2017. január 28., szombat

Should we consider Muslims are allies?

I've never met an older Muslim guy who hasn't treated me like complete shit. When I was in high school the younger Muslims typically weren't as bad as their parents. I guess because there more used to it or haven't been in a country where it will get you killed. Either way some of the people coming here wanting sharia law zones are defiantly not allies, and I couldn't consider anyone who was very devout a ally either. The ideology teaches being gay is wrong and you should be killed for it. I know the Bible says the same thing but Christianity actually had a modern reformation a long time ago so that's a unfair comparison. Not saying everyone who's Muslim is homophobic but generally muslims don't support our right to be together or even to live in some cases.What are your thought? Am I being to harsh or have your experiences been mostly negative as well?

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