2015. november 28., szombat

Can you still fix things when your 23

In February i'm going to be turning 23 and my life couldn't be farther from where I want it to be. I barely have any friends left and the ones I do have I never really do anything with because whenever I go places people are rude to me since I look like i'm 15 and I can't grow a beard I don't see that changing. I want to have a boyfriend but don't know where to meet anyone because I never talk to anyone at college and I only have one semester left anyway. The guys who were interested in me I shyed away from or didn't make any effort. I just don't know what to do anymore I just wish I had someone to talk to that has gone through the same thing, but it seems like everyone else never had to deal with this stuff or figured it out a long time ago.

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