2017. január 29., vasárnap

Older And Lost In Life

I am a 32 year old gay male, who is struggling quite a bit with life. The problem being : I feel way too much is out of my control. I would love to talk with gay guys and get their opinions. Support would be nice as well.I am into younger guys. While this is true physically speaking, I like younger guys due to their perspective. Most guys my age are too caught up in the responsibility and expectations of life, and don't want to just "be". From my experiences, it becomes more important to start families, buy houses, and make a statement about how adult you can be. Truth is.. a lot of us still have that kid inside of us.I also like younger guys due to life transitions. I am a struggling professional, who just like many young people, is looking to figure out what I want to do with my career. I am still interested in meeting new friends, going to bars, and just doing silly stuff like bowling and mini golf. The problem comes in with the fact that as a 32 year old guy, my social opportunities for meeting younger people without coming off creepy are extremely slim. I feel like I will be forever alone.I have been on dating websites and apps for about ten years now. I very rarely have had opportunities to connect with guys, as most that I send messages to never respond. I am just growing tired of going on every app, seeing the same exact people, and feeling like I am trapped in this bizarre world. Relationships and friendships aren't this tough for most people, and I just don't understand how to break the cycle.I don't want to be known as a creepy, daddy, or any other label anyone wants to put on me due to my perspective and what I am looking for. I just want to lead a normal life with meaningful connections and intimacy.My career, relationship options, friends, are really what is getting me down. And the problem is.. they all require someone on the other end to accept me. If I am trying the best that I can, am always being rejected, and can't grasp any bit of success, what am I supposed to do to make my situation better?

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