2015. november 24., kedd

How to approach my crush

Hi, first of all, hello, I'm new here :3, now let's get to the topic.I'm 20 y/o, 4th year into college, and there's this really cute freshman, 19, that I've been talking to lately, just as friends. The thing is I'm developing a serious crush on him and I can't help it.I've had relationships before, but all with guys I met over the internet, so I have absolutely no experience with getting close to guys or making a move, generally other guys approach me when I'm in a club or whatever.I wouldn't say I'm shy or insecure when it comes to my sexuality, smarts, or looks, but I'm hell of scared of being rejected, as I have absolutely no experience with it. I've absolutely never been able to come to someone and confess, and right now I'm felling infatuation enough to come blurt out on reddit, which for me means it's quite something.As of today I've been considering coming to him saying something in the lines of:"Hey, I've got an unhealthy crush on you, could you just tell me you're not interested so I can move on with my life knowing that I at least said something?"Which I know is completely stupid, but I can't help myself, I value the friendship we are developing too much to just screw it up by forever thinking something could happen and later seeing him go out with someone else.And even though I'm considering saying that I don't think I have the guts to. So yea, it all sucks, and I'm feeling insecure which is out of my normal.Today I saw him talking to someone I didn't even know and I felt jealous about it, gosh I'm rumbling, I'm so terribly sorry, I just can't get my head straight I haven't felt like this since I was 15 and this is so awkward.HELP!I know I'm not making much sense right now, but please ask away so I can try and organize my thoughts.

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