2017. január 27., péntek

I think my mom knows. Frightened and insecure.

I'm 19 years old and was visiting my parents over the weekend. I overheard a phone call of my mother talking to a friend. Basically she implied I was gay. Saying "I dont think he's interested in girls"Really freaked me the fuck out. Don't know how she'd know, never "acted" gay in my life. Really just made me feel worse than I'm already feeling. Just doesnt make sense, I didnt even know I was gay until last year. And I still have trouble trying to accept it.Most of that probably comes from self confidence problems started in high school, got teased a lot for looking feminine and skinny. And also even more ashamed of me being submissive. Just overall feel like a failure to my parents. I feel awful about everything at the moment.Although at the same time perhaps I am overthinking it? I am really busy lately and maybe she meant that I was too busy for girls right now.Help?

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