opposite is hypocritical and to be honest disheartening.*I actually wrote and posted this a couple of weeks ago but it got deleted by the automoderator. I had a related experience today which made me want to ask the question again.

2015. november 29., vasárnap

Do you guys think its normal to feel bummed out and depressed after a mutual breakup even if you wanted it in the first place?

I know this isnt the typical type of post for this sub but I really like the people this community. Anyway me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday after 2 months of dating. In hind sight I guess I knew going in that it wasnt going to work out long term, I felt like he had no personality or interests and he was always so quiet during our dates that I had to carry the conversation most of the time. He had cute mannerisms and he was pretty much my ideal type like a boyish twink. I guess I just didnt see the forest for the trees.Anyway around two weeks ago something changed he stopped spending time with me and even texting and talking to me claiming that he was so busy with school but I knew something was up I tried to talk to him about it but he said "I was overthinking things" and that he didnt want to break up. At this point I kinda wanted to break up because we just didnt click and now he wasnt even putting forth the effort to keep our relationship going. Anyway it all kind of came to a head last Saturday morning, Normally I would break up with someone in person but I hadnt seen him in two weeks and didnt seem to be interested in meeting up so I had planned to call him to break up with him. About an hour before I planned to call him I get this text from him:"I think we should break up"To which I replied:"I feel the same way but I just want to know what happened to us? I mean I am not really mad or anything obviously youve been feeling this way for the past few weeks why didnt you just tell me?"He never replied back to my texts I tried to call him a little later but he didnt answer I think he may have blocked my number, also he removed me as a friend on Facebook. I dont have any respect for someone that breaks up with someone this way I think its cowardly and insanely immature. Even though I was literally about to call him and break up with him I cant help feeling a strange mix of sadness, anger and bitter disappointment of how things ended. Sorry if I ranted a bit I just wanted to get this off my mind, feel free to leave your stories here as well.

A friend of mine just flat-out told me that he treats me differently because I'm gay.

So, context - After a few weeks of debating, I finally decided to work up the courage to talk to my friend about how I have a thing for him. Being the mature adult I am, I did this via the Internet. And he was relatively understanding. But he did say that he sort of had an idea already and has treated me differently throughout our friendship because of it.I'm hurt. This is the second time that this has happened from people within my graduate program. It makes me feel like people see me as some sort of predator. I have a very close friend who has told me that he initially distanced himself from me because of it.I guess there's not really much of a point to this post other than to get it out. I wish I wasn't so scary to people. I hate this part of me.

Sharing my almost coming out story

Today is my birthday!!! What a perfect day to come out, right? First, sorry for any mistakes in my writing. English is not my first language. Second, sorry it's long. I wrote this during the whole day, since I had the idea of coming out until going to bed (a minutes ago). I just wanted to share my story with someone. Here it is:[15:50] Should I come out tonight? This week I've been watching Please Like Me, an awesome Australian drama-comedy series, and one of its characters, Arnold, who I really love, came out on the day of his birthday. He's a bit older than me, maybe five years older, but it was still on his birthday. Maybe I should do the same? I'm coming back from a trip my family and I just made and I've been thinking about this for the past half hour. I wanna do this, but I don't know. I think they'll accept it easily, but I can't be sure. Should I do this? I wanna find an answer. SHOULD I FUCKING DO THIS?[16:15] I wanna do it. This idea just came in my head when I was on the car and I feel like I should do it. My coming out plans included waiting until I was financially independent but if I come out now I'll have much more time to live a gay life. It would be better to come out now. But should I do this? OF COURSE I SHOULD. Buuut... will I?[18:30] Now we hit the road heading straight to home. Less than one hour to go. Not to come out, but to come home. I'm not so sure I should come out tonight anymore, but I still want it as bad as I wanted before. I don't know exactly what to do.[21:15] My whole family is here. This is definitely NOT the right time to come out. I'm afraid the older ones won't get it right, so I better wait until only my siblings and my parents are here. I can see I won't do this. I want it really badly, but I am such. a. pussy. :([23:30] I wasted the perfect opportunity. My family was gathered to pray for the beginning of the advent and it was The Moment to start talking and say "I want you to know that this won't change anything. This won't change who I am, because I've always been like this, I've just never told you. I am gay and that's it, I was born this way and this is who you've always knew. I'm not something new, I'm just myself. And that is who I am." Of course the advent will go on until Christmas, and we'll probably gather around to pray again soon, so I feel like I should come out in one of these moments. I'm not really into praying but my parents are; they are true Christians (not the homophobic type, although my dad does not really approve homosexuality). So, if I say it during a prayer, they might take it lightly. Like a burden that I wanna let go of. Or a sin that I want forgiven.

The writer/director of the very popular Cuatro Lunas (Four Moons) talks about his movie, and love and heartbreak and self-acceptance and a great deal more ...


Cuddle Bugs


Douches? Yes or No?

So heres a question thats been on my mind. Are douches good or bad? I've heard that they can be bad for you with excessive use. But that could just be myth but sounds legit.Also what douches do people recommend? Because im looking for one atm but some people have said some are uncomfortable, some holds too much air, some's nozzle is too large etc....

New to the reddit scene!

Hey fellow gays, just thought i'd post and say hello to all, new redditor here, from the UK. Fellow gay-man. 24. Gamer. Nerd and optimist!My face: http://ift.tt/1jrXTlV advice on what i read before i continue digging deeper into this subreddit? Who do i avoid? Who's dick needs sucking to get money? etc....

Advice on 69?

So I've googled it and have not been able to find any answers- I hoped you guys would be able to help me. My soon-to-be (I hope!) partner and I are going to elope in a music room after exams, and we both decided that 69 would be a good place to start. How do I do it well?

My aunt who owns her own business was lecturing me on my "lifestyle".


Lonely gay male

I am a gay male. I hate that I am.All the gays I know or see online are super girly, hooking up blindly with strangers all over the place, hyper-sexual, exactly what I am NOT into.If I were straight I'd be married with kids. No doubt. If this is what my life is going to be like, I don't want to live it.My days are numbered.My frustration for this is even getting in the way of my writing. I just don't know what to say or why I'm even saying it.I search gay guys on POF... My options are the stereotypical gay guy. I search straight guys on POF and they're exactly what I want.F*** this curse.F*** my life.

need help/opinion

So here it goes... My partner and I have been in a relationship for about 5 years now. I'm totally in love with him in every way. The only thing that we really fight about is sex though. He works really hard compared to me, so I understand not wanting to have sexual relations that often. Over the past years it has dropped to once a week for the most part. I've tried new things (had him tie me up), really haven't tried anything else yet. I want to get him more involved but he seems to just shut down every time I bring it up. We fight kind of constantly about it and he even mention how a previously relationship did that too him too, so he knows what I'm feeling.We decided to do an open relationship cause of that, so I'm still getting use to that. I feel like I would be cheating on him though. I know he jerks off almost everyday on his phone and he looks elsewhere, not sure if he ever connected with anyone yet, but he is looking. I just wish there was a fast fix to this or if it is even worth trying to fix. Just hate not being able to talk to him about how I feel.Thanks for letting me rant and get it off my chest... Any thoughts are welcome.

I'm not homophobic


Does penis size ACTUALLY matter?

I've seen many women talking about this in regards to vaginal sex, but wondering how much it matters in anal/oral sex?

2015. november 28., szombat

Is my friend gay?

I usually have pretty good gaydar. I have a new friend and I think he is gay but I want reddits opinion. My feelings are this: I think he is gay but doesn't know it or is wiling to accept it yet. But that could just be my HUGE bias because he is so sexy. He's told me he is on Tinder and he has had sex with a girl there but wasn't too satisfied because he "didn't know the person", then proceeded to ask a few personal questions about me (weird right?)So far, I've told him I am gay, and we chatted a while then he said we could hang out. So I texted him, we smoked weed on the rooftop, he was complaining about how he should be taller, so I told him he was lucky bc he is cute. We went to dinner, I touched his arm when he was describing muscle pain on his arm. None of these things he really rejected or complained about. His response to he is cute was "I'll just be cute then" and to touching his arm, nothing.Should I give up? Should I keep trying? I'm confused and its making me anxious.

Can you still fix things when your 23

In February i'm going to be turning 23 and my life couldn't be farther from where I want it to be. I barely have any friends left and the ones I do have I never really do anything with because whenever I go places people are rude to me since I look like i'm 15 and I can't grow a beard I don't see that changing. I want to have a boyfriend but don't know where to meet anyone because I never talk to anyone at college and I only have one semester left anyway. The guys who were interested in me I shyed away from or didn't make any effort. I just don't know what to do anymore I just wish I had someone to talk to that has gone through the same thing, but it seems like everyone else never had to deal with this stuff or figured it out a long time ago.

I see a lot of college age people like myself worrying about not finding guys or dating, so I thought I'd write what I've learned as someone in a similar situation.

