2015. november 18., szerda

Need help. Bout to kill myself.

So. Two years ago, I was in a heavy depression and I thought I was bisexual. I lived in a town not far from where I live now and I had practically no friends, yet little did I know a lot of girls liked me. I'd always get stared at walking down the halls and I thought everyone hated me. I was severely depressed and played video games nonstop. So I leave this town with my mother, and move to one is previously gone to school in. I got kicked out of my moms house and had to move in with my grandparents. It's been a while now but I'm adjusting. So all of my old friends at this school were glad to see me back and I quickly came out of depression. Today, someone said that someone had told them I was bisexual. Now, id been talking to other guys from towns nearby and we were all like in the closet but the thing is, I'd never actually found another guy attractive, I just like the way gay sex and stuff looked. I'm agnostic and I don't think there is anything wrong. So he asks me and my heart drops. I think "oh shit, now I'm gonna go back in depression." At my school, it's looked down upon. I live in Oklahoma. I didn't want anyone finding out about my dark past I'm scared I'm just gonna fall back into depression. I feel like shit rn can anyone help me plz

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