2017. január 30., hétfő

I'm a teenager in the closet and the "friends" I hang out with daily are incredibly homophobic and racist. I don't know how to deal with being around them anymore.

throwaway account because my real one is my actual namei've had ideas that i'm attracted to guys since middle school. only recently have i been trying to accept the fact that i'm bi. i'm a senior in high school, living in a Muslim household. my family is openly homophobic. it's been a pretty huge undertaking trying to love myself for who i am when i've been raised to hate what i am. it's hard accepting the fact that i'm bi, and i still can't even get it fully today. i'm planning on leaving to college and being myself, but that's still around eight months away and until then i'm in the closet.the big issue is the people i consider "friends." while i am close to some of them, a lot of them i only hang out with simply because of circumstance. they're in the group, so i'm their friend. this wouldn't usually bother me but they all have a deeply racist and homophobic sense of humor. i'm known for being the big feminist of us all, so i always call them out on their hateful language and humor. most of the time i'm met with being called a pussy or having them say "i'm not actually racist/homophobic, i'm just saying it as a joke!"their language and actions makes them racist and homophobic. every day i struggle to even try to be around them when they think being so openly hateful is funny. i understand their intentions aren't wrong, and that being with them is entirely my choice. i would leave, but having no friend group at all for the rest of high school will be incredibly lonely. i can't deal with that. my best friend, who also happens to be gay and in the closet, is all i really have and they don't seem too keen on hanging out with me every day. i don't know how to cope with this anymore. being around such hateful people makes me want to do the same to fit in. it's like i'm constantly at battle with my morals. it's hard to love yourself when you know the people around you could hate you the moment they find out who you are.i don't know what to do anymore. do i leave them? i know it's too late in the school year to find another group. do i keep trying to make them change? vocalizing how much it bothers me is basically yelling "hey! bisexual boy here! stop!" i can't have people knowing until after i graduate because i have family friends in my grade. do i just wait it out? i know it can and will get better after high school, but it's getting so out of hand, with all the anxiety and stress being around them entails, that i don't know if i can handle it anymore.

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