Hi everybody,I thought I would make this post just to give a little encouragement/mutual understanding/advice to a common theme I see on this subreddit and in other LGBT communities online: worrying about finding guys and dating in college. This is a topic that I struggled with a lot my freshmen year of school, and that I struggle with a lot even today. However, I have learned a lot just from talking to older people who have gone through the same situation, and by thinking about the topic a lot myself (being a quiet, not super social guy I have plenty of time for that).The first thing I tend to see people worry about is whether or not they will ever find someone. A good majority of the people who post worrying about this are college age or in college, like me! Let me first start by saying: I get your pain. College is presented by a lot of people as being this golden opportunity for you to step away from high school, be out of the closet, and to meet guys. However, while the freedom of expressing your sexuality is nice, there often isn't a real "dating" vibe on campuses. Many of the guys who I've met in my school's already microscopic dating pool were only really interested in hookups to begin with. Additionally, the couples who do find a way generally don't hold together that long. This is pretty common, to my understanding, given many of my friends at other schools have commented on how short lived many of the relationships they see are. My point being, while college may seem like a gift at first, its successes can often be short lived. This isn't to say that successful relationships don't happen, but don't be surprised that many of them don't. My recommendation would be two main principles that I've adapted since coming to college. These principles are: 1. There is not a guarantee that there is a good guy for you on campus, and 2. There is always the outside world and online services to help you meet people (and a new batch of freshmen each year).Another thing that I see people worrying about is the fact that they maybe haven't dated or had sex, and that they're "behind" in a sense from others. I'll be real here, I haven't been on a solid date in my life, and I've been nervous before about guys even trying to flirt with me. However, do I feel "behind" because of it? Heck no! I've learned a lot just by watching others succeed and fail, and while I may be envious of someone's escapades over a weekend, or a couple on campus, it doesn't mean that I should feel bad about where I am. This goes for everyone else too! We're all going to find people at different times, and while the waiting can suck, the payoff of having those first experiences being with someone you care about versus someone you're iffy about is huge. In my mind, there's no reason to be jealous of someone who is moving further along, but with a different mindset than yourself. Just take everything at your own pace, and let things come to you. Trying to accelerate the process won't guarantee results, and it may end up hurting rather than helping.One last thing I'll say: if you need help or advice, look for people in your community or online who understand you and your concerns. Don't find people who are going to try to make you feel bad for feeling nervous or unsure about your situation. It has taken me a really long time to get where I am today with my outlook on dating, relationships, and sexuality, and I still have miles to go. However, I think that with the healthy mindset I'm developing towards the topics, I'm learning more about myself than I ever thought I would.I hope that this is helpful to some of you out there! If you're still in need of advice or just someone to talk to, you're also welcome to send me a PM. I'm more than happy to talk to people and help them out in any way I can. :)

commitment and trust

any thoughts on how to maintain a respectful relationship with your partner and how to make the relationship lasts, how to handle difficult moments?

Went to a Gay strip club last night

So I am in Montreal for the weekend. First time I have been here. I went to this gay male strip club last night called Campus.It was sort of awkward at first. I am a 46 year old man and sort of stocky. I ordered a drink and then sat in a dark corner to watch the guys strip.Moments later this guy named Dylan, one of the strippers, came up to me. He had the body of a marble statue! He had his shirt off and he put his arm around me and explained that we could go in the back, and he would give me lap dances at $20 (canadian) per song.The next 10 songs were very sensuous and dirty! His body was rock hard and he was not afraid to do anything. He seemed to love his nipples, taint and armpits licked.Anyway, I am going to go to one of the bathhouses in the Gay Village tonight and maybe hit another one of these gay male strip clubs tonight. Just wanted to share as I am closeted and have no real gay friends.

Tom Hardy playing twins (one gay) in new British drama


Anyone got some advice?

So I am a bisexual guy [26], no experience with serious relationships. Main reason for this is that I don't easily connect with people emotionally, but also because I am rather picky about the people I date... As in, I'd rather not date than dating someone I only like a bit.Recently, I've upped my date-requency and started chatting with a dude on Grindr (yeah, I know...). We have quite a bit in common and spend the last couple weeks chatting daily on whattsapp, sometimes 2-3 hours straight, talking about things I usually don't talk about, with anyone. Haven't seen him IRL yet though, since we're both quite busy with work and school/uni.Ever since he said what type of guys he likes (he said he's quite picky as well), I'm really trying to fit perfectly in his ideal bf. Never done this for anyone and never expected to do this for anyone, until now. I really want something more with him, but I'm not sure whether he likes me that much to do the same. I've given him a decent amount of compliments, yet he seems quite detached with them... I don't expect or demand them, just in case you think that, but I am wondering if any of you guys has some experience or advice how to deal with this?I really like him and he is actually the reason I am telling more people I like guys as well (I can go on about the things I like in him for days, lol). In a couple weeks we're going to a festival/party with one of his friends and I know not to expect anything, especially with a friend of him there as well, but I can still hope right?How do I know this guy is into me or make him be more into me, I wonder. I feel like I really would do a lot for that, really weird for my doing. Got any advice or similar experiences?

Thoughts for my buddy, having a rough holiday


Meeting guys in rural Indiana?

So I have been ready to get into an actual relationship for a while now, and I have no real idea how to do it where I live (from the title rural Indiana).The last time I was in anything like what I want I lived in a large city and knew the community there. I have been searching for a while now for the community here and I have yet to find one within 40ish miles.I have tried on multiple dating sites, but nothing has come of them. Guys will talk to me for a bit but once they realize I want something more than random meetings they lose interest. I mean I admit that I am a bit awkward online compared to real life, but I don't think its bad enough to be a problem.Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to go about this stuff?I'm just a bit down about the whole thing. Any advice from guys that know more about this than I do? (If nothing else I just need to vent for a bit, I'm seriously getting frustrated with the whole situation.)

when you gotta get to work but you don't want to get out of bed... :)


2015. november 27., péntek

Just share one interesting finding about pornography

Az összesítés nem áll rendelkezésre. A bejegyzés megtekintéséhez kattints ide.

How do I help my gay friend with coming out and accepting himself?

I [22F] made a friend two weeks ago called Alistair* [21M] and after talking, he came out to me as being gay. I was shocked that he told me because we hadn't known each other more than a week but he said he could trust me. He hasn't told anyone else and I feel honored. He hasn't been with anyone sexually (including kissing etc) but is wanting to come out of the closet. He is scared about his family which he values strongly, especially his father who has said some horrible comments about gay people. Personally, I am bisexual and have had nothing but acceptance from my family members so it's hard for me to understand his current situation. Today, we were out together and he broke down in the car and I held him while he let out his feeling. I just want to help him as best I can but I'm not sure what else I can do besides supporting him.Thank you. :)

Truth telling time...

Have you ever had a double header (different partners) and not washed off in between?

What's the most stereotypically gay you've ever acted?

We've all done it

I thought I was straight

A few nights ago I went out clubbing with some friends (recently made, just started uni). One of them is gay, and after getting back to his he offered me to stay as I'd have to walk back to my accommodation.We ended up spooning, talking for hours and eventually kissed. I felt everything I do when I fall for a girl. I'm so confused as I've never thought about another man like this. I don't think of him sexually either, I just feel like I want to be with him. Any advice guys? We've spoken since and we've both said we felt something. I really don't know what to do now. Does this make me bi?

What is the opinion of Craig's List hook ups?

Just wondering how it happened and the details. Did you host or go there did you just get to it or talk for a while. More details are better than less.

What exactly are the pros of coming out to my parents?

I've been thinking about coming out as gay to my parents, but I don't really know how they would react, and I was wondering if there would actually be a reason for me to tell them.

Top Ten Campest Christmas Movies EVER


Screw homophobes.


Nothing Pleates the 90's.


A four-legged boyfriend, Part 3


great idea



22y/o, never been in a relationship, virgin, always moping around. Sometimes I think I'll just die alone and unloved, y'know? Always been poor and shy with poor self esteem due to a lifetime of being bullied for my weight. Sometimes I just wonder if I should bother doing anything at all. Am I just not worth anything or am I just worrying too much?

Who are some active gay scientists doing research on sexual orientation?

J. Michael Bailey is a straight guy. Simon LeVay and Daryl Bem are in their 70s. George Chauncey is active and gay but he's a historian. I was wondering if I could find a PhD advisor who is gay and doing research on sexual orientation. However, I could not find any.

2015. november 26., csütörtök

What was it like to be gay in the 60s/70s?

Aside from the obvious rampant homophobia and rights issues. If any of you were around back then I'd love to hear your experiences!

I really like my friend who doesnt know i am gay.

So, here it goes. Noone knows that i am gay and i've got a crush on one of my best friends. He has no clue. He's a bit smaller and has these amazing brown eyes and i've got some kind of a fetish for small people. I act as normal as possible, but sometimes i cant help it when being in a car together or lieing on a couch or when changing in sports class... We're going on a week long trip together in a month and ive got no idea what to do without making it akward? Do I tell him?

