2015. november 28., szombat

Meeting guys in rural Indiana?

So I have been ready to get into an actual relationship for a while now, and I have no real idea how to do it where I live (from the title rural Indiana).The last time I was in anything like what I want I lived in a large city and knew the community there. I have been searching for a while now for the community here and I have yet to find one within 40ish miles.I have tried on multiple dating sites, but nothing has come of them. Guys will talk to me for a bit but once they realize I want something more than random meetings they lose interest. I mean I admit that I am a bit awkward online compared to real life, but I don't think its bad enough to be a problem.Am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to go about this stuff?I'm just a bit down about the whole thing. Any advice from guys that know more about this than I do? (If nothing else I just need to vent for a bit, I'm seriously getting frustrated with the whole situation.)

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