2015. november 30., hétfő

I'm into one of my best friends..

First off, sorry for being so cliche. I know this sub is filled with posts like this, but I just need to let it out.I'm a high school freshman. I came out late last year to a surprisingly accepting group of friends, and I'm still friends with them today. My best friend in that group was extremely supportive and helped me get through that initial flak o coming out, and now I have feelings for him.We sit next to each other in my 5th period class, and I have my doubts about him being straight, but maybe that's just my hopefulness making it seem that way? I was broken up with earlier this year, and I think that's when I started to notice that I liked him more than just as a friend. He's extremely cute, and I don't want to say anything. I honestly don't think he would care, but I don't want to take the risk of wierding him out or anything.

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