Tough week

I might delete this. I'm 25, and 2 of my close friends seem to be struggling to come out. One of them, I am realizing that I've been in love with him for 8 years. Our friendship has been odd, I think we all kind of fed off each others repression. Deflecting and negating thoughts of each other by enforcing almost caricatures of heterosexual men for ourselves. It has caused us some amount of psychological harm or discomfort over the years.One of the friends, we'll call him M. Ive known him for 8 years and shown him the love and respect he deserved for every second. M and I got into an argument recently and he attacked me. He beat me in his house in front of other friends, and dragged me out of the house by my hair. I've realized I must have been in love with him because I was actually struggling with the idea of cutting him out of my life. I am remembering every instance of abuse or manipulation I've watched him commit against other people, and recognizing how much it hurt me to watch and be complicit in my silence. I am afraid of M now. He is jealous and more monstrously sick than I could have imagined.Now Z, I still love. He tried to come out to me this year but we were on acid and I responded clumsily. I have legitimately fantasized about traveling with Z, fucking him, being alone with him.... I want to bring the subject up again but last time I tried he acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. I've never done anything remotely sexual with Z (or any male friend).I haven't told Z what M did to me. He might have heard. I don't know. I'm afraid that I will lose both of them and that I'll be portrayed to our friends as trying to turn against M. He is so powerfully influential, I can imagine it happening.Now, on the home front, I'm recognizing to myself that I'm bisexual. My father (whom I currently live with) must have picked up on this in some way that I didn't realize. OR he recognized independently, because my dad is gay. My step mom told me this. She seems legitimately unhappy with him, and if you ask me how he has been acting, I would say possibly suicidal. He gave me the most fragile smile I've ever seen today. This is his third marriage. Happy Thanksgiving.

What should I do about a crush on my best friend?

So first, some context: I'm in my first year of college, and came to school unsure of what to expect in the way of friends and relationships. I wasn't even sure of my college's culture toward the LGBT community. Anyway, I got very lucky in finding a group of friends who I've become very close to. One of my friends in particular, let's call him Steven, seemed to gravitate toward me as one of only 3 other males in our group of friends. I was thrilled that he was interested in being friends with me even after finding out that I'm gay. In high school my friends were all girls, and I don't have a lot of experience being friends with a straight guy. Steven and I joked a few times about becoming roommates, because we were miserable with our current ones. Honestly, I didn't think he would ever go for it, and I was only half serious because I wondered if our friendship would even hold up. Last month, we actually did become roommates. He ended up dating a girl in our group of friends (let's say her name is Jamie). I remember feeling really jealous when I saw them start holding hands, but I kind of chalked it up to just feeling lonely. I'm close friends with Jamie as well, although I still get a little irritable when I'm around them together. I tried to force myself to think it was nothing. But all of my other friends treated their relationship very differently than the way I felt about it, so I knew something was off. And somehow, I had developed a crush on Steven. I came to care more about what he thought of me than anybody else. I was depressed for a few days this month like I had never been before, and he was a big part of why. My friendship with him means SO much to me. When I was depressed, he noticed very quickly and tried to talk me through it. He constantly talks about things that he wants to do with me, like starting a podcast together, or writing something with me. He always says we'll be the next Matt Stone and Trey Parker, which I think is cheesy, but he really hopes. I've never had a friend - I think boy or girl - who so sincerely enjoys being my friend. So there's a lot at risk. But he's talked about possibly having to break up with Jamie at the end of the school year, because she's studying abroad over next year's Fall semester (he's told me he isn't even sure they will last that long). I've been considering letting it slip some time after that, which I know is reckless, and nothing good could come after. Is it too unreasonable to think that if he knew, we could still be friends? Could I ever tell him, even in a retrospective way after I no longer think of him this way? I don't, in any way, expect him to act on it. Hopefully one day soon I'll realize that I'm being stupid; maybe I'm boy crazy, never having had a friendship like this before. Thanks for listening to my story, friends.

finding a SO of some kind

I have no doubt this has been asked a million times but I scrolled for a little while and didn't see a satisfactory answer. But how do you lucky gay guys meet people who you can trust and try actually dating. I've been using Grindr for a while which of course has only lead to hookups and one-night-stands but I am at a loss when it comes to meeting someone who is looking for more than just a hookup.I go to UCONN and [hopefully I am wrong about this] it seems like most of the guys around here either choose to stay in the closet or avoid dating apps.I'm so tired of being alone I just want to know if there is somewhere, either a physical or online setting, where I might actually meet someone I'm attracted to who is looking for more than just "right now."I see/hear stories on youtube and tumblr and what not about guys who just happened upon each other and fell in love are in the process of living happily ever after. I've been holding out for years hoping that eventually this will happen to me but it's hard not to lose hope. I'm not necessarily looking for the man I'm gonna marry just someone who wants to spend more than the time it takes to have sex with me.At this point I have basically just accepted my disappointing situation and am planning to move somewhere more open, I guess, or whatever UCONN isn't. Am I doing something wrong? It's 2015, it can't be that in a liberal state like CT it's this hard to find men who are openly gay. I'll take any advice that you may have, or even just stories about how you met someone you are dating or have dated.Again I'm sorry because I'm sure that this has been answered a million times but maybe someone from my area has some advice that can get me out of this hole.

Hitting on people outside of web-related media

So, I feel like a stupid blonde posting this, but...there's this cute boy on my univ. I definitely know he is gay, poked him a few times on fb and he reciprocated.And, from here on, I'm dead in the water.I don't get how people find each other in a "public" setting, provided this is not some ultra-tolerant part of the world (mine isn't). And yet, people do.Stories/advice?

what are your reasons for not finding a boyfriend?

Mine are 1. Lack of options ( I.e , online dating, clubbing tried and failed) 2. After work I just to want to chill 3. Going for impossible people 4. Sometimes I think it's not worthy

Anyone willing to give feedback?

Hi Everyone,I hope this subreddit is an okay place to post this question. If not, please let me know and I will post elsewhere (recommendations would be great!).I am hoping that the members of this community would be willing to give me some advice on a situation that I am in. First lets start off with a little background:I am a male in my twenties and I am currently engaged to a female whom I love so much. I have always considered myself to be "straight" with... a little bit of curiosity for same sex relations.My dilemma:I am extremely attracted to women, and I find my finacee to be the most beautiful and sexy woman and I am extremely sexually attracted and compatible with her. The only thing is, I am also attracted to men. Here is the caveat though. I find myself attracted to men's penises, and men's bodies, however, I do not often find men to be attractive in a general sense. It has happened before and I have found myself looking at men and being attracted to them, but its not terribly often.I tend to prefer gay or transgender porn to all others as the idea of a penis turns me on the most. I typically do not look at regular heterosexual porn and if I do, it is blow job porn with the focus of my attention being on the man's penis.I have had sexual relations with a few men and I have found that I really enjoyed it. I love pleasuring a man and having the satisfaction of knowing it. I find certain sexual acts to be extremely satisfying. I also find myself craving and wanting more sexual relations with men on a pretty regular basis.There in lies my problem. I am engaged and in a dedicated relationship with a woman that I love. But I feel myself craving and wanting a man's penis with an extreme intensity.What advice do you all have for t his situation? Have any of you been in this situation yourselves? How did it turn out?Edit: Formatting Thanks for listening everyone and thank you in advance for your advice!

How can I become a pornstar?!

Or at least do a scene? I live close to the SF Valley and I consider myself straight. I know that the biz is into straight boys and I'm a good looking, white 18year old male. I'm a swimmer so I have a toned body plus I'm naturally smooth.I want to be in any kind of film from vanilla (just me getting a bj) or as kinky as possible (me bound and helpless, used as a cum dump and get my virgin asshole, shaved, primed and ready for its first entry. Then piss into my ass and make me shoot it out into a bowl and dump it all over my face. Or get gangbanged while bound and immobile and everyone nuts into my ass and someone collects it into a bowl and they all feed me the cum).Anyone know where I can get started I've tried looking everywhere. Plus I need the cash.

Weird & Trippy Queer Music Video


CDC: 75.5% of Syphilis Cases in 2014 Among Gay Men 'Where Sex of Sex Partner Was Known'


How Thanksgiving almost ruined the life of one gay family : see full review


2015. november 25., szerda

I have found the love of my life and on 19/12/15 the boy of my dreams will be my fiancee! (please read!)

We met at a night club. The date is a blur. I fell in love just meeting him for the first time, our first date was the next day. He was my boyfriend by the weekend. This is where the story gets interesting! Our anniversary is October 6th, from this day we have been in hospital, spilled our darkest secrets, fought, screamed and been to hell and back, we were homeless for a spell, our parents pulled us through it. We became stronger, I knew I wanted to marry him when I had a bad spell. In the hospital, screaming, crying, kicking, he told my mum he loved me, that he would marry me, that I was the one he loved, I swear I'd officially began feeling again since I was a child.. Now on the date we went up in Glasgow queen street, the same time, where we went on the winter Ferris wheel and I shot a photo of the skyline, I feeling nothing but love for him and fear of heights I am going to propose. I want you all to be a part of that. You have all helped me through this journey and I cant thank you enough, from to the date, I will post here to keep everyone up to date, please let me show what love I have for this boy and for all of you.

What did people do before lube?

Serious question. I couldn't imagine sticking it in someone dry, and I'm sure it would be even more horrible for the bottom.

HIV-Positive Men Read Mean Grindr Messages For One Important Reason


YouTube and How Its Changing Coming Out

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5XArGorZEcHere's a video project I did for my media class in college. The groups were randomly picked and I thought my group created a pretty good final project. Let me know what you think either here or in the comment section there. Have a good day!

IM 19 and have never been in a relationship, been out with a guy still a virgin, just need some advice ?

No text found

Anyone seen this tumblr before. It's one of my favs.


A playlist about ♡ and the various relationship stages #MadeWithLove ⚣ ⚢ ⚤ #OneLove


i hate my life

my boyfriend just died 29 hours ago by a infected needle and i felt heart broken and i think i should kill myself so i can see him once again should i?

