2017. január 27., péntek

Why would a gay guy do this? Looking for perspective?

So a while back I visited a long-time friend I hardly get to visit, who is openly gay. He confided in me multiple times about his social anxiety, and how I'm "the only person who listens to him", and his issues with his partner, who he apparently doesn't connect with openly. We meanwhile have scarily a lot in common from interests, to visions for the future, to personal aspirations, and can go for hours upon hours on subjects being on the same page to the extent that sometimes we finish each other's sentences. He is also very very comfortable around me, and his entire demeanor changes when we aren't surrounded by our other friends or his partner, and can finally get along to catch up. But before you think it's "like that" due to how we grew up, and his small 'gay' feminine tendencies I will never be attracted to him like that. He will always be somewhat of a brother-figure.Anyway in the most recent visit, when his partner was away that afternoon, we sat on the couch together and binged watched one of the shows he wanted to watch with me, and after looking at me a inordinate lengths of time, (turning away when I looked), and shyly commenting that I look "beautiful" in my most recent pictures, he was slowly brushing his feet against my leg and smiling at me. Nothing went further from there, as I smiled and pushed his feet away. But still. It just seems way too oddly flirtatious considering the circumstances we were in during the time, and since he has a partner it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Am I reading too much into this, because of my past experiences with straight boyfriends? Perhaps this is like when I'm overly affectionate with my female friends, perhaps? IDK, even when I'm being flirty with my friends or my sister it's usually obnoxious, and over-the-top.Gay guys, give me your perspective on this.

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