2015. november 20., péntek

What am I?

So ive thought i was Bi(sorry if thats a problem for this sub, if it is let me know) for a while, and now I'm not sure. Like if I look at a girl, I just kinda think shes attractive and all, but looking at a guy, I want to spend time with them and be in the same bed and kiss. I don't want to really have sex with either gender. Like the fantasy of doing a guy or girl can get me off, but the idea of doing one is just sorta nothing. Like videos only help so much when i have "fun" time(you know what i mean). Like i think girls are pretty, but I would rather pick a guy to be with. But actual sex doesn't really interest me. Some say I'm asexual, but i can totally get an erection and use it myself. If i had to pick some gender to have sex with, id probably pick guy. Am i bi, or something else. Id totally have sex with someone, its just that the idea of being in the same bed with someone and just having that feeling of live is more interesting. Is this normal.Tldr: i like both genders, id rather be closer with a male, i can watch either gender of porn and have a good time watching, but sex really doesn't interest me. What am i?

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