Open to the World | LOVE

I'm a fresh gay guy on YouTube looking to connect with friends around the world. If any of you are into vlogs check out my channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSzmG1scG7gMy goal is to eventually travel the world and share my discoveries with all who watch. Ultimately I want to learn, grow and expand my consciousness through creation. Inspire others to open their lives to the world because we are all connected and can move faster together.Where is everybody from? What makes you happy? What inspires you?Thank you for reading my mind.Blair TylarI promise to stay if you promise to never leave

Is there a non-sexual, preferably romantic, equivalence to the "top" and "bottom" terms when it comes to gay relationships?

I would like to describe my preferences (I prefer to receive affection and be embraced) in a non-sexual romantic way, partly because for me sex and my sex life is very personal and intimate, and partly because I don't want to give off the implication that I am primarily looking for sex or that I am any more of a promiscuous person than I am. And that is really hard to do when these terms are as sexualized and fetishized as they are.Little/Big spoon works I suppose, but it's a bit too dry.

A four-legged boyfriend, Part 2


Canadian gay comic Pat Mill's hilarious new movie Guidance is now streaming


I think my friend turned gay.. How to get rid of my homophobia?

Hello gay people of reddit, I'd like to start with saying I've never had any problems with gay people untill the events of last year, and never called someone who was gay any names or whatsoever so please don't judge!My long time friend has always been a good looking socially strong footed guy. Never had a problem getting it on with girls or making friends. That said, since he broke up girlfriend 5 years ago he has' nt been the same. He started having "trouble" stepping up to girls (girls stepped up to him allot though), and started having the great dry spell lasting about 4 years. In this time he discovered raves and parties and met a group of open minded people wich he hanged out with ALLOT. Me being kind of an oddjob never really fit in to the group, but quickly noticed they're were pretty loose when it conceirned sex and relationships. That's all cool in my book, but I'm kind of an uptight guy when it comes to sex, and only really open up about anything when I'm with my girlfriend.As a result me and my friend never really discuss things in the open, and will dodge any questions or converstaions leading that way. Atleast when talking to me. I have the feeling he's had more succes opening up with other people like his before mentioned group of friends. He still does not open up with me and his old, very manly group of friends. I've tried bringing up his sexuality but he derails the conversation or just flat out denies being gay in any way. On top of that we also had a rough year with me taking over his business with things going kind of rocky as a lot of money was involved. As a result we drifted apart even further and paired with me not fitting in with his new group of friends it made me feel kind of bitter about our relationship.So I've done some self reflection lately and kind of discovered I have developed this notion of homophobia, making me instantly defencive whenever a guy even sort of resembles being intrested in me in any sort of way. This obviously is not something to be proud of and is has been a bad influence on my life.tldr: I think I have developed homophobia and I would like to ask anyone to reflect on my situation and maybe give some advice on how to lower my shield to both my friend and people in general. Thanks in advcance!

I found my boyfriend on Tindr....what do I do now.

So me and my boyfriend are in an LDR. We connected online and we've skyped and seen pictures of each other, and we were planning to meet up with each other in Denver next spring so we could finally meet in person. I was even considering transfering to a school near him (that would actually be a better match for me anyway) so I could be with him.....until a friend of mine found his Tindr profile.Now I'm kinda bummed. I'm really insecure already, like feeling ugly, alone yadiyada, and this all just makes it all worse. Like it was hard for me to meet guys in person because I feel so low all the time, and now my first boyfriend is probably cheating on me.I know I shouldn't assume, but I need advice. I'm just not sure how to proceed.

2015. november 24., kedd

Gay bicurious denial help

I'm gay and bicurious and I want to know how to stop sexualizing women

LGBT - LEGO mashup artwork I made, t-shirts available on Tee Public


I have just come out. What did I do wrong?

I am nearly 26. I have been an intensely devout conservative Catholic for the whole of my adult life until now. I am an atheist now and I have come out to family and close friends. For several years tried to change my sexuality through self-help books written by reparative therapists. I have suffered a lot due to this homophobic and oppressive mindset.I am a virgin. I don't have any gay friends, except the ones I met through an exgay organisation. I called an LGBT charity helpline recently and they were really helpful. I am going to go to their group in a nearby city, but I can't for a few weeks because of my studies.I don't know what to do. It is a really exciting but also daunting time for me at the moment. So I thought I would go to an event at my university's LGBTQ+ society. I have never been to one before. It was a postgraduate and mature student meet-up in a cafe. I turned up and there was one other man there, who is the LGBTQ+ society's postgrad/mature student officer. The rest were women, about five or six.When I turned up I got an immediate feeling I wasn't welcome. One of the women gave me a perculiar look, but I can't figure out if it was hostile or just awkwardness or discomfort, or me imagining it. From then on nobody spoke to me. Nobody even maintained eye contact with me even. I am not sure why this is the case. I am a reserved person but I think I have good social skills and I can talk a lot. The other guy did talk to me a couple of times, like where are you from? What do you study? But it didn't go very far.I tired to ask questions and butt in to the conversation every so often but nothing came of it. I am a bit confused. Why was this the case? I look and appear heterosexual, my hair, clothes and manner of presentation are masculine I suppose. I am worried they were offended by this? The other guy there was feminine but this doesn't bother me at all in the slightest, neither does socialising with lesbian/bi women. I just wanted to get to know some more people and make my current situation more normal.I don't know how to be gay. It must sound like a stupid thing to say, but I don't know where to start. What did I do wrong at this group? It appears to me they were either really intimidated or have poor social skills. It must be one of those two things. I can't imagine they disliked me, they had never met me before!

How to approach my crush

Hi, first of all, hello, I'm new here :3, now let's get to the topic.I'm 20 y/o, 4th year into college, and there's this really cute freshman, 19, that I've been talking to lately, just as friends. The thing is I'm developing a serious crush on him and I can't help it.I've had relationships before, but all with guys I met over the internet, so I have absolutely no experience with getting close to guys or making a move, generally other guys approach me when I'm in a club or whatever.I wouldn't say I'm shy or insecure when it comes to my sexuality, smarts, or looks, but I'm hell of scared of being rejected, as I have absolutely no experience with it. I've absolutely never been able to come to someone and confess, and right now I'm felling infatuation enough to come blurt out on reddit, which for me means it's quite something.As of today I've been considering coming to him saying something in the lines of:"Hey, I've got an unhealthy crush on you, could you just tell me you're not interested so I can move on with my life knowing that I at least said something?"Which I know is completely stupid, but I can't help myself, I value the friendship we are developing too much to just screw it up by forever thinking something could happen and later seeing him go out with someone else.And even though I'm considering saying that I don't think I have the guts to. So yea, it all sucks, and I'm feeling insecure which is out of my normal.Today I saw him talking to someone I didn't even know and I felt jealous about it, gosh I'm rumbling, I'm so terribly sorry, I just can't get my head straight I haven't felt like this since I was 15 and this is so awkward.HELP!I know I'm not making much sense right now, but please ask away so I can try and organize my thoughts.

Thank you, OK Cupid!

Now I'll meet the perfect guy. You're so helpful! /s

Say something instead of 'That's so gay'...


A four-legged boyfriend, Part 1


21 - Feel bad for wanting to meet a guy I like, worried being gay means settling for someone I don't want or being forever alone :/ (Venting)

Hey, 21 year old guy from North East of England here who is struggling with a lot of common problems. All I want is to just meet a guy around my age who isn't super-camp and who I'm reasonably attracted to both physically and mentally - I don't even mean more than just meeting someone like this, knowing they exist is enough right now! Seems to me the common answers thrown up to this kind of thing are either "wait until your older, you're young" (I get it, I do. But don't tell me that's a happy answer right? I have to admit, I have problems with depression and between this and "it gets better" my head wants to explode) and "open your mind". Don't get me wrong, this is solid advice but I don't think I've set my standards too high. I'm not looking for a model - just somebody that I find reasonably attractive around my age - and I DO try to look outside my age range etc. but I can't force an attraction there (it's just my current preference, I'm sorry, I get a lot of anger from older Grindr members about that). I guess a really shitty way of describing it (with pretty much made up numbers) would be that I find about 60% of straight guys attractive, but perhaps about less than 10% of the gay guys I've seen - so ya know, I don't think I have ridiculously high standards when it comes to 'guys' in general. It's all just kind of building up to this feeling that either I have to settle for something I don't want or accept being alone and that's bringing me down a lot - I also feel really bad about not finding emo/super-muscle/chubby types attractive which account for 99% of the gay guys I see online and irl. I really hope this post hasn't offended anybody, I would never put anybody else down and big up to all these folk! Everyone has different preferences... I just feel like I can't have mine :/ Not sure what I'm even asking here, rant over I guess.Kudos for reading.

multigay; toxic ( last one, thought i might aswell put this on here too :) )


I'm in a Shell.

