2017. január 31., kedd

How do you feel about Islam?

Had an interesting conversation with a friend today about whether or not we as Westerners should be concerned about the spread of Islam. I've always been wary of anyone (Christian, Muslim, Nazi, whomever) who belongs to a group that advocates for the genocide of gay people (among other things), and so to me the issue is very personal. However, my friend said she doesn't endorse Islam but doesn't "personally have a lot of stake in hating them I guess". How do you feel about the issue? In all the chaos of Trumpian politics and in the wake of the tragic mosque shooting in Quebec this week, I feel as though gay voices have been shut out of the conversation. So how do you, as a gay person, feel about Muslim ideology and the prospect of a growing Muslim population in the West? I'd especially love to hear from gay Muslims about how they reconcile their sexuality and their religion.

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