2015. november 26., csütörtök

finding a SO of some kind

I have no doubt this has been asked a million times but I scrolled for a little while and didn't see a satisfactory answer. But how do you lucky gay guys meet people who you can trust and try actually dating. I've been using Grindr for a while which of course has only lead to hookups and one-night-stands but I am at a loss when it comes to meeting someone who is looking for more than just a hookup.I go to UCONN and [hopefully I am wrong about this] it seems like most of the guys around here either choose to stay in the closet or avoid dating apps.I'm so tired of being alone I just want to know if there is somewhere, either a physical or online setting, where I might actually meet someone I'm attracted to who is looking for more than just "right now."I see/hear stories on youtube and tumblr and what not about guys who just happened upon each other and fell in love are in the process of living happily ever after. I've been holding out for years hoping that eventually this will happen to me but it's hard not to lose hope. I'm not necessarily looking for the man I'm gonna marry just someone who wants to spend more than the time it takes to have sex with me.At this point I have basically just accepted my disappointing situation and am planning to move somewhere more open, I guess, or whatever UCONN isn't. Am I doing something wrong? It's 2015, it can't be that in a liberal state like CT it's this hard to find men who are openly gay. I'll take any advice that you may have, or even just stories about how you met someone you are dating or have dated.Again I'm sorry because I'm sure that this has been answered a million times but maybe someone from my area has some advice that can get me out of this hole.

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