I remembered when I was young, I saw my brothers looking into the mirror, toying with their hair for minutes and minutes. It struck me with a question. Why?I told myself I won't end up like them. "A waste of time" I said to myself.But look at me now. As vain as I could be. All I could care was presenting myself adequately. I have to be neat and groomed. Even when buying groceries, sometimes at least.Getting a fit when I could not find the right clothing to wear to a certain occasion. Every single time.Every single time, I look myself in the mirror, to groom and style my hair, before going out, taking at least 30 minutes. Well that's how I was late for my school and events.Im just obsessed with my looks. It has to be "perfect". I asked myself, how and why, I ended up like this. And I clearly knew the answer.All along I knew that I'm gay. At a point of my young age, looks didn't matter to me. However, it all changes when I felt infatuated. They are always the looks. A source of physical attraction."But how do I get them to like me?" I thought. The answer was the way I got infatuated. And that is with looks.But I felt so ugly. Every single thing about me are ugly. I looked myself in the mirror, and asked "Why do I have these genes". I envy people who are blessed with good looks, while people flocking all around them. And then when I look at myself, I'm a nobody.Nobody complimented me. No one. For all the efforts I put into my looks. No. I denied those compliments. I believed I was too ugly.I fished for compliments, but they were never enough. It's because they never complimented me. It was someone else. The fake me. Words thrown to me were to my shell where my real self is hiding.

“Ten Best LGBTQA Films Every Non-LGBTQA Person Should See!”


How Does This Happen!?


Mascular gays-feminine gays

I really wonder if there are mascular gays who likes feminine gays.I have a friend and he is so feminine but he had many relationships

2015. november 23., hétfő

Anyone else lost a parent? And a bit of question.

Hey guys I'm (29) and lost my mom a few months back. It was very sudden and completely unexpected. We had an...interesting relationship. She had addictions that made her life very difficult and made our life very strenuous as I got older.One thing I'm finding the most difficult is my boyfriend of 2 years...he refused to go to the funeral. He lost his mom 7 years ago and I know it's difficult but I'm the type of person I would of been there regardless if the roles where reversed. Although I don't think he knows but, it's not exactly a secret either, he knows this weighs heavily on my mind and it puts a lot of doubt in our relationship.And it's making it hard for me to move on from losing my mom. I just don't know what to do. I'm complexly I on the fence, I worry about my future with him. I almost feel better off moving on but I do care for him. I do love him. I just can't forgive him right now. What do I do?TL;DR lost my mom very unexpectedly a few months back, boyfriend didn't go and refused to go to the funeral, I'm resenting him and I feel I should move on, but Im not sure because I do care.

Fun Facts about 2014 - Year in Review: 2014 History and Trivia


Naked Boys Reading


The problems of a small town texan.


Any Twitter Gay Dudes? Follow 4 Follow!


Need help explaining something

When I came out people said that some people already knew I was gay, and while they were trying to say that to comfort me, I didn't like it. I think it may have had to to do with internalized homophobia, or not wanting to be caught in a lie, but neither of those things really hit the nail on the head. Anyways, if you could shoot some ideas as to why I didn't like people guessing if I was gay or not, that'd be great.

Previous Fallout games let you be gay, the newest game won't - Going back on equality in video games.


would someone be willing to have chat with me

Hi,I need to speak with someone because I feel like I'm losing my mind.I've gotten myself in a big mess with falling for a guy that's all messed up and doesn't know what he wants from life (i.e. he is in a massive denial about who he is)I'd really appreciate if someone would help me out with this. I've spoken with my friends about it but I don't feel like any of them really get it although they've been very supportive as they didn't go through something like this themselves (I've got only straight friends...).Thanks

In 1983, gay activist Larry Kramer was interviewed by Today show about the emerging AIDS epidemic. 32 years later Charlie Sheen is interviewed by the same show – article about how little we have learned.


Unorganized Holidays (Spouses)

Ok, I have anxiety and my partner totally knows this, we've been together 8 years. So when we go on vacation I need to know at least where to be, when to be there, and what to bring. So I get all my things ready the night before, all my paperwork is ready, and I am set to have a leisurely cup of coffee in the morning and then head out.Well!!!! This has never yet happened. This time we are taking his entire family on vacation, 20+ people. They need their passports, paperwork and all that. I have all of my stuff printed and in my bag... Have had it there for the last few days. His family... Not so much.The saga today... One of them leaves all of the passports and paperwork at home. Next they don't have all the tickets so they have to cut it very close because they can't pull them up at the kiosk. Checking bags, of course.The one thing that I suppose was good for this situation. I booked my flight months ago at a time that I know wouldn't be too busy and gets me there on time. So I leave 2hrs after them. The bad thing, I have to run around cleaning up the mess. So, time to get the left paperwork, bags, etc.It would be funnier if it wasn't me and it wasn't so frustrating.So, guess who is sitting here, sipping a cup of coffee? Yep, hell if I let this cluster-f@&$ ruin this damn fine cup of Colombian nectar! I might get an upgrade on the plane too... Damn right I am going to have 16 cocktails on my way down!The good thing, I don't have to host thanksgiving! HahahaAnyone else have a great holiday story?

African gays make simple request to pope: preach tolerance


Casual Gay Sex in China


2015. november 22., vasárnap

22. First gay relationship. Need sex advice.

About me: 22. Bisexual male. University student. Ended a serious hetero relationship with a woman in early March. Decided to explore my gay side more in the gap between March and October, so I decided to download Grindr. I met a really cute dude on there - bi as well. In the past I have hooked up with men and women. In terms of sex with men, I enjoy being a top and bottom equally.The guy I met on Grindr (let's call him Willy) is really cool and we've been seeing each other since mid to late October. I consider myself versatile but he only likes to top. Considering this is my first gay relationship I'm not used to bottoming 4-5 times a week. He has a big thick dick and I don't know if I can handle 50 minute sex every time I spend the night. After a while it starts to hurt and I want to tell him to cum but I don't know how.. Oh and he also likes it rough. He literally fucks the shit out of me. This brings me to another point - higiene. Is it normal to leak poop during sex when bottoming? In the past, when I've hooked up with men I have never leaked poop, or been rough fucked for almost an hour.Advice I need: How do I make sex feel better for me (bottom)? How can I get him to cum quicker? How do I keep my bowels from leaking poop when I bottom? (Obviously I would need to shit and clean beforehand, however the sensation of having a thick throbbing dick up my butt sometimes makes me want to poop)I'm starting to not like sex. HELP!

Feeling Down and Out of Place

Hey guys. I've been feeling a little lost and out of place lately.Basically, I feel like an ugly dweeb all the time. I'm the typical skinny white boy that everyone just assumes is smart yet awkward and nonathletic (which to be fair, I kinda am.) Both in highschool and now in college, people are nice/polite to me, but I also feel like an outsider. I feel out of place at the gym where I'm surrounded by buff attractive guys, and at parties where I'm surrounded by straight people all flirting and dancing, friends included, and I'm off to the side just drinking alone from the solo cup.I feel even MORE of an outsider in the gay community. Most guys I meet are either extremely feminine/activist types (which isn't bad but I just don't relate) or they're masculine that don't want anything to do with "fems" or a dweeby nerd like me. Or they're model-hot and wouldn't even acknowledge my presence if I tried.This shit just gets me down all the time, you know? And it makes me feel unappealing too. Like I look in the mirror and I think I look like a 5. But then seeing stuff like people hitting on my (ex) boyfriend telling him shit like "I'm cuter than him why you with him" or being ignored at any sort of social gathering while people easily approach my friends...I'm just kinda like, "wow didn't realize im that nerdy looking"What's even worse is I consider myself an extrovert because I get my energy from other people. So I at least try to go to look good and go to social events like parties and clubs and the like so I'm not a hermit. And it's just kinda discouraging when people make you feel so ugly and low all the time, which just only makes it harder to even date or even make new friends. Or even to just have any shred of self-confidence/self-worth.My friends and family love me, which I guess whats in the end really important. But it just kinda sucks to be "that friend" or "that family member" - the one who avoids the party scenes or other events because, whether they try or not, they're just gunna be awkward because they're not attractive or interesting enough for people.Comments, stories and advice much appeciated <3 thanks in advance to all who respond.

Anyone here going up to schoolies next week?

Going up to Goldcoast on the 28th and was wondering if anyone knew of anything for gay guys


Had two dates this year. Two more then last year! Im 24 never had a relationship, virgin (I dont mind being one). Used to be fat, i got stretch marks and stuff. My teeth arent the best.Im insecure but social. Starting working out, got a shoulder injury..for about 2 years. But the injury is finally starting to heal (i hope). Got no parents, got crap education. Yay me.First date: Dude liked me, didnt like him :( Second date: Thought dude liked me, i liked him..but turned out he didnt like me.YayayReddit. Im scared to actually end up alone. I got so much stuff to fix i dont even know where to begin (teeth, loose skin, injury, education, social circle)I feel like by the time im done fixing me then i'll be dead. So i figured fuck it: i'll accept me how i am and start dating.Made some profiles tried to date. Its hard getting a date. Dont like the gayscene (dont know where to go) .. UghThey say it gets better. Well i got better. But still im not good enough.After rain comes sunshine.. But to me it feels the other way around. Its like whenever the sun starts shining im worrying when its starts again.Hope you are all well. And i hope i get there too!Bye!

i gave you a rare gift;


Five year anniversary + 3 months. Second year of our marriage anniversary in Washington DC. I love you Datou!


Is it just me, or does it seem like all gay guys know each other?

Maybe its just because I come from a muslim country and less of us are out, but whenever I go out with friends to a party or something there's one person there who happens to be gay and knows my life story despite me having never seen them before. Does this happen to you guys?

Anyone at schoolies?

Im up at byron bay with a bunch of straight friends. Anyone know some good joints for me?

I need some advice.

