2017. január 30., hétfő

So where do i even start ?

I have been dealing with the fact that I am gay or possibly bisexual. And these past weeks at least I have been honest to myself. I have come out to myself and it is scary but also liberating. Here is the tricky part. I am 20 years old and when i was 14 I repressed some feelings I had for some boys. Next thing I hit puberty and as I looked good girls werent a problem. I met a girl and we dated for almost a year and a half and all my fears of homosexuality seemed gone. But after a rough patch in my life I moved with my dad to Sweden ( I was living in South America in a very christian macho culture) And being here in sweden the feelings toward sex with men kind of came back. But as I kind of repressed that part of my identity it is so hard to now what to do with this part of myself as I havent done anything at all with men and NO ONE of my friends know anything or suspect, not even my family. This Friday im planning to come out to my Uncles girlfriend, because her brother is gay and I think she could help me. I really do feel lost and repressing this has caused me depression, anxiety and shame...

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