2017. január 28., szombat

Staying in the closet on purpose...

I initially took this job as part time for some extra cash, but I stayed for 6 years.. I never came out to my coworkers. A few friends that I'm close with or have known for years now but the majority of coworkers and now employees suspect but I have never confirmed anything.My reasoning for not coming out is partly fear of how people I don't know may treat me but my stubborn attitude and the main reasons for not saying anything is because it's not all that I am. It's not really anyone's business. And I never planned on staying.Now I've been inspired by some YouTubers. Just watching their happiness and hearing how people reacted to them. And now remembering those few years where I was completely out.. what do I do!?! Lol was I wrong for keeping it to myself? I could have inspired so many people myself but who is to say that was my place or that that was the best route for myself.. just looking to talk about it. I don't have any gay friends except my bf of almost 9 years

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