Hi i'm 18 and don't know how to handle these thoughts. I think about have sex with a guy taking and receiving each other and orally like it gets really freaky. But i've been straight my whole life. I have a gf of 3 years and she is great. I love having sex with her and just being with her. It's just these thoughts have been happening more often and i really want to act on them but morally i believe that no one should cheat on their SO. I've tried self prostate stimulation w/ fingers which didn't help at all just left me yearning for more and i couldn't really get to the prostate. SO absolutely wont peg or finger cause she just not into that justifiably.Any tips/advice would be appreciated THANKS!

Curiosity of a straight guy

As the title suggests, I'm straight. But I am curious about something. See my wife and I are rather open to each other sexually, as in we've done almost everything we can think of, and I got curious one day after she wanted to try anal. We did it and she liked it and all since she likes a hint of pain and what not, and since I get random thoughts all the time, I wonder, when you have sex with a partner, is it a mix of pleasure, pain, or both? Like what exactly appeals about reviving? Sorry if I bother anyone with this question, just super curious about what provides pleasure in that situation. Thanks!

2015. november 21., szombat

Please take this seriously. I'm 21 and I have never had a relationship or dated anyone my whole life.

okay, im just gonna post this right here. please dont make fun of me.i'm 21, and it says it right there on the title. yes i'm 21 and still a virgin. for me that doesn't really matter, i'm the kind of guy that wants things to be special and meaningful so yes i want my first 'sexual' experience to be that way. but at the same time, im at that stage where i ask myself "what is wrong with me?"first of all, the thing is that i never came out (or i don't plan to??) like the normal way you guys do (or did), i have never really confronted myself with my sexuality so people had always assumed im straight. like i'm really confused myself if im going to identify myself as straight or gay because i have been attracted to girls many times, inlove with a girl once (you may ask why i didn't end having a relationship with her? well' its a long story, kind of affects me still to this day you know cause it still see from time to time, we pretty good friends actually, ok im getting off topic right now but i did put parenthesis on this right?) growing up, i have also found myself getting attracted to other guys/men as well but that didn't really entertain the idea until i was like 18 or something. so yeah, but the bottomline here is that, i don't know anymore, am i straight?? am i gay?? am i what?? I DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE FREAKING IDEA.you could say that i kind of pull off the straight guy vibe. i play basketball. also addicted to computer games. i do not have any effeminate mannerisms (at least not that im aware of). most of my close friends and peers are guys but there's also a number of female and gay friends.i guess, im just at the point where im basically ready for a relationship like emotionally and physically, everything. i just graduated and got a great job with a promising career. great circle of friends and i have strong relationships with my family.i even noticed my parents consistently asking me if im ever going to introduce anyone to them. it's at that point where my mom says something like, "you know we wouldn't mind, if he's a guy. just tell us if you're ever seeing someone" and i'd just roll my eyes and laugh it off but deep inside im really frustrated myself.ugh, i dont know anymore...so any advice please??not just about my sexuality but my life overall.

I recently came out and want to open myself up to more experiences

I came out a few months ago cause I thought I had found my SO. After I was turned down, and pretty devastated, I've tried working on rebuilding my self esteem. I've had encounters before I came out, but that was just a handful of times. I'm thinking about going to a bar tonight cause I'd like to kinda immerse myself in the out and about pride kinda culture I have denied myself for a while. I'm in my mid 20s. What can I expect? Would you recommend bars to start out? I'm not sure I'm ready for a random hookup just yet cause my last romance can still feel raw sometimes.Thanks for reading.

Please guys, I don't know how to deal with this predicament!!! I am a catfish now :/ this is getting out of control...

Hello guys, I need your help again, some days ago, I submitted a thread talking about how I feel about my looks and the struggles that I have when I go out with my friends but this situation is driving me crazy. I think it needs special attention and I need to spit this out. I have a crush on this guy at my job. I really have NO words to describe how he makes me feel: nervous, my heart beats like crazy, I forget about my problems, and laboral stress, he makes me feel so relax. He is cute, so f**** cute, easy going, down to earth, smart, everything that I like In a man, gosh, I feel "stoned" not a cause his looks, I mean I look at him and just want to spend all night around his arms, just cuddling, watching a movie in a rainy day ( I love rainy days) I know it sounds crazy, I see hot guys every day and only feel this way around him. SO WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? I know since the very first time that I saw him that I have nooooooo f******* chance with a guy like that. I talked about him with my friends and they want me to get the confidence to start talking with him. But I didn't do that. I just wanted to know more about him so I managed to find his Instagram and Facebook profiles (both set as private) so since he have seen my face when we are having lunch at the cafeteria, I had to create a fake Instagram profile using pics of a hot guy that I have as friend on my real profile. That was when things started to get crazy: My friends almost stopped talking to me because they got angry because I didn't sent the friend request from my real profile. He accpeted the invitation and started to like the pics of the guy of my fake profile and I like some pics of his profile too. I also told another friend that at work about my crush on him and she yesterday sat just next to him, same table to have lunch and started a conversation with him. She told me that I should approach because he is so charming, easy going and open, they spent one hour talking so she got plenty of information for me. She said that guy is everything but honestly my chances are pretty low because he is also very rich (he lives almost in a casttle) while I manage to have. A "decent life" and a lot of people are trying to catch him. But she said if I am smart I can get my goal. That I should try. She even had a plan in order to introduce me to him. I said NO. She said that I am so insecure and I fear a possible rejection (which is true) I'd rather stay way from him. When I arrived home thinking about he and what my friend said and posted 3 pics of some song lyrics about having a crush on someone who doesn't know everything about you. (And he liked 2 of those pics ). He likes the guy on my fake account, and the real me almost is invisible and now I am becoming a catfish. I feel no sad. That is the only way that I can have him, I know it's not the best way but what can I do if I am ugly and poor and he's too much and I'm nothing. This sucks so hard.

Interview with the writer/director of 54 The Directors Cut one of the most successful LGBT movies this year


Need some coming out tips? Check out Mark E Millers video and channel


Gay friends?

I was just wondering what is it like to have gay friends as a gay guy? I know it's a strange question to ask, but I've never been in a good friendship with any gay guys. I've had boyfriends in the past, but I haven't ever kept up with any of them. I find it difficult, personally, to make gay friends. Whenever I meet a gay guy who I think is cool, and want to be friends with, they assume I'm interested in them sexually. Also, a lot of gay guys at my school tend to be standoffish and with diva like personalities which I feel makes them unapproachable.

Queer Voices: Do I Sound Gay? Does It Matter?


Hommages à Pierre Seel, déporté homosexuel, 10 ans après sa mort


Do you like facial hair on a guy?

I tend to shave my face as soon as hair starts to appear. But I was thinking of trying a new look, maybe a goatee that makes me look sharp? I'm 17 and my baby face makes me look 14 lol

Tom Daley on being bullied, proposing to his fiancé and his love of the Great British Bake Off


2015. november 20., péntek

Hey guys follow me!

Hey you guys im Mckenzie :D and i show ppl how to twerk. If you wanna learn check out my YouTube http://www.youtube.com/kenziereed26And my Instagram is _simba_the_lion_kingYOU WON'T REGRET IT!!!!

You guys have anything to say about boyfriends and not having them?

I've been alone for a long time.

so i like this guy at school...

in one of my classes, there is a boy that I particularly have an interest to. I have come out of the closet a while ago (i am slowly letting some of my friends know), and I don't have problems telling people my sexuality. I (15 going to be 16 in dec, Junior) and him (13-14? freshman. weird, huh?). in the class that we have together, he sits fairly close to me, but he sits in a table next to mine. everytime i hear his voice, and seeing him in class sends me a rush of happiness (because the class is a ceramics class, and the teacher lets us do stuff out of the classroom (grinding up old clay, etc.. etc..)). since the first day i have seen him i started to develop feelings for him (though we have never actually talked, only really, REALLY small talk that involved him saying a corny joke and me responding with probably with a few little laughs, he likes to say his jokes to people, so i know he is somewhat sociable.). but me being the somewhat socially awkward kid in my class i only make friends with the people in my table (three girls. one that i knew in middle school, and the others just started talking to them this year.), and because of this i always regret the first day of school (i have the class after lunch, and i had to wait 5 minutes after the bell to get my lunch, and the table with the three girls was the last table open.). so, other than being somewhat socially awkward, i occasionally eavesdrop in his conversations between him and his friends (>.<, sorry), and i know that me and him have some common interests (watching tv, weird interwebs stuff, etc..).But, the thing that worries me the most... is me going up to him, and start talking to him (my mind goes into uncertainty mode, and all negative emotions begin to fill in, my body feels like it is chained up by each of my negative emotions (i wish i could draw this.), preventing me from reaching out to talk to him (im shaking just typing this up this thing...), and since him and I are two grades apart, none of my friends know who he is so i can ask for help (that this would work...). my mind goes haywire thinking if he is straight, bi , or gay (my mind hasnt made up. He occasionally glances at me, and i look back and then he looks away fast :3). i know that if i don't do anything, he will probably disappear the next year of high school...the only way i can occasionally forget about my problems is by listening to music, playing games, or browsing through reddit...

How does a guy like myself find a boyfriend?

