2015. november 27., péntek

How do I help my gay friend with coming out and accepting himself?

I [22F] made a friend two weeks ago called Alistair* [21M] and after talking, he came out to me as being gay. I was shocked that he told me because we hadn't known each other more than a week but he said he could trust me. He hasn't told anyone else and I feel honored. He hasn't been with anyone sexually (including kissing etc) but is wanting to come out of the closet. He is scared about his family which he values strongly, especially his father who has said some horrible comments about gay people. Personally, I am bisexual and have had nothing but acceptance from my family members so it's hard for me to understand his current situation. Today, we were out together and he broke down in the car and I held him while he let out his feeling. I just want to help him as best I can but I'm not sure what else I can do besides supporting him.Thank you. :)

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