2015. november 18., szerda

I feel like I'm in Limbo.

Hey, I need your guys' help.So, I've known I was gay since I was around 9 (I'm 21 now). And with that, I just assumed I'd have sexual relationships with men, too. But I've never really given it much thought.Well, I spent my first night with a guy recently. There wasn't any sex because I've never really liked the idea, but we did a lot of other stuff which was close to. And in the moment, it was fun. I don't regret it at all. But looking back on it now, and thinking about how I felt, I wasn't aroused at all. I did a lot to him, but I wasn't hard for any of it.And it got me thinking. I never been turned on by guys, sexually. I've never really watched porn, because it doesn't do anything for me at all. Instead, I read erotica, but it's the intimacy of it (the kissing, and feeling) that I love, in the same way I enjoy pleasing this guy. I feel like the fun was in the novelty of the experience. But my feeling towards it isn't the same as how I feel about women. The thought of having sex with a woman is actually unappealing to me (which I guess is natural for a gay guy, right?), where as with a guy it's just like 'meh wanna kiss instead?'I'm so, so confused because of this. I always thought experiencing this stuff would be so affirming of my sexuality, since it's always felt like such a non-factor in my life. But instead, I'm now just confused as to how 'gay' I actually am? I know I like guys. I can see myself with a husband and kids. But I don'y have any interest in sex. At all.It's all a bit crammed in here, but I'm tiered of thinking it over, and need others' opinions.Thanks

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