Hey everyone just wanted to express some concerns I was having regarding my "Sex/relationship" life. I am 25 years old and would say I am a muscular cub body type. I have a very magnetic personality that people enjoy being around. Looks are slightly above average. From everyone I have encountered, I am a hilarious to be around. I am openly gay (If asked) and have little to no feminine mannerisms. My voice and charisma are very masculine.My question is, how can I become more open as far as letting others know I am gay so they can approach me? Most people I talk to don't believe I am gay and for some, they want me to prove it as if I have no shame in kissing just anyone. I stopped all together with going to bars because it really is just a cruising spot. I would like a relationship and apps like grindr only glorify the "6 pack" guys with just sex. Any information or advice would be great. Thanks

What am I?

So ive thought i was Bi(sorry if thats a problem for this sub, if it is let me know) for a while, and now I'm not sure. Like if I look at a girl, I just kinda think shes attractive and all, but looking at a guy, I want to spend time with them and be in the same bed and kiss. I don't want to really have sex with either gender. Like the fantasy of doing a guy or girl can get me off, but the idea of doing one is just sorta nothing. Like videos only help so much when i have "fun" time(you know what i mean). Like i think girls are pretty, but I would rather pick a guy to be with. But actual sex doesn't really interest me. Some say I'm asexual, but i can totally get an erection and use it myself. If i had to pick some gender to have sex with, id probably pick guy. Am i bi, or something else. Id totally have sex with someone, its just that the idea of being in the same bed with someone and just having that feeling of live is more interesting. Is this normal.Tldr: i like both genders, id rather be closer with a male, i can watch either gender of porn and have a good time watching, but sex really doesn't interest me. What am i?

Gay people problems.


Advice on messaging back quickly?

Hi first time posting here.So tend to have my phone with me everywhere. I thoroughly enjoy chatting and talking to people, especially other gay guys, because I'm not out.I have the tendency to respond to messages fairly quickly.And in return I get nothing back, really late messages, and ignored read messages.Is it deemed thirsty or desperate to respond in a timely manner or If unavailable letting someone know?It hurts to never get responses, when you seem to get along with someome too.It makes me want to purposefully not answer for a long time, and idk if that's the right thing to do.Any advice?

Any other gayboys like myself jerk off to girls?

so do you?

2015. november 19., csütörtök

My friend who is gay is pissed at me.

Before I make my statement let it be known that I am in full support of LGBT. Sexual orientation makes no difference to me whatsoever, I judge someone by their character nothing else. Now, that being said, I am the only person my friend who is gay has come out to. He know I don't care that he's gay and thanked me for not caring. He also knows that I'm totally against slurs that have negative connotations such as fag, nigger, chink, etc. The other day after school he texted me and claimed (I say claimed because I don't remember having done it whatsoever) that in the hall I hit him playfully and said "fruit punch". Now, when he texted me he said "don't call me a fruit" and I had no idea what he was talking about. So I said "what?" And he told me about what he had recalled I did/said to him. I told him I didn't remember it and he got pissy and hasn't talked to me for 3 days (I have 4 classes in high school with him!!) The reasons I'm confused are because again, I don't remember having done it and I think he might have mis heard me if I did do that. And I'm also confused because he should know by now that I would never use the word "fruit" (I'm well aware of the negative connotations behind the word) towards him because It has male connotations and especially since I know he's gay! I've tried apologizing to him 4 times and he won't accept it and I tried texting him too but I get nothing. Also, my friend isn't always the best at accepting when he is wrong, and I really really think that he is in this case because A) like I said I wouldn't use that word and B) since I wouldn't use that word, why would I even hit someone and say fruit punch? It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't want o tell him he's wrong again because that set him off the first time but I feel weird apologizing since I think he is mistaken or I just really don't tenement having done it (but still wouldn't have used the word fruit towards him). Help?

Seeking advice: 15 year old gay I don't want him out in the cold

I have a female coworker. We're friends. She has a 15 year old gay son. He's fairly recently come out. She says she accepts that he's gay and doesn't care that he's gay. She has times when they're just struggling with each other. She tells me everything that's happening in her life. She's a Pisces. As is he. The most recent thing thats happened is that they were arguing and she told him she can't deal with his bullshit anymore and she told him if he wants to leave that he can leave. So he left. And soon after he left she started to worry about him and thought something bad night have happened to him because she heard sirens. So she called the cops. I'm just confused as to why she told him to leave and then called the cops later. He's on probation for being allowed to be served alcohol and being a minor. He's also been missing school. She had a surgery and couldn't find anyone to pick her up or be with her during the surgery. She was mad at her son because he's learning to drive and she wanted him to be there for her and then drive her after. And he went to school. Or so she thought. Only later to find out he skipped the second half of school that day. I haven't talked much to him. I only hear what she tells me. I personally want to talk to him and hear his side of the story. Of everything. So back to him leaving the house and her calling the cops. She says she was worried about him so called the cops. The cops went to all his friends houses looking for him. They didn't find him. Apparently none of his friends could provide him Shelter. So the cops found him at a park in town. I remember that night. That night was a very cold night. So it hurts me. Thinking he was outside in the cold. But I had no clue any of this had happened. She's told me this after the fact. So all in all I don't know what to do. I need advice. I want to tell him on facebook that if that ever happens again that he can stay with me. I don't want him out in the cold. Or feeling like he has no where to go. Any advice would be most helpful.

Twitter has made the decision to stop hosting blood drives until the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revise their policy and allow gay and bisexual men to donate.


That creeping sense

I'll out with it and say I'm a dude. I like other dudes. The word we use for that is gay. So I'm a gay dude. But the word "gay" holds so much extra in it that I feel like I lose my identity in it.I'm not just a dude. Nah, a "defining" part of who I am is the fact that I like other dudes. And it's so strange to be looked at spoken to like I'm something foreign and bizarre. Not a woman, yet not quite a man. A strange thing that is interested in people of his own gender. And people try and "make sense" of me or try to "understand" me. But it's queer and off putting. I don't fit the norm, so I'm an anomaly. Yet, I'm really not so different from your average dude. Hell, I'd even be so radical we to say I'm not so different from your average person. Why bother with dividing along gender lines. We're all human.Over the years I've had some of my guy friends who are into chicks come to me and we'd talk. We'd talk about how that girl rejected him. Or we'll talk about how he felt such a connection with this one girl , and how they had something going on. But it ended and he feels crappy about it.And those guy friends of mine will tell me how they feel so alone and so empty in those moments. And they tell me how shitty it is to be back to feeling so alone. And I think to myself, "I've felt empty for years. I've felt empty and alone, and I don't see any change coming anytime soon."So I tell my guy friend, "Dude, it sucks. I know. I'm sorry you have to go through this. But you have friends who'll be there for you to listen and relate to you. People to empathize. And let's be honest, there are so many other girls out there, and we're young. You've got time to make some meaningful connections with people you don't even know exist yet. And you'll eventually meet a girl, and the two of you will share a mutual connection."And then I feel a sense of dread when I realize that I've feelings for this. My guy friend. And how it is undeniably hopeless.I can grin and laugh at myself for a second. I can lightheartedly tease myself for having had yet another pesky crush on a dude who will never reciprocate. "And at this age?! Come on, I'm an adult. I'm too grown for this."But there's that creeping sense of dread when I realize I truly have no friends who can empathize with me.The funny thing about being gay: just like some straight dude. I have my preferences, and I won't just be with anybody. So as far as romantic partners go, I won't just be interested in any gay dude.The funnier thing about being gay: I can't just be friends with any gay dude. Being gay isn't enough to have a meaningful friendship come forth. And it isn't enough to make us compatible as two platonically related individuals.The cruel thing about being gay: there aren't many gay dudes. So it's hard to make friends that are gay and harder yet to find someone who I'd feel romantically interested in. God willing I could even make a friend so he could empathize with my, our, situation. But that sense of dread has me feeling that I'm trapped. I can't get out of this place I'm in now and it's dreadful.

2015. november 18., szerda

My parents don't keep me in the house, I do.

Not even necessarily dating.I mean, I have a car just nowhere to go really.How do I get out of this loop?


So, I love my gf and the female figure. However I constantly feel the urge to get man handled from behind by either her with a strap o. Or sometimes I think about a guy doing it. But the thought of a guy over me(no offense) doesn't really get me as excited as her dominating me( though I get really excited). I guess what I'm asking is, do I just need to explore or am I a just a confused gentleman with a pegging fetish?!?

I feel like I'm in Limbo.

Hey, I need your guys' help.So, I've known I was gay since I was around 9 (I'm 21 now). And with that, I just assumed I'd have sexual relationships with men, too. But I've never really given it much thought.Well, I spent my first night with a guy recently. There wasn't any sex because I've never really liked the idea, but we did a lot of other stuff which was close to. And in the moment, it was fun. I don't regret it at all. But looking back on it now, and thinking about how I felt, I wasn't aroused at all. I did a lot to him, but I wasn't hard for any of it.And it got me thinking. I never been turned on by guys, sexually. I've never really watched porn, because it doesn't do anything for me at all. Instead, I read erotica, but it's the intimacy of it (the kissing, and feeling) that I love, in the same way I enjoy pleasing this guy. I feel like the fun was in the novelty of the experience. But my feeling towards it isn't the same as how I feel about women. The thought of having sex with a woman is actually unappealing to me (which I guess is natural for a gay guy, right?), where as with a guy it's just like 'meh wanna kiss instead?'I'm so, so confused because of this. I always thought experiencing this stuff would be so affirming of my sexuality, since it's always felt like such a non-factor in my life. But instead, I'm now just confused as to how 'gay' I actually am? I know I like guys. I can see myself with a husband and kids. But I don'y have any interest in sex. At all.It's all a bit crammed in here, but I'm tiered of thinking it over, and need others' opinions.Thanks


dick bye

Worst date story ever about a suburban sexventure, hiding from a date's gun-toting father, a bomb shelter, and why you shouldn't do it in the woods.


Anyone know whats the Gay acceptance if any in Bentonville Ar, in the US??

Might be staying there for a while next year with the Bf

men in my butt

i love men in my bum hole i love it when it goes so far up my bum hole it hurts my prostate you fucking bumming men

What happened to /r/gaybros being in the sidebar?

I could have sworn it used to be there right next to /r/gaymers.

Need help. Bout to kill myself.

So. Two years ago, I was in a heavy depression and I thought I was bisexual. I lived in a town not far from where I live now and I had practically no friends, yet little did I know a lot of girls liked me. I'd always get stared at walking down the halls and I thought everyone hated me. I was severely depressed and played video games nonstop. So I leave this town with my mother, and move to one is previously gone to school in. I got kicked out of my moms house and had to move in with my grandparents. It's been a while now but I'm adjusting. So all of my old friends at this school were glad to see me back and I quickly came out of depression. Today, someone said that someone had told them I was bisexual. Now, id been talking to other guys from towns nearby and we were all like in the closet but the thing is, I'd never actually found another guy attractive, I just like the way gay sex and stuff looked. I'm agnostic and I don't think there is anything wrong. So he asks me and my heart drops. I think "oh shit, now I'm gonna go back in depression." At my school, it's looked down upon. I live in Oklahoma. I didn't want anyone finding out about my dark past I'm scared I'm just gonna fall back into depression. I feel like shit rn can anyone help me plz

The fabulously fierce Lady Bunny and her Drag Race Hoes video


One in five people have admitted making offensive comments about LGBT people.


Let me clear something up.

I know this isn't a place for politics, but I'm directing this to the gay community because it's for them. I'm Canadian and I used to be a Muslim. I didn't convert away from it because I believed it was all wrong, but because I have trouble in having faith to something I can't see, it's as simple as that.This is regarding the recent posts about people being afraid that their LGBT rights will be taken away because of the increasing movement of refugees. Do you REALLY believe that's realistic? They're looking for a home. Theirs was destroyed. They can't go back. Isn't it our responsibility as the human race to make Earth a better environment for the next generation? How will people look back at us and read that we pushed our own species away when they wanted shelter? These are normal human beings with lives just as bountiful and beautiful as ours. I guarantee that there are LGBT children in those refugee boats looking for a home.Following the recent incident in Paris, there has been a rise of Islamaphobia again just like what happened after 9/11. People are pointing fingers at ISLAM itself and not at ISIS (Or more politically correct; Daesh). People are afraid, and that's okay. I am too. But what's not okay, is generalizing and blaming ALL of the Muslim population. Do you know how big that is? 1.6 billion. In other words, 1,600,000,000 people. That is over 1/7th of the Earth's population in Muslims alone. If they all had the intention of terrorizing, we'd ALL be done for as the human race. I live in Jordan, a large mix of Christians and Muslims live here. It is amazing how much people don't see because of the media. People here love everyone, everyone is kind, respectful, generous and welcoming. -spoiler alert- They have their own beliefs. Shocker. Are they correct beliefs? Maybe, who's to say? They don't intentionally believe in the wrong things just as you don't intentionally believe in the right things. Hatred against bigotry is a form of bigotry itself is what I believe. Don't be like them, be better.I'm out as gay to a lot of my friends, and they couldn't care less, just like how it should be. The older residents of Jordan (40+) are still old fashioned and still may be living in the stone age, but that's okay. The newer generation of teenagers are a lot more accepting of outside cultures and that's a step in the right direction. They might not like it, they don't have to.When people say that people commit barbaric acts in the Middle East, do they know what they're talking about? This happens in countries where they have been politically and economically scarred from years of war. This is Afghanistan for an example. How does one country proceed into the 21st century when they are being slaughtered as if it's still the Medieval ages? Of course they're going to commit barbaric acts, it's what they've grown into because of the many years of war.I'm not very good at arguments. My point is that you shouldn't let the media portray your opinions on people. There are bad people in every culture. In every country. Don't hate on Muslims, hate on ISIS. They're the only thing that's a threat to the LGBT community. We are talking about a religion of 1.6 billion people, it's very easy to paint them all with a single brush and say "well this Muslim country does this and that" and all of a sudden that's a representation of Islam? How do you think American Muslims feel when that's being said? Or Chinese Muslims? Or Canadian ones? They are being placed as a scapegoat for crimes they did not commit.Islam does not promote violence, nor does it promote peace. It is a religion like every other religion in the world and it depends what you bring to it. If you're a violent person, your Islam/Christianity/Judaism is going to be violent. There are Buddhist monks slaughtering women and children in Myanmar, does Buddhism promote violence? Of course not. People are violent or peaceful.Thank you for reading. I don't have a TL;DR but I do have some quotes that might inspire you from various religions; even though I'm not religious, they aren't wrong.“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)"For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."" - Galatians 5:14"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." - Judaism (Couldn't find the reference, sorry)

Planning to meet a guy, but need advice.

So if you refer to my last post I asked about the age gap. He's 30, I'm 18. We have so much in common. However, whenever I think about meeting him, my heart starts beating very hard. I really want to, but I don't want to be murdered either.Am I being too paranoid? What are the signs I should look out for to make sure he's legit?Thanks for any help. :)

Please tell me I am not alone. [NSFW]

So am I the only one that is put off by cum? I was at my boyfriends house last night and he jacked himself off and myself, I was watching him and we both came. It felt great! But I saw the cum and I was just disgusted by it his and mine. Is that common? Or am I the only one ?

2015. november 17., kedd

homo-romantic asexual

Alright, so here is my delima when one reads the term asexual it seems to spark a lot of confusion. So he is genderless? Does not masturbate? Hates sex? Ect. However neither of that is the case. It basically means I lack sexual desire but long for a romantic connection with men. I'm starting to feel very alone, not being able to connect with anyone of similar preference. I'm sure there must be people out there like me. Anyway my question is when or if you hear the term asexual/homo romantic what are your thoughts, do you avoid said person or would you consider a possible relation?

Someone to talk to.

Hello. Ill keep it basic. I am a male in my 20's, realizing who I am. I am Bi. I am looking for someone to talk to, just to clear my head. I have had a girlfriend for the last 3 years, and she doesn't know.I feel I just need someone to talk to. PM me if You would like to help me out. Thanks.

Honestly, who wants to date a one dimensional person?

You know, after being around for 17 years I've realized something: I don't have a very interesting life. I've only done like 2 cool things, and those were years ago by now. I don't really have anything to do on the weekends.One consequence of this (or maybe even a cause) is that I don't have a whole lot of friends. The ones I do have are moving away for college.How can a teenager without friends or an interesting story have a relationship?Even if I weren't gay I would still have a problem with this. I feel kind of one dimensional, what you see is what you get and that's not necessarily what anyone would want.No friends, no experiences, kind of a shut in, how the hell am I even going to start dating, let alone make a good first impression?I'll be honest here, I'm not really dating material.By the time they die, everyone has a story, whether it's an adventure, romance, or a mystery. I realize mine is just beginning, but so far it's a pretty boring introduction.

Dating Advice

I only came out of the closet about a year ago, but I've never doubted my orientation. Because of that, I'm horribly inexperienced with dating. Someone please help me!Do I pick him up or vice Vera? Where do I take him? What's a good first gesture (hug, handshake, etc)? What are good convo topics? How to end the date? Exchanging info, making further plans?Thanks for any opinions or ideas!

a friend of mine is in the closet

I have been friends with an arab man for a little over a year. He's from a country where LGBT equity isn't a reality. Also, being LGBT is a huge stigma there. (He's from Lebanon) He has told me that his family would disown him and much more. How can I help him? I just want him to live his life for himself and not for the others around him. I care for him, but he is so repressed I don't know what to do. I know we come from entirely different backgrounds and a lot of it depends on him, but I've been in a similar position and I really just want to help...

a friend of mine is in the closet

I have been friends with an arab man for a little over a year. He's from a country where LGBT equity isn't a reality. Also, being LGBT is a huge stigma there. (He's from Lebanon) He has told me that his family would disown him and much more. How can I help him? I just want him to live his life for himself and not for the others around him. I care for him, but he is so repressed I don't know what to do. I know we come from entirely different backgrounds and a lot of it depends on him, but I've been in a similar position and I really just want to help...

Advice from Adeles new song

"I was so scared to face my fears Cause nobody told me That you'd be there"If any of you are going through the same thing I am, and are having a hard time coming out, maybe this can help.Link to video: Adele - When We Were Young (Live at The Church Studios) https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=DDWKuo3gXMQ

Fallen for gay best friend

He knows im interested in men and that I've never actually been with a man. We work really well together and are as close as friends can be. We even lived together for a time. He is supposedly done with his toxic boyfriend and my girlfriend left recently. I've fallen for him surprisingly hard (had crush on him for years) and these new feeling are far superior to my old feelings. It feels gut wrenching not to say anything But I'm scared to lose one of my last friends especially since I just moved to a new city